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Big data
2017-12-17 23:04 by 沈橙Anei, 573 阅读, 0 推荐, 收藏, 编辑
摘要:Big data is data sets that are so voluminous and complex that traditional data processingapplication software are inadequate to deal with them. Big da 阅读全文
Cloud computing
2017-12-16 21:24 by 沈橙Anei, 732 阅读, 0 推荐, 收藏, 编辑
摘要:Cloud computing is an information technology (IT) paradigm that enables ubiquitous access to shared pools of configurablesystem resources and higher-l 阅读全文
2017-12-15 21:06 by 沈橙Anei, 153 阅读, 0 推荐, 收藏, 编辑
摘要:life doesn't always give us the joys we want. we don't always get our hopes and dreams, and we don't always get our own way. but don't give up hope, b 阅读全文
2017-12-13 18:41 by 沈橙Anei, 295 阅读, 0 推荐, 收藏, 编辑
摘要:import java.awt.*;import javax.swing.*;import java.awt.event.*;public class Sky extends JLabel implements ActionListener { //标签类JLabel的子类--刻画天空 Earth 阅读全文
MyEclipse 10中文汉化教程
2017-12-12 22:31 by 沈橙Anei, 1578 阅读, 0 推荐, 收藏, 编辑
摘要:MyEclipse 10中文汉化教程 切记:安装目录不要出现带空格的文件夹 1:把汉化包里的language的文件夹复制到MyEclipse 10里面的Common文件夹里(一般里面是没有Common这个文件的,如果没有自己创建一个)。看准了 在MyEclipse 10同级下也有一个Common文件 阅读全文