[翻译] Aggregator Provider模式——白皮书

[翻译] Aggregator Provider模式——白皮书

摘要:Aggregator Provider Pattern是Provider Pattern的一种扩展,用于创建和利用多个具有相同提供器接口的类的实例。该模式有一个Aggregator类实现了提供器接口,并包含了一系列实现了相同提供器接口的类的实例集合。


Aggregator Provider Pattern is an extension of Provider Pattern, which enables us to create and utilize multiple instance of the class having the same provider interface. In this pattern, there is an Aggregator class which implements the provider interface and contains a collection of instances of classes having the same provider interface.

Aggregator Provider Pattern是Provider Pattern的一种扩展,用于创建和利用多个具有相同提供器接口的类的实例。该模式有一个Aggregator类实现了提供器接口,并包含了一系列实现了相同提供器接口的类的实例集合。

The underlying caller class of this aggregator is simply unaware of how many provider instances do the caller Provider Aggregator contains, but all of the provider instances will be utilized with a single invocation from the caller class.

这个聚合器的潜在调用方类并不知道Provider Aggregator中包含多少个提供器实例,但在调用方类发起的一次调用中,所有的提供器实例都会被调用到。


Comparison with Provider Pattern
与Provider Pattern的比较

Provider Aggregator Pattern is fully compatible with the existing Provider Pattern and the power of provider pattern can be easily extended to use multiple providers concurrently without any modification on the caller classes that were using a provider.

Provider Aggregator Pattern与现有的Provider Pattern完全兼容,而且Provider Pattern的功能可以很方便地扩展到同时使用多个提供器,而无需对使用提供器的调用方进行任何修改。

In short Provider Pattern is concerned with the utilization of one of the available providers; whereas Aggregator Provider Pattern is concerned with the utilization of all of the available providers at the same time.

简单来说,Provider Pattern考虑的是如何调用可用的提供器中的某一个,而Aggregator Provider Pattern考虑的是如何同时调用所有可用的提供器。

Example Demonstration

Aggregator Provider Pattern is useful when we need a configurable framework to add/remove multiple services used by one caller/user. For instance we can have Logger Provider framework, where we need log info to be saved at text files, save to database and sent to email addresses and so on. Having an easy configurable framework along with Aggregator Provider Pattern will enable us to add or remove more services without requiring the code modification in the code that uses this provider.

当我们需要一个可配置的框架,用于为调用方/用户添加/移除多种服务时,就可以使用Aggregator Provider Pattern。例如我们有一个Logger Provider框架,我们需要将日志信息保存到文本文件、保存到数据库并向指定的地址发送email。具有一个一个应用了Aggregator Provider的简单可配置框架,我们可以添加或移除更多的服务,而无需修改使用该提供器的代码。


Regarding the example case that just been described can utilize the Aggregator Provider Pattern, by creating the classes as illustrated above. The code snippet below shows a basic usage of this pattern, where the last line will perform the log operation based in list of log providers loaded in the aggregator class dynamically.







现在想想,那个辅助方法的签名,不是喝Provider接口中的方法签名一样么?如果能多走一步,不就得到了这里所说的Aggregator Provider模式了么?






posted @ 2009-04-11 11:43  Anders Liu  阅读(2121)  评论(8编辑  收藏  举报