FMSCheck - 检查FMS状态

View server events in the Windows Event Viewer

The Windows Event Viewer can be used for tracking Flash Media Server activity and debugging server applications. The Event Viewer displays a list of events that the server generates. (The following steps are accurate if you are working directly on the server. To view the events from another Windows machine, use Event Viewer to open a remote connection to the server.)

  1. From the Windows Start menu, select Settings聽> Control Panel聽> Administrative Tools聽> Event Viewer.
  2. Select the Application panel.
  3. Double-click an event generated by Flash Media Server to view details.

Check server health

FMSCheck is a command line utility program that can be used to diagnose and determine server status. The tool is available for both Windows and Linux using different executable files. As a command line tool, FMSCheck is completely scriptable using the language of your choice, such as Cscript, bash, C shell, or Python. FMSCheck provides information about whether the server is running or not, what the response time is, and which fmscore processes are not responding. A small video file for testing is included. The Users.xml file must be configured to accept a connection from this tool (this configuration is required to use –allapps and its dependent commands).

When the tool connects to Flash Media Server, it does the following:

  • Checks the connection to any instance of an application
  • Checks all active instances of the server by connecting to those applications
  • Can publish and play a stream
  • Can play the available server-side stream for an application
Note: Currently, FMSCheck only supports RTMP connections and does not check for shared objects.

FMSCheck commands and options

Option Description
–host <hostname> Required; tells the program where to connect the server. Example: –host localhost
–port <number> Port number is optional. The default value is 1935. Example: –port 1935
–app <app> Allows the program to connect to an application. Administrator must specify the application. Example: –app app1/inst1
–allapps Queries the Administration Server for active instances and makes a connection to each active instance. In this case, the administrator must use the –auser, –apswd, and — ahostport options in order to log in to the Administration Server. The administrator must configure Users.xml to accept connections from this program. This command can take time to finish; verify that the timeout value is adequate.
–help Displays Help for using FMSCheck.
–logfile <file> Allows the program to output a response to a file. If this option is not specified, a result cannot be provided. Example: –logfile output.log
–play <name> [start [duration]] Instructs the program to play video files. Options are start and duration.

Values for start and duration must be in positive numbers or 0 and represent the number of seconds. The default value of start is any, which plays the file from the beginning. The default value of duration is 1 second. You can specify all to play the entire file. You cannot give the play and publish commands at the same time.

Example: –play foo 10 5

–publish <name> <duration> [record|append] Publishes files to the server. This command must be used along with –pubfile.

The duration parameter is required; only a positive number, zero, or all is allowed.

Both record and append are optional. If neither is specified, the default behavior is to record. If the file already exists and record is used, the existing file is overwritten. After the file is published, it is automatically played to verify the success of the publish operation. Example: –publish foo -1

–pubfile <file> Specifies a filename. This command must be used with –publish. Specify the name of the input video file residing on the client side, the name of the output file to be created on server side, and the duration.

Example: –pubfile input.flv –publish output 10

–parallel [<max>] Allows the program to play multiple applications at the same time. This command is used with –allapps. If there is more than one application, tests are run on each application serially (connect to the first application, run test, connect to the second application, run test, and so on). Running parallel without specifying max tests every application in parallel. However, if there is a large number of applications, running all of them in parallel may not be desirable. Indicate the maximum number of applications that can be run in parallel by specifying a value for max. For example, to run 10 tests in parallel, use the following:

–parallel 10

–stagger <sec> Inserts a pause between tests. This command is used along with –parallel. The value of <sec> is in seconds, and the default value is 1 second. If you specify a very long stagger time (longer than the duration of the test), then you are effectively running in serial mode. Example: –stagger 2
–query <” “> Allows you to input your own string for special purposes, such as authentication. Example: rtmp://host/app/inst?foo=abcd
–timeout <sec> Specifies a timeout value, in seconds. If the program does not receive a response from the server within this interval, an error is returned.
fmscheck -v Prints a version string.
–auser <username> Specifies a user name for the Administration Server user. Example: –auser admin
–apswd <password> Specifies a password for the Administration Server. Example: –apswd admin
–ahostport <port> Specifies the Administration Server port number. If the port number is not specified in the command line, the default port is 1111. Example: –ahostport 1111

Usage examples for Windows:

  • * fmscheck.exe –host localhost –app app1 –logfile output.txt
  • * fmscheck.exe –host localhost –app app1 –play foo 0 10 –logfile output.txt
  • * fmscheck.exe –host localhost –app app1 –pubfile foo.flv –publish bar 10 –logfile output.txt
  • * fmscheck.exe –host localhost –allapps –auser admin –apswd admin –parallel 10 –stagger 2 –timeout 100 logfile output.txt

All of the Windows examples can be adapted to Linux by using * ./fmscheck instead of * fmscheck.exe.

FMSCheck return codes

Return codes for the FMSCheck tool report the status after the tool has been run.

Code Status
0 Success.
-1 Invalid command line argument.
-2 File not found.
-3 Connection failed.
-4 Operation timed out.
-5 Play failed.
-6 Publish failed.
-7 At least one application failed.
posted @ 2009-05-13 19:08  Andy  阅读(648)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报