linux jar命令找不到 -bash: jar: command not found


linux jar命令找不到 -bash: jar: command not found

通过jar命令进行打包或解压包的时候报:-bash: jar: command not found 。JDK环境已经安装。


[luopu@TESTWEB1_13 ~]$ echo $JAVA_HOME

[luopu@TESTWEB1_13 ~]$ java -version
java version "1.7.0_95"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (amzn- u95-b00)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.95-b01, mixed mode)


[luopu@TESTWEB1_13 ~]$ sudo find / -name jar


[luopu@TESTWEB1_13 ~]$cd /usr/bin

[root@TESTWEB1_13 ~]#ln -s  /opt/freeware/old/jdk1.7.0_79/bin/jar jar


[luopu@TESTWEB1_13 bin]$ jar
Usage: jar {ctxui}[vfmn0PMe] [jar-file] [manifest-file] [entry-point] [-C dir] files ...
    -c  create new archive
    -t  list table of contents for archive
    -x  extract named (or all) files from archive
    -u  update existing archive
    -v  generate verbose output on standard output
    -f  specify archive file name
    -m  include manifest information from specified manifest file
    -e  specify application entry point for stand-alone application 
        bundled into an executable jar file
    -0  store only; use no ZIP compression
    -P  preserve leading '/' (absolute path) and ".." (parent directory) components from file names
    -M  do not create a manifest file for the entries
    -i  generate index information for the specified jar files
    -C  change to the specified directory and include the following file
If any file is a directory then it is processed recursively.
The manifest file name, the archive file name and the entry point name are
specified in the same order as the 'm', 'f' and 'e' flags.

Example 1: to archive two class files into an archive called classes.jar: 
       jar cvf classes.jar Foo.class Bar.class 
Example 2: use an existing manifest file 'mymanifest' and archive all the
           files in the foo/ directory into 'classes.jar': 
       jar cvfm classes.jar mymanifest -C foo/ .

posted on 2018-03-01 20:28  傻瓜乐园  阅读(4628)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
