限制对比度自适应直方图均衡(Contrast Limited Adaptive histgram equalization/CLAHE)


一、自适应直方图均衡化(Adaptive histgram equalization/AHE)




2. 算法的解释





 3. AHE的属性

  •  领域的大小是该方法的一个参数。领域小,对比度得到增强,领域大,则对比度降低。
  •  当某个区域包含的像素值非常相似,其直方图就会尖状化,此时直方图的变换函数会将一个很窄范围内的像素映射到整个像素范围。这将使得某些平坦区域中的少量噪音经AHE处理后过度放大。


二、限制对比度自适应直方图均衡(Contrast Limited Adaptive histgram equalization/CLAHE)







 2. 通过插值加快计算速度





 * ANSI C code from the article
 * "Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization"
 * by Karel Zuiderveld, karel@cv.ruu.nl
 * in "Graphics Gems IV", Academic Press, 1994
 *  These functions implement Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization.
 *  The main routine (CLAHE) expects an input image that is stored contiguously in
 *  memory;  the CLAHE output image overwrites the original input image and has the
 *  same minimum and maximum values (which must be provided by the user).
 *  This implementation assumes that the X- and Y image resolutions are an integer
 *  multiple of the X- and Y sizes of the contextual regions. A check on various other
 *  error conditions is performed.
 *  #define the symbol BYTE_IMAGE to make this implementation suitable for
 *  8-bit images. The maximum number of contextual regions can be redefined
 *  by changing uiMAX_REG_X and/or uiMAX_REG_Y; the use of more than 256
 *  contextual regions is not recommended.
 *  The code is ANSI-C and is also C++ compliant.
 *  Author: Karel Zuiderveld, Computer Vision Research Group,
 *         Utrecht, The Netherlands (karel@cv.ruu.nl)

typedef unsigned char kz_pixel_t;     /* for 8 bit-per-pixel images */
#define uiNR_OF_GREY (256)
typedef unsigned short kz_pixel_t;     /* for 12 bit-per-pixel images (default) */
# define uiNR_OF_GREY (4096)

/******** Prototype of CLAHE function. Put this in a separate include file. *****/
int CLAHE(kz_pixel_t* pImage, unsigned int uiXRes, unsigned int uiYRes, kz_pixel_t Min,
      kz_pixel_t Max, unsigned int uiNrX, unsigned int uiNrY,
      unsigned int uiNrBins, float fCliplimit);

/*********************** Local prototypes ************************/
static void ClipHistogram (unsigned long*, unsigned int, unsigned long);
static void MakeHistogram (kz_pixel_t*, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int,
        unsigned long*, unsigned int, kz_pixel_t*);
static void MapHistogram (unsigned long*, kz_pixel_t, kz_pixel_t,
           unsigned int, unsigned long);
static void MakeLut (kz_pixel_t*, kz_pixel_t, kz_pixel_t, unsigned int);
static void Interpolate (kz_pixel_t*, int, unsigned long*, unsigned long*,
    unsigned long*, unsigned long*, unsigned int, unsigned int, kz_pixel_t*);

/**************     Start of actual code **************/
#include <stdlib.h>             /* To get prototypes of malloc() and free() */

const unsigned int uiMAX_REG_X = 16;      /* max. # contextual regions in x-direction */
const unsigned int uiMAX_REG_Y = 16;      /* max. # contextual regions in y-direction */

