随笔分类 - Java
摘要:If you were using Microservice with Spring Boot to build different REST API endpoints, context path might help you. For example, you have two endpoint
摘要:Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) complements Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) by providing another way of thinking about program structure. The key
摘要:Previously we use Application Context to get Bean and Dependenies injection. It is actually easier to use 'CommonLineRunner'. Main beneift is we can u
摘要:It is recommened to write unit testing with Mockito in Spring framework, because it is much faster with Spring framework test. But in case you can doi
摘要:For example, we want to test against a implemataion: We want to do the test with Java Context: 1. Bring in some dependencies: in pom.xml Create a new
摘要:In this post, we are going to see more functionalities in Mockito. Mock a List interface: Call multi times: First call, return 10, second times return
摘要:Previously we have seen how to do Unit testing with Mockito; In this post, we are going to see, using annotation from Mockito to make testing easier:
摘要:We have the implemetion: And we want to test agaisnst it:
摘要:Check the get started guid https://junit.org/junit5/docs/current/user-guide/#overview-getting-help
摘要:Let's say we have a extral app.proporites file which contains some extra configuration: We can read the extra propoties by using @Value("${xxx}") As y
摘要:Component Scan is important concept when we want to create Bean. Currently we know what, for the class, we want to create Bean from it, we need to add
摘要:We have the following example: The idea is to understand in different cases, how those instanse are created. Currently when running the application, w
摘要:When we use Bean to do autowired, it actually use singleton, so even we create multi instanses, they are the same: It print out: We can also tell Spri
摘要:In the example we have currently: The way we do Autowired is by '@Primary' decorator. It is clear that one implementation detail is the best, then we
摘要:Spring boot is really good for Dependencies injection by using Autowiring. Each class instancse in spring boot is called 'Bean', we can use 'Bean' to
摘要:JPA is just like a helper class for providing data for Controller, has method like 'findOne', 'findAll', 'saveAndFlush', 'delete'. in repository/Shipw
摘要:We need our data persistence with configuring our datasouce: In application.properties: " " tells to save the in memory data into a file called 'gs-sp
摘要:In pom.xml add dependency: Then in application.properties: Now, in the broswer, we can access h2 database though url: localhost:8080/h2
摘要:We can use different application properties application.properties: application-prod.properties: application-test.properties: We can setup different p