* Make Fewer HTTP Requests
* Use a Content Delivery Network
* Add an Expires Header
* Gzip Components
* Put CSS at the Top
* Move Scripts to the Bottom
* Avoid CSS Expressions
* Make JavaScript and CSS External
* Reduce DNS Lookups
* Minify JavaScript
* Avoid Redirects
* Remove Duplicate Scripts
* Configure ETags
* Make Ajax Cacheable
如何提高网页的效率(下篇)——Use YSlow to know why your web Slow
* Make Fewer HTTP Requests
* Use a Content Delivery Network
* Add an Expires Header
* Gzip Components
* Put CSS at the Top
* Move Scripts to the Bottom
* Avoid CSS Expressions
* Make JavaScript and CSS External
* Reduce DNS Lookups
* Minify JavaScript
* Avoid Redirects
* Remove Duplicate Scripts
* Configure ETags
* Make Ajax Cacheable
如何提高网页的效率(下篇)——Use YSlow to know why your web Slow