/************************** main function CLAHE ******************/
int CLAHE (kz_pixel_t* pImage, unsigned int uiXRes, unsigned int uiYRes,
     kz_pixel_t Min, kz_pixel_t Max, unsigned int uiNrX, unsigned int uiNrY,
          unsigned int uiNrBins, float fCliplimit)
/*   pImage - Pointer to the input/output image
 *   uiXRes - Image resolution in the X direction
 *   uiYRes - Image resolution in the Y direction
 *   Min - Minimum greyvalue of input image (also becomes minimum of output image)
 *   Max - Maximum greyvalue of input image (also becomes maximum of output image)
 *   uiNrX - Number of contextial regions in the X direction (min 2, max uiMAX_REG_X)
 *   uiNrY - Number of contextial regions in the Y direction (min 2, max uiMAX_REG_Y)
 *   uiNrBins - Number of greybins for histogram ("dynamic range")
 *   float fCliplimit - Normalized cliplimit (higher values give more contrast)
 * The number of "effective" greylevels in the output image is set by uiNrBins; selecting
 * a small value (eg. 128) speeds up processing and still produce an output image of
 * good quality. The output image will have the same minimum and maximum value as the input
 * image. A clip limit smaller than 1 results in standard (non-contrast limited) AHE.
    unsigned int uiX, uiY;          /* counters */
    unsigned int uiXSize, uiYSize, uiSubX, uiSubY; /* size of context. reg. and subimages */
    unsigned int uiXL, uiXR, uiYU, uiYB;  /* auxiliary variables interpolation routine */
    unsigned long ulClipLimit, ulNrPixels;/* clip limit and region pixel count */
    kz_pixel_t* pImPointer;           /* pointer to image */
    kz_pixel_t aLUT[uiNR_OF_GREY];        /* lookup table used for scaling of input image */
    unsigned long* pulHist, *pulMapArray; /* pointer to histogram and mappings*/
    unsigned long* pulLU, *pulLB, *pulRU, *pulRB; /* auxiliary pointers interpolation */

    if (uiNrX > uiMAX_REG_X) return -1;       /* # of regions x-direction too large */
    if (uiNrY > uiMAX_REG_Y) return -2;       /* # of regions y-direction too large */
    if (uiXRes % uiNrX) return -3;      /* x-resolution no multiple of uiNrX */
    if (uiYRes & uiNrY) return -4;      /* y-resolution no multiple of uiNrY */
    if (Max >= uiNR_OF_GREY) return -5;       /* maximum too large */
    if (Min >= Max) return -6;          /* minimum equal or larger than maximum */
    if (uiNrX < 2 || uiNrY < 2) return -7;/* at least 4 contextual regions required */
    if (fCliplimit == 1.0) return 0;      /* is OK, immediately returns original image. */
    if (uiNrBins == 0) uiNrBins = 128;      /* default value when not specified */

    pulMapArray=(unsigned long *)malloc(sizeof(unsigned long)*uiNrX*uiNrY*uiNrBins);
    if (pulMapArray == 0) return -8;      /* Not enough memory! (try reducing uiNrBins) */

    uiXSize = uiXRes/uiNrX; uiYSize = uiYRes/uiNrY;  /* Actual size of contextual regions */
    ulNrPixels = (unsigned long)uiXSize * (unsigned long)uiYSize;

    if(fCliplimit > 0.0) {          /* Calculate actual cliplimit     */
       ulClipLimit = (unsigned long) (fCliplimit * (uiXSize * uiYSize) / uiNrBins);
       ulClipLimit = (ulClipLimit < 1UL) ? 1UL : ulClipLimit;
    else ulClipLimit = 1UL<<14;          /* Large value, do not clip (AHE) */
    MakeLut(aLUT, Min, Max, uiNrBins);      /* Make lookup table for mapping of greyvalues */
    /* Calculate greylevel mappings for each contextual region */
    for (uiY = 0, pImPointer = pImage; uiY < uiNrY; uiY++) {
    for (uiX = 0; uiX < uiNrX; uiX++, pImPointer += uiXSize) {
        pulHist = &pulMapArray[uiNrBins * (uiY * uiNrX + uiX)];
        ClipHistogram(pulHist, uiNrBins, ulClipLimit);
        MapHistogram(pulHist, Min, Max, uiNrBins, ulNrPixels);
    pImPointer += (uiYSize - 1) * uiXRes;          /* skip lines, set pointer */

