< MyEclipse 2015优化七步法<亲测有效> >
- l 去除无需加载的模块
Window --> Preferences -->General --> Startup and Shutdown
- l 取消拼写检查
Window --> Preferences -->General --> Editors --> Text Editors --> Spelling
Enable spelling cheching直接点取消
- l 取消启动时自动验证
Window --> Preferences -->MyEclipse --> Validation
在要验证的文件上,单击鼠标右键--> MyEclipse --> run validation;一样可以达到效果
- l 换用JDK8
Window --> Preferences -->Java --> Installed JREs
选择Add,选择Standard VM,next
Window --> Preferences --> Java --> Compiler
- l 关闭Maven自动下载
Window --> Preferences -->MyEclipse --> Maven4MyEclipse
取消选择Downloadrepository index updates on startup选项,且Maven JDK也选择JDK8
- l 更改JSP默认打开的方式
Window --> Preferences -->General --> Editors --> File Associations
选择MyEclipse JSP Editor编辑器(默认本来是Designer),,然后点击右边的Default按钮
- l 更改文件编码
Window --> Preferences -->General àworkspace 编码改为UTF-8
Window -->Preferences --> MyEclipse --> Files and Editors --> JSP 改为ISO10646/Unicode(UTF-8)