
It's quite tough for me in 2022. I went through changing job, injury and covid epidemic. About Technology, I learned cuda and GPU programming at the beginning of this year. The language itself is very interesting as you could store data in GPU and calculate in parallel. However, the task is super challenging and cutting-edge, and there is not much reference. Then, I accepted a new position as Devops Engineer in Bank, and started to work with private Alicloud. I mainly supported project teams while they had various issues using the private Alicloud. Sometimes, I coded using python and terraform to add new feature in our team existed project.


CUDA (or Compute Unified Device Architecture) is a parallel computing platform and application programming interface (API) that allows software to use certain types of graphics processing units (GPUs) for general purpose processing, an approach called general-purpose computing on GPUs (GPGPU).

I tried to learn it hard. I remember I held a sharing lecture with my teammates, talking about the basic principle of using cuda and presenting some simple examples. Also, I studied an online official course, named "Cuda Programming". I think some content is amazing good, while I was leaving the company at that time and not learned in depth.


I learn this course from geektime(极客时间). It gives me the basic ideas of cloud computing, like oss, sls , ecs and etc, also tells me how to choose different products.