    /* Interpolate greylevel mappings to get CLAHE image */
    for (pImPointer = pImage, uiY = 0; uiY <= uiNrY; uiY++) {
    if (uiY == 0) {                      /* special case: top row */
        uiSubY = uiYSize >> 1;  uiYU = 0; uiYB = 0;
    else {
        if (uiY == uiNrY) {                  /* special case: bottom row */
        uiSubY = uiYSize >> 1;    uiYU = uiNrY-1;     uiYB = uiYU;
        else {                      /* default values */
        uiSubY = uiYSize; uiYU = uiY - 1; uiYB = uiYU + 1;
    for (uiX = 0; uiX <= uiNrX; uiX++) {
        if (uiX == 0) {                  /* special case: left column */
        uiSubX = uiXSize >> 1; uiXL = 0; uiXR = 0;
        else {
        if (uiX == uiNrX) {              /* special case: right column */
            uiSubX = uiXSize >> 1;  uiXL = uiNrX - 1; uiXR = uiXL;
        else {                      /* default values */
            uiSubX = uiXSize; uiXL = uiX - 1; uiXR = uiXL + 1;

        pulLU = &pulMapArray[uiNrBins * (uiYU * uiNrX + uiXL)];
        pulRU = &pulMapArray[uiNrBins * (uiYU * uiNrX + uiXR)];
        pulLB = &pulMapArray[uiNrBins * (uiYB * uiNrX + uiXL)];
        pulRB = &pulMapArray[uiNrBins * (uiYB * uiNrX + uiXR)];
        pImPointer += uiSubX;              /* set pointer on next matrix */
    pImPointer += (uiSubY - 1) * uiXRes;
    free(pulMapArray);                      /* free space for histograms */
    return 0;                          /* return status OK */
void ClipHistogram (unsigned long* pulHistogram, unsigned int
             uiNrGreylevels, unsigned long ulClipLimit)
/* This function performs clipping of the histogram and redistribution of bins.
 * The histogram is clipped and the number of excess pixels is counted. Afterwards
 * the excess pixels are equally redistributed across the whole histogram (providing
 * the bin count is smaller than the cliplimit).
    unsigned long* pulBinPointer, *pulEndPointer, *pulHisto;
    unsigned long ulNrExcess, ulUpper, ulBinIncr, ulStepSize, i;
    long lBinExcess;

    ulNrExcess = 0;  pulBinPointer = pulHistogram;
    for (i = 0; i < uiNrGreylevels; i++) { /* calculate total number of excess pixels */
    lBinExcess = (long) pulBinPointer[i] - (long) ulClipLimit;
    if (lBinExcess > 0) ulNrExcess += lBinExcess;      /* excess in current bin */

    /* Second part: clip histogram and redistribute excess pixels in each bin */
    ulBinIncr = ulNrExcess / uiNrGreylevels;          /* average binincrement */
    ulUpper =  ulClipLimit - ulBinIncr;     /* Bins larger than ulUpper set to cliplimit */

    for (i = 0; i < uiNrGreylevels; i++) {
      if (pulHistogram[i] > ulClipLimit) pulHistogram[i] = ulClipLimit; /* clip bin */
      else {
      if (pulHistogram[i] > ulUpper) {        /* high bin count */
          ulNrExcess -= pulHistogram[i] - ulUpper; pulHistogram[i]=ulClipLimit;
      else {                    /* low bin count */
          ulNrExcess -= ulBinIncr; pulHistogram[i] += ulBinIncr;

    while (ulNrExcess) {   /* Redistribute remaining excess  */
    pulEndPointer = &pulHistogram[uiNrGreylevels]; pulHisto = pulHistogram;

    while (ulNrExcess && pulHisto < pulEndPointer) {
        ulStepSize = uiNrGreylevels / ulNrExcess;
        if (ulStepSize < 1) ulStepSize = 1;          /* stepsize at least 1 */
        for (pulBinPointer=pulHisto; pulBinPointer < pulEndPointer && ulNrExcess;
         pulBinPointer += ulStepSize) {
        if (*pulBinPointer < ulClipLimit) {
            (*pulBinPointer)++;     ulNrExcess--;      /* reduce excess */
        pulHisto++;          /* restart redistributing on other bin location */
void MakeHistogram (kz_pixel_t* pImage, unsigned int uiXRes,
        unsigned int uiSizeX, unsigned int uiSizeY,
        unsigned long* pulHistogram,
        unsigned int uiNrGreylevels, kz_pixel_t* pLookupTable)
/* This function classifies the greylevels present in the array image into
 * a greylevel histogram. The pLookupTable specifies the relationship
 * between the greyvalue of the pixel (typically between 0 and 4095) and
 * the corresponding bin in the histogram (usually containing only 128 bins).
    kz_pixel_t* pImagePointer;
    unsigned int i;

