
using Syncfusion.UI.Xaml.Charts;


public static SfChart InitCompareChart(string fundName, double tenThousandRate, double sevenRate)
            List<FundDay> fdl = new List<FundDay>();
            fdl.Add(new FundDay(fundName, tenThousandRate, sevenRate));
            fdl.Add(new FundDay("定期三年", 1.0274, 3.75));
            fdl.Add(new FundDay("定期二年", 0.5753, 2.10));
            fdl.Add(new FundDay("定期一年", 0.4109, 1.50));
            fdl.Add(new FundDay("定期半年", 0.3562, 1.30));
            fdl.Add(new FundDay("定期三月", 0.3014, 1.10));
            fdl.Add(new FundDay("活期", 0.0959, 0.35));

            SfChart chart = new SfChart();
            chart.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch;
            chart.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Stretch;
            chart.Header = string.Format("{0}与央行基准存款利率比较", fundName);
            chart.FontSize = 20;

            BarSeries series1 = new BarSeries();//ColumnSeries 垂直;BarSeries 水平
            series1.Label = "七日年化收益(%)";
            series1.ItemsSource = fdl;
            series1.XBindingPath = "Date";      // XBindingPath to provide the path for category data in the source object.
            series1.YBindingPath = "SevenRate"; // YBindingPath to provide the path for numeric data in the source object.
            series1.AdornmentsInfo = new ChartAdornmentInfo();
            series1.AdornmentsInfo.ShowLabel = true;

            BarSeries series2 = new BarSeries();
            series2.Label = "当日万份收益(元)";
            series2.ItemsSource = fdl;
            series2.XBindingPath = "Date";
            series2.YBindingPath = "TenThousandRate";
            series2.AdornmentsInfo = new ChartAdornmentInfo();
            series2.AdornmentsInfo.ShowLabel = true;

            //Adding Series to the Chart Series Collection

            chart.PrimaryAxis = new CategoryAxis();
            chart.PrimaryAxis.Foreground = new Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.SolidColorBrush(Windows.UI.Colors.Green);
            chart.SecondaryAxis = new NumericalAxis();
            chart.SecondaryAxis.Foreground = new Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.SolidColorBrush(Windows.UI.Colors.Green);
            //Adding Legends for the chart
            chart.Legend = new ChartLegend() { Visibility = Visibility.Visible };
            return chart;
SfChart chart = Functions.WinrtChartHelper.InitCompareChart(CurrentFund);



posted @ 2015-11-04 15:46  AlvinLiang  阅读(419)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报