P2742 【模板】二维凸包 / [USACO5.1]圈奶牛Fencing the Cows
输入数据的第一行包括一个整数 N。N(0 <= N <= 10,000)表示农夫约翰想要围住的放牧点的数目。接下来 N 行,每行由两个实数组成,Xi 和 Yi,对应平面上的放牧点坐标(-1,000,000 <= Xi,Yi <= 1,000,000)。数字用小数表示。
输入样例#1: 复制
4 4 8 4 12 5 9.3 7 8
输出样例#1: 复制
//P2742 【模板】二维凸包 / [USACO5.1]圈奶牛Fencing the Cows #include<iostream> #include<algorithm> #include<cstdio> #include<cmath> using namespace std; const int maxn = 10005; typedef pair<double, double> _pair; _pair point[maxn]; _pair In_Bag[maxn]; double Get_Dis (_pair point1, _pair point2) { //计算两点间距离 return sqrt(((point1.first- point2.first)* (point1.first- point2.first) ) + ((point1.second- point2.second)* (point1.second- point2.second) ) ); } double Get_axb (_pair a_point1, _pair a_point2, _pair b_point1, _pair b_point2) { //计算两条向量的叉积 //向量a= a_point1 --> a_point2= a_point2- a_point1; //向量b= b_point1 --> b_point2= b_point2- b_point1; //叉积axb= (a.x* b.y)- (b.x* a.y); //a.x= a_point2.x- a_point1.x; a.y= a_point2.y- a_point1.y; return (((a_point2.first- a_point1.first)* (b_point2.second- b_point1.second) ) - ((b_point2.first- b_point1.first)* (a_point2.second- a_point1.second) ) ); } double Get_Cos (_pair point1, _pair point2) { //计算向量a(point1-->point2) 和x轴所成角的余弦值; point2.first-= point1.first; //把point1看作坐标原点(0, 0); point2.second-= point1.second; //则point2的坐标为(P2.x- P1.x, P2.y- P1.y); point1.first= 0; point1.second= 0; _pair point3; //在X轴上找一点P3,做直角三角形; point3.first= point2.first; //P3.x= P2.x; point3.second= 0; //P3.y= P1.y= 0; double Dis_P1_P2= Get_Dis(point1, point2); //计算直角三角形的斜边长,即P1P2之间的距离; return point3.first/ Dis_P1_P2; //邻边/ 斜边; } bool cmpx_0 (_pair a, _pair b) { //小于运算(y,x尽量小); if (a.second == b.second) return a.first- b.first< 0; return a.second- b.second< 0; } bool cmpx_1 (_pair a, _pair b) { //小于运算(按与基点P0所成向量的余弦值大小,余弦值越大越优先;cosx在[0,Pi]内从1到-1,减函数; //排序后,按逆时针方向遍历点集; _pair tmp = point[0]; //基点; double Cos_a = Get_Cos(tmp, a); //求出a,b的余弦值; double Cos_b = Get_Cos(tmp, b); return Cos_a- Cos_b> 0; //余弦值越大越优先(越大逆时针遍历越靠前); } int main() { int n; double x, y; while (cin >> n) { for (int i = 0; i < n; i ++) { cin >> x >> y; if (i ) { if (y< point[0].second|| (y== point[0].second&& x< point[0].first) ) { double tmp= y; y= point[0].second; point[0].second= tmp; tmp= x; x= point[0].first; point[0].first= tmp; } } point[i].first= x; point[i].second= y; } sort(point+ 1, point+ n, cmpx_1); int cnt= -1; //cnt -->In_Bag[]中最后一位元素的数组下标; In_Bag[++ cnt]= point[0]; for (int i = 1; i < n; i ++) //从point[1]开始; { while (cnt&& Get_axb(In_Bag[cnt- 1], In_Bag[cnt], In_Bag[cnt], point[i])< 0 ) { //当In_Bag中至少有基点和另一点时(cnt>= 1时); //逆时针扫描时,如果向量{Pn-1, Pn}与{Pn, Pn+1}的叉积为负,则将上一点删除; //(顺时针扫描判断是否为正) -- cnt; } In_Bag[++ cnt]= point[i]; } double Dis = 0; for (int i= 0; i<= cnt; i ++) { Dis+= Get_Dis(In_Bag[i], In_Bag[(i+ 1)% (cnt+ 1)]); } printf("%.2f\n", Dis); } return 0; }