    for (i = 0; i < uiNrGreylevels; i++) pulHistogram[i] = 0L; /* clear histogram */

    for (i = 0; i < uiSizeY; i++) {
    pImagePointer = &pImage[uiSizeX];
    while (pImage < pImagePointer) pulHistogram[pLookupTable[*pImage++]]++;
    pImagePointer += uiXRes;
    pImage = &pImagePointer[-uiSizeX];

void MapHistogram (unsigned long* pulHistogram, kz_pixel_t Min, kz_pixel_t Max,
           unsigned int uiNrGreylevels, unsigned long ulNrOfPixels)
/* This function calculates the equalized lookup table (mapping) by
 * cumulating the input histogram. Note: lookup table is rescaled in range [Min..Max].
    unsigned int i;  unsigned long ulSum = 0;
    const float fScale = ((float)(Max - Min)) / ulNrOfPixels;
    const unsigned long ulMin = (unsigned long) Min;

    for (i = 0; i < uiNrGreylevels; i++) {
    ulSum += pulHistogram[i]; pulHistogram[i]=(unsigned long)(ulMin+ulSum*fScale);
    if (pulHistogram[i] > Max) pulHistogram[i] = Max;

void MakeLut (kz_pixel_t * pLUT, kz_pixel_t Min, kz_pixel_t Max, unsigned int uiNrBins)
/* To speed up histogram clipping, the input image [Min,Max] is scaled down to
 * [0,uiNrBins-1]. This function calculates the LUT.
    int i;
    const kz_pixel_t BinSize = (kz_pixel_t) (1 + (Max - Min) / uiNrBins);

    for (i = Min; i <= Max; i++)  pLUT[i] = (i - Min) / BinSize;

void Interpolate (kz_pixel_t * pImage, int uiXRes, unsigned long * pulMapLU,
     unsigned long * pulMapRU, unsigned long * pulMapLB,  unsigned long * pulMapRB,
     unsigned int uiXSize, unsigned int uiYSize, kz_pixel_t * pLUT)
/* pImage      - pointer to input/output image
 * uiXRes      - resolution of image in x-direction
 * pulMap*     - mappings of greylevels from histograms
 * uiXSize     - uiXSize of image submatrix
 * uiYSize     - uiYSize of image submatrix
 * pLUT           - lookup table containing mapping greyvalues to bins
 * This function calculates the new greylevel assignments of pixels within a submatrix
 * of the image with size uiXSize and uiYSize. This is done by a bilinear interpolation
 * between four different mappings in order to eliminate boundary artifacts.
 * It uses a division; since division is often an expensive operation, I added code to
 * perform a logical shift instead when feasible.
    const unsigned int uiIncr = uiXRes-uiXSize; /* Pointer increment after processing row */
    kz_pixel_t GreyValue; unsigned int uiNum = uiXSize*uiYSize; /* Normalization factor */

    unsigned int uiXCoef, uiYCoef, uiXInvCoef, uiYInvCoef, uiShift = 0;

