

2013 微软校园实习生笔试题及详解(6-10题)


6. For the following Java or C# code(3 Points)


    int [][] myArray3 =  
    new int[3][]{  
    new int[3]{5,6,2},  
    new int[5]{6,9,7,8,3},  
    new int[2]{3,2}};

 What will myArray3[2][2]    returns?

    A. 9

    B. 2

    C. 6 

    D. overflow










7. Please choose the right statement about const usage:(3 Points)

    A. const int a; //const integer

    B. int const a; //const integer

    C. int const *a; //a pointer which point to const integer

    D. const int *a; //a const pointer which point to integer

    E. int const *a; // a const pointer which point to integer









  1. const限定符可以将一个对象转换成一个常量。注意因为用const限定符定义的常量在定义后就不能被修改,所以定义时必须初始化。
  2. 指向const对象的指针,C++语言强制要求指向const对象的指针也必须具有const特性。如本题中const int *a;这里的a是一个指向int类型的const对象指针,const限定了a指针所指向的对象类型,而并非a本身,即a本身并不是const类型。同时把一个const对象的地址赋给一个普通的、非const对象的指针也会导致编译时错误。
    const int r = 2;
    const int *a = 1;
    a++;                             //correct
    *a++;                           //error:*a might be const
    const int *cptr = &r;    //correct: cptr is a pointer to const
    int *ptr = &r;                //error: ptr is a plain pointer
    const void *vp = &r;    //correct,vp is const
    void *pv = &r;             //error:r is const
  3. const指针:除指向const对象的指针外,C++语言还提供了const指针——本身的值不能修改。
    int errNumb = 0;
    int *const curErr = &errNumb;     //curErr is a constant pointer


  4. 如何识别const指针和指向const对象的指针?const限定符既可以放在类型前也可以放在类型后,但对于非指针类型的const限定符,放在类型前和类型后效果相同。对于既有const限定符又有指针的情况下,我们可以比较*和const的位置来判断他们属于那种类型。const在*之前则为指向const对象的指针,const在*之后则为const指针。
8. Given the following code:(3 Points)


View Code
 1 #include <iostream>  
 3 class A{  
 4 public:  
 5     long a;  
 6 };  
 8 class B : public A  
 9 {  
10 public:  
11      long b;  
12 };  
14 void seta(A* data, int idx)  
15 {  
16     data[idx].a = 2;  
17 }  
19 int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR *argv[])  
20 {  
21     B data[4];  
23     for(int i=0; i<4; ++i)  
24     {  
25         data[i].a = 1;  
26         data[i].b = 1;  
27         seta(data, i);  
28     }  
30     for(int i=0; i<4; ++i)  
31     {  
32         std::cout<<data[i].a<<data[i].b;  
33     }  
35     return 0;  
36 }  

What is the correct result?

    A. 11111111

    B. 12121212

    C. 11112222

    D. 21212121








9. 1 of 1000 bottles of water is poisoned which will kill a rat in 1 week if the rat drunk any amout of the water. Given the bottles of water have no visual difference, how many rats are needed at least to find the poisoned one in 1 week?(5 Points)

    A. 9

    B. 10

    C. 32

    D. None of the above










10. Which of the following statement(s) equal(s) value 1 in C programming language?(5 Points)

    A. the return value of main function if program ends normally

    B. return (7&1)

    C. char *str="microsoft"; return str=="microsoft"

    D. return "microsoft"=="miceosoft"

    E. None of the above









  1. C语言中main函数返回类型为int时,若程序正常结束通常返回0;
  2. 7&1,即111&001,结果为1
  3. C语言中字符串的比较通常需要借助strcmp()或strncmp()函数,它没有直接比较字符串的机制,因此选项C和D错误。

posted on 2013-04-07 20:23  AllieLee  阅读(371)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报