随笔分类 - Sass
摘要:ARITHMETIC ITo ensure consistent spacing between columns, our stylesheet has a reusable$guttervariable. Subtract the width values in.factoryand.highri...
摘要:FUNCTIONSWe need to find the height of video containers given a width and a 16:9 aspect ratio. To avoid doing the math manually each time, create a fu...
摘要:Better use @extend with % placeholder.Extend is useful when you want to reuse some of you class. Always use % placeholder.EXTEND IIt looks like.bluepr...
摘要:When to use MIXIN?Better way to use MIXIN is when you deal with browser prefiex, for example:@mixin transition($val...){ -webkit-transition: $val; ...
摘要:Variable Declaration +Use$base: #777777; /*Define a variable name*/.sidebar{ border:1px solid $base; p { color: $base; }}Default flag:...
摘要:Comments://There comments will not be output to the compiled css file/*This comment will*/@Import:The css @import rule has been avoided: prevents para...
摘要:VARIABLESThe color hex value#797979has been popping up quite a bit throughout our stylesheet. Let's store the color in a variable and replace all inst...
摘要:COMMENTS IWith the addition of Sass to our project, we know.surveyor h2and.surveyor h2 acan be simplified with nesting, but we don't have the time to ...