
<%SUB ListPageMenu(objRs,intrsPageSize)
 Dim rsTotal,rsPageSize,rsPageCount
 If NOT ISObject(objRs) Then Exit Sub:End If
 If NOT IsNumeric(rsPageSize) Then Exit Sub:End IF
 If objRs.Eof And objRs.Bof Then EXIT SUB:END IF
 If rsTotal<0 AND (NOT (objRs.eof AND objrs.Bof))Then
  DO WHILE NOT objRs.Eof
 End If
 intCurrentPage=Trim(Request.QueryString("page")) 'Get the value of intCurrentPage
 If intCurrentPage="" OR (NOT IsNumeric(intCurrentPage)) Then
 End if
 Dim iStart,iStop
 If Cint(intCurrentPage-3)>0 Then
 End if
 If iStop>rsPageCount Then
 End If
 If iStop-7<iStart AND iStart>0 Then
 End If
 Dim strURL
 If Instr(strURL,"?")>0 Then
  strURL=strURL & "&page="
  strURL=strURL & "?page="
 End If
 Dim PreviousPage,NextPage
 If intCurrentPage-1>0 then
 End If
 If intCurrentPage+1<rsPageCount Then
 End If%>
 <table width="98%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
  <td><a href="<%=strURL%>1" style="text-decoration:none"><font face="Webdings">9</font></a></td>
  <td><a href="<%=strURL & PreviousPage%>" style="text-decoration:none"><font face="Webdings">7</font></a></td>
  <%Dim i
  For i=iStart to iStop Step 1%>
  <td><%response.write("<a href='" & strURL & i & "' style='text-decoration:none'>"& i &"</a>")%></td>
  <td><a href="<%=strURL & NextPage %>" style="text-decoration:none"><font face="Webdings">8</font></a></td>
  <td><a href="<%=strURL & rsPageCount%>" style="text-decoration:none"><font face="Webdings">:</font></a></td>

posted on 2005-12-17 20:10  孤剑  阅读(234)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报