    if (uiNum & (uiNum - 1))   /* If uiNum is not a power of two, use division */
    for (uiYCoef = 0, uiYInvCoef = uiYSize; uiYCoef < uiYSize;
     uiYCoef++, uiYInvCoef--,pImage+=uiIncr) {
    for (uiXCoef = 0, uiXInvCoef = uiXSize; uiXCoef < uiXSize;
         uiXCoef++, uiXInvCoef--) {
        GreyValue = pLUT[*pImage];           /* get histogram bin value */
        *pImage++ = (kz_pixel_t ) ((uiYInvCoef * (uiXInvCoef*pulMapLU[GreyValue]
                      + uiXCoef * pulMapRU[GreyValue])
                + uiYCoef * (uiXInvCoef * pulMapLB[GreyValue]
                      + uiXCoef * pulMapRB[GreyValue])) / uiNum);
    else {               /* avoid the division and use a right shift instead */
    while (uiNum >>= 1) uiShift++;           /* Calculate 2log of uiNum */
    for (uiYCoef = 0, uiYInvCoef = uiYSize; uiYCoef < uiYSize;
         uiYCoef++, uiYInvCoef--,pImage+=uiIncr) {
         for (uiXCoef = 0, uiXInvCoef = uiXSize; uiXCoef < uiXSize;
           uiXCoef++, uiXInvCoef--) {
           GreyValue = pLUT[*pImage];      /* get histogram bin value */
           *pImage++ = (kz_pixel_t)((uiYInvCoef* (uiXInvCoef * pulMapLU[GreyValue]
                      + uiXCoef * pulMapRU[GreyValue])
                + uiYCoef * (uiXInvCoef * pulMapLB[GreyValue]
                      + uiXCoef * pulMapRB[GreyValue])) >> uiShift);
View Code



 Karel Zuiderveld提供的代码:


if (pulHistogram[i] > ulUpper)    
            {       /* high bin count */   
                ulNrExcess -= (pulHistogram[i] - ulUpper); pulHistogram[i]=ulClipLimit;   


1 if (pulHistogram[i] > ulUpper)    
2             {       /* high bin count */   
3                 ulNrExcess -= (ulClipLimit -pulHistogram[i]); pulHistogram[i]=ulClipLimit;   
4             }   
View Code

同时,各位也可以参考下matlab的adapthisteq.m文件,该文件的代码基本是严格按照 Karel Zuiderveld作者的原文写的,贴出如下:

