随笔分类 - D3
摘要:Most of D3’s native selection APIs also return the selection (or a new selection), to enable multiple method calls to be chained together. Since the c
摘要:Data visualizations are a lot more interesting when they’re interactive. Whether it’s clicks, roll overs, or drags, it makes things more compelling, a
摘要:SVG is a great output format for data visualizations because of its scalability, but it comes with some idiosyncrasies and unique challenges. In this
摘要:It’s time to live up to D3’s true name and potential by integrating some real data into your visualization. This lesson introduces the fundamental con
摘要:Change is good, but creating from scratch is even better. This lesson shows you how to create DOM elements from D3 and insert them into your document
摘要:Once you can get hold of DOM elements you’re ready to start changing them. Whether it’s changing colors, labels, or even link destinations, this lesso
摘要:Before you can create dazzling data driven documents, you need to know how D3 accesses the DOM. This lesson will show you the ins and outs of accessin
摘要:You probably use a framework or standalone library to load data into your apps, but what if that’s overkill for your needs? What if you’re just puttin
摘要:When your data contains discrete, non-numeric property values that you need to format or convert before displaying, d3.scaleOrdinal() is the API you n
摘要:Sometimes data needs to be converted from a continuous range, like test scores, to a discrete set of output values, like letter grades. In this lesson
摘要:Mapping abstract values to visual representations is what data visualization is all about, and that’s exactly what D3 scales do. This is usually done
摘要:Since React is only interested in the V (view) of MVC, it plays well with other toolkits and frameworks. This includesAngularJSandD3.A app with React ...
摘要:Integrating D3 with Angular can be very simple. In this lesson, you will learn basic integration as well as how to create D3 charts that can be packag...
摘要:MathScienceReading MathScienceReading
摘要:selection.call() method in D3 can aid in code organization and flexibility by eliminating the need to use chained method calls for every operation. ...
摘要:Up until now we've just looked at bar charts. A handy chart, no doubt, but D3 offers a variety of charts you can work with. In this lesson we'll conve...
摘要:If you want ot add margins, should appendgraphics container in svg var svg = d3.select('#chartArea').append('svg') .attr('width', w + ma...