随笔分类 - Firebase
摘要:In this final React Native lesson of the series we will finalize the Notes view component and squash a few bugs in the code.
摘要:Install: Config Firebase: First we need to require Firebase: Then in the component constructor, we need to init Firebase: The config you can easily ge
摘要:Link : Video. 1. Firebase Auth: provides simple login with Github, Google, Facebook, Twittr. Link 2. Manifest: 3. Generate Mainfest and icons: Link 4.
摘要:If you are looking for a host website, you can try Firebase, heroku or AWS... Today, I tried to deploy a simple website to Firebase, it looks like pre
摘要:Create a Firebase Servcie: Display the list:
摘要:The idea: This post we are going to learn how to build a Firebase Forage with object related database.Form the pic we can see that there are two objec...
摘要:Using $firebaseSimpleLogin service.Here we use three methods for login, logout, register and getCurrentUser.Be sure to open the Email and Password con...
摘要:/** * Created by Answer1215 on 11/9/2014. */var app = angular.module('app', ['firebase']);app.constant('FIREBASE_URI', 'https://zhentiw-angular-fire.f...
摘要:Basic angularFire options: $save, $add and $remove.The way connect firebase:var app = angular.module('app', ['firebase']); var ref = new Firebase(F...
摘要:1.Installing Firebase 2.Accessing DataYou'll need areferenceto access data inside your Firebase.A core concept of Firebase is thatevery pie...