  1 function out = adapthisteq(varargin)
  2 %ADAPTHISTEQ Contrast-limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE).
  3 %   ADAPTHISTEQ enhances the contrast of images by transforming the
  4 %   values in the intensity image I.  Unlike HISTEQ, it operates on small
  5 %   data regions (tiles), rather than the entire image. Each tile's 
  6 %   contrast is enhanced, so that the histogram of the output region
  7 %   approximately matches the specified histogram. The neighboring tiles 
  8 %   are then combined using bilinear interpolation in order to eliminate
  9 %   artificially induced boundaries.  The contrast, especially
 10 %   in homogeneous areas, can be limited in order to avoid amplifying the
 11 %   noise which might be present in the image.
 12 %
 13 %   J = ADAPTHISTEQ(I) Performs CLAHE on the intensity image I.
 14 %
 15 %   J = ADAPTHISTEQ(I,PARAM1,VAL1,PARAM2,VAL2...) sets various parameters.
 16 %   Parameter names can be abbreviated, and case does not matter. Each 
 17 %   string parameter is followed by a value as indicated below:
 18 %
 19 %   'NumTiles'     Two-element vector of positive integers: [M N].
 20 %                  [M N] specifies the number of tile rows and
 21 %                  columns.  Both M and N must be at least 2. 
 22 %                  The total number of image tiles is equal to M*N.
 23 %
 24 %                  Default: [8 8].
 25 %
 26 %   'ClipLimit'    Real scalar from 0 to 1.
 27 %                  'ClipLimit' limits contrast enhancement. Higher numbers 
 28 %                  result in more contrast. 
 29 %       
 30 %                  Default: 0.01.
 31 %
 32 %   'NBins'        Positive integer scalar.
 33 %                  Sets number of bins for the histogram used in building a
 34 %                  contrast enhancing transformation. Higher values result 
 35 %                  in greater dynamic range at the cost of slower processing
 36 %                  speed.
 37 %
 38 %                  Default: 256.
 39 %
 40 %   'Range'        One of the strings: 'original' or 'full'.
 41 %                  Controls the range of the output image data. If 'Range' 
 42 %                  is set to 'original', the range is limited to 
 43 %                  [min(I(:)) max(I(:))]. Otherwise, by default, or when 
 44 %                  'Range' is set to 'full', the full range of the output 
 45 %                  image class is used (e.g. [0 255] for uint8).
 46 %
 47 %                  Default: 'full'.
 48 %
 49 %   'Distribution' Distribution can be one of three strings: 'uniform',
 50 %                  'rayleigh', 'exponential'.
 51 %                  Sets desired histogram shape for the image tiles, by 
 52 %                  specifying a distribution type.
 53 %
 54 %                  Default: 'uniform'.
 55 %
 56 %   'Alpha'        Nonnegative real scalar.
 57 %                  'Alpha' is a distribution parameter, which can be supplied 
 58 %                  when 'Dist' is set to either 'rayleigh' or 'exponential'.
 59 %
 60 %                  Default: 0.4.
 61 %
 62 %   Notes
 63 %   -----
 64 %   - 'NumTiles' specify the number of rectangular contextual regions (tiles)
 65 %     into which the image is divided. The contrast transform function is
 66 %     calculated for each of these regions individually. The optimal number of
 67 %     tiles depends on the type of the input image, and it is best determined
 68 %     through experimentation.
 69 %
 70 %   - The 'ClipLimit' is a contrast factor that prevents over-saturation of the
 71 %     image specifically in homogeneous areas.  These areas are characterized
 72 %     by a high peak in the histogram of the particular image tile due to many
 73 %     pixels falling inside the same gray level range. Without the clip limit,
 74 %     the adaptive histogram equalization technique could produce results that,
 75 %     in some cases, are worse than the original image.
 76 %
 77 %   - ADAPTHISTEQ can use Uniform, Rayleigh, or Exponential distribution as
 78 %     the basis for creating the contrast transform function. The distribution
 79 %     that should be used depends on the type of the input image.
 80 %     For example, underwater imagery appears to look more natural when the
 81 %     Rayleigh distribution is used.
 82 %
 83 %   Class Support
 84 %   -------------
 85 %   Intensity image I can be uint8, uint16, int16, double, or single.
 86 %   The output image J has the same class as I.
 87 %
 88 %   Example 1
 89 %   ---------
 90 %   Apply Contrast-Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization to an 
 91 %   image and display the results. 
 92 %
 93 %      I = imread('tire.tif');
 94 %      A = adapthisteq(I,'clipLimit',0.02,'Distribution','rayleigh');
 95 %      figure, imshow(I);
 96 %      figure, imshow(A);
 97 %
 98 %   Example 2
 99 %   ---------
100 %  
101 %   Apply Contrast-Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization to a color 
102 %   photograph.
103 %
104 %      [X MAP] = imread('shadow.tif');
105 %      RGB = ind2rgb(X,MAP); % convert indexed image to truecolor format
106 %      cform2lab = makecform('srgb2lab');
107 %      LAB = applycform(RGB, cform2lab); %convert image to L*a*b color space
108 %      L = LAB(:,:,1)/100; % scale the values to range from 0 to 1
109 %      LAB(:,:,1) = adapthisteq(L,'NumTiles',[8 8],'ClipLimit',0.005)*100;
110 %      cform2srgb = makecform('lab2srgb');
111 %      J = applycform(LAB, cform2srgb); %convert back to RGB
112 %      figure, imshow(RGB); %display the results
113 %      figure, imshow(J);
114 %
115 %   See also HISTEQ.
117 %   Copyright 1993-2010 The MathWorks, Inc.
118 %   $Revision: $  $Date: 2011/08/09 17:48:54 $
120 %   References:
121 %      Karel Zuiderveld, "Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization",
122 %      Graphics Gems IV, p. 474-485, code: p. 479-484
123 %
124 %      Hanumant Singh, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, personal
125 %      communication
127 %--------------------------- The algorithm ----------------------------------
128 %
129 %  1. Obtain all the inputs: 
130 %    * image
131 %    * number of regions in row and column directions
132 %    * number of bins for the histograms used in building image transform
133 %      function (dynamic range)
134 %    * clip limit for contrast limiting (normalized from 0 to 1)
135 %    * other miscellaneous options
136 %  2. Pre-process the inputs:  
137 %    * determine real clip limit from the normalized value
138 %    * if necessary, pad the image before splitting it into regions
139 %  3. Process each contextual region (tile) thus producing gray level mappings
140 %    * extract a single image region
141 %    * make a histogram for this region using the specified number of bins
142 %    * clip the histogram using clip limit
143 %    * create a mapping (transformation function) for this region
144 %  4. Interpolate gray level mappings in order to assemble final CLAHE image
145 %    * extract cluster of four neighboring mapping functions
146 %    * process image region partly overlapping each of the mapping tiles
147 %    * extract a single pixel, apply four mappings to that pixel, and 
148 %      interpolate between the results to obtain the output pixel; repeat
149 %      over the entire image
150 %
151 %  See code for further details.
152 %
153 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
155 [I, selectedRange, fullRange, numTiles, dimTile, clipLimit, numBins, ...
156  noPadRect, distribution, alpha, int16ClassChange] = parseInputs(varargin{:});
158 tileMappings = makeTileMappings(I, numTiles, dimTile, numBins, clipLimit, ...
159                                 selectedRange, fullRange, distribution, alpha);
161 %Synthesize the output image based on the individual tile mappings. 
162 out = makeClaheImage(I, tileMappings, numTiles, selectedRange, numBins,...
163                      dimTile);
165 if int16ClassChange
166   % Change uint16 back to int16 so output has same class as input.
167   out = uint16toint16(out);
168 end
170 if ~isempty(noPadRect) %do we need to remove padding?
171   out = out(noPadRect.ulRow:noPadRect.lrRow, ...
172             noPadRect.ulCol:noPadRect.lrCol);
173 end
175 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
177 function tileMappings = ...
178     makeTileMappings(I, numTiles, dimTile, numBins, clipLimit,...
179                      selectedRange, fullRange, distribution, alpha)
181 numPixInTile = prod(dimTile);
183 tileMappings = cell(numTiles);
185 % extract and process each tile
186 imgCol = 1;
187 for col=1:numTiles(2),
188   imgRow = 1;
189   for row=1:numTiles(1),
191     tile = I(imgRow:imgRow+dimTile(1)-1,imgCol:imgCol+dimTile(2)-1);
193     % for speed, call MEX file directly thus avoiding costly
194     % input parsing of imhist
195     tileHist = imhistc(tile, numBins, 1, fullRange(2)); 
197     tileHist = clipHistogram(tileHist, clipLimit, numBins);
199     tileMapping = makeMapping(tileHist, selectedRange, fullRange, ...
200                               numPixInTile, distribution, alpha);
202     % assemble individual tile mappings by storing them in a cell array;
203     tileMappings{row,col} = tileMapping;
205     imgRow = imgRow + dimTile(1);    
206   end
207   imgCol = imgCol + dimTile(2); % move to the next column of tiles
208 end
210 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
211 % Calculate the equalized lookup table (mapping) based on cumulating the input 
212 % histogram.  Note: lookup table is rescaled in the selectedRange [Min..Max].
214 function mapping = makeMapping(imgHist, selectedRange, fullRange, ...
215                                numPixInTile, distribution, alpha)
217 histSum = cumsum(imgHist);
218 valSpread  = selectedRange(2) - selectedRange(1);
220 switch distribution
221  case 'uniform',
222   scale =  valSpread/numPixInTile;
223   mapping = min(selectedRange(1) + histSum*scale,...
224                 selectedRange(2)); %limit to max
226  case 'rayleigh', % suitable for underwater imagery
227   % pdf = (t./alpha^2).*exp(-t.^2/(2*alpha^2))*U(t)
228   % cdf = 1-exp(-t.^2./(2*alpha^2))
229   hconst = 2*alpha^2;
230   vmax = 1 - exp(-1/hconst);
231   val = vmax*(histSum/numPixInTile);
232   val(val>=1) = 1-eps; % avoid log(0)
233   temp = sqrt(-