随笔分类 - Firebase
摘要:Anroid Firebase Project setup: 1. In firebase console, cerate a Android app setup you can find in code: Find "applicationId", undef "defaultConfig", p
摘要:AuthService: Guard:
摘要:import {Injectable} from '@angular/core'; import {Skill} from '../models/skills'; import {AuthService} from '../../auth/services/auth.service'; import 'rxjs/add/operator/do'; import 'rxjs/add/operat...
摘要:The upload class will be used in the service layer. Notice it has a constructor for file attribute, which has a type of File. This will allows us to i
摘要:Updated to AngularFire2 v5.0. One important change is that you need to call .snapshotChanges() or .valueChanges() to get data as Observable back. The
摘要:Firebase cloud functions is similar to AWS lambda or serverless. You can deploy you code which wrote in Node.js and deploy to firebase. It can respons
摘要:A simple store implemenet: Using this store in AuthService: Using Reactive approach in app.component.ts:
摘要:Config AngularFire, we need database and auth module from firebase. For the SharedModule: We use forRoot method to register our AuthSerivce, so there
摘要:Automate all the things!! Automation is crucial for increasing the quality and productivity. In this lesson we will learn how to automate the deployme
摘要:In this lesson we are going to learn how to build a custom Node process for batch processing of Firebase data using the Firebase queue library. From U
摘要:We cannot allow un-auth user to change the database data as they want, for Firebase, it is easy just need to overwirte the rules: Here we set "write"
摘要:import {AuthProviders, FirebaseAuthState, FirebaseAuth, AuthMethods} from "angularfire2";import {Injectable} from "@angular/core";import {Subject, BehaviorSubject} from "rxjs";import {AuthInfo} from ...
摘要:After successfully login, we want something help to check whether user has already login or not. And we will use Observable to do that. Create AuthInf
摘要:First, you need to enable the email auth in Firebase console. Then implement the auth service: Because login method return Promise, we need to convert
摘要:At some point, you might need to udpate multi collections and those collections should all updated successfully, otherwise we don't update anything. Y
摘要:To do auth, first you need to go firebase.console.com to enable the auth methods, for example, enable google, github... Enable goolge is quite simple,
摘要:Let's see how to do pagination in Firebase: For the init loading, we only want 3 items: 'limitToFirst' --> If not given 'startAt', will start from ind
摘要:Lets see how to query Firebase. First thing, when we do query, 'index' will always help, for both SQL and NoSQL. In Firebase, we can also set index on
摘要:import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import {RealtimeService} from "../shared"; import {FirebaseListObservable} from "angularfire2"; @Injectable() export class CourseService { courses$: Fi...