Calling Web Service From FMS

First step is to load Web Service class .
That you can do by: load(”webservices/WebServices.asc”);
Others steps are same as Web Service call from client side…
Will have to define an WebService
webServiceObj = new WebService(WSDLPath); // where WSDLPath is Web Service WSDL path.
Next we have to define onLoad and onFault methods for the ‘webServiceObj’
webServiceObj.onLoad = function(Wsdl){
trace(”result string — ” + Wsdl);
webServiceObj.onFault = function(fault){
trace(”wetherservice fault –” + fault.faultstring);
Next step is to call Web Methods…
It’s very much same as
callWebMethod = webServiceObj.webMethodName()
callWebMethod.onResult = function(returning){
trace( “callWebMethod returning String — “ + returning)

posted @ 2009-05-17 12:28  Andy  阅读(331)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报