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摘要:Lambda integration with ALB HTTP(s) Lambda function must be registered in a target group ALB Multi-Header Values If a client connect to ALB, we can co
摘要:1. Create a Lambda function, because we want to work with Application Load Balancer, we need to give a different response from Lambda Check: https://d
摘要:Overview Different from SQS, once data into Kinesis, it cannot be deleted. SQS will be deleted after processed Kinesis is regional Kinesis Producers D
摘要:SQS Decouple applications unlimited throughput, unlimited number of messages in queue 4 days retention of message, max 14 days 256KB size per message
摘要:CloudWatch CloudWath Metrics Default every 5 mins EC2 Detailed monitoring Get data every 1 mins Free Tier allow to have 10 details monitoring metrics
摘要:You can let AWS to create a SSL certificates for you and manage for you by using AWS Cetrficate Manager. Basicly it allows you to use HTTPS.
摘要:Features Serverless Monitoring Authentication Throttling Web application Firewal Custom domain names How API Gateway works When user come to your site
摘要:What does it means? For example, if we have setup a API Gateway, REST API, GET method point to a Lambda function with no proxy intergration which retu
摘要:1. First, create a Lambda function call `lambdav1` 2. Create three alias PROD, TEST, DEV For each alias, you can modify the response body code, so tha
摘要:DynamoDB Consistency Models Eventually Consistent Reads Consistency across all copies of data is usually reached within a second Best for read perfora
摘要:It's common to use DynamoDB to store session state auto scaling feature vs ElastiCache: ElasitCache is in-memory, but DynamoDB is serverless Both are
摘要:Consume 2 x of WCU / RCU 5 KB item size, transactional item writes per second: 3 (5 / 1) * 3 * 2 = 30 WCU Transactional Item reads per second: 5 Celli
摘要:Using --project-expression: aws dynamodb scan --table-name users --projection-expression "user_id,game_id" { "Items": [ { "user_id": { "S": "ersaessew
摘要:The original code: createGroup.ts: import { v4 as uuidv4 } from "uuid"; import "source-map-support/register"; import * as AWS from "aws-sdk"; import {
摘要:Part 1 Of Serverless Framework with AWS DynamoDB & ApiGateway Build a Lambda function get data from DynamoDB: src/lambda/http/getGroups.ts import * as
摘要:Part 0 of Serverless Framework with AWS Serverless Project Structure New configuration format Please notice that the default structure of the TypeScri
摘要:You can find more information about Middy library and all available middleware here Here is an example for how to use cors Middy middleware in Lambda:
摘要:Auth0 returns a JWT token JSON that contains information about a user No need to send a request to Auth0 to verify JWT What pervents anyone to generat
摘要:Full-Text Search Find images by names What this usually means Support search by any field Tolerate typos Support highlight Rank search result So when
摘要:Read: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/developerguide/bp-partition-key-uniform-load.html https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/database/choosi