
 One particularly useful construct in the context of dynamic and multimodal networks is that of multilayer networks88. Multilayer networks are networks whose nodes may be connected by different types of edges, with each type being encoded in a different layer90. These layers could, for example, represent different time points, subjects, tasks, brain states, ages or imaging modalities. In multilayer networks, nodes in one layer are connected to corresponding nodes in other layers by identity links (a distinct sort of edge), which hard code the non-independence of data obtained from these nodes. Here we show the simplest case in which all nodes and all edges exist in all layers, but multilayer network tools can also be used in cases in which nodes and edges change across layers. We also illustrate the simplest  inter-layer connection pattern, with identity links connecting consecutive © layers; however, alternative connection patterns are possible。


                                                      --------摘自《Network neuroscience2017nn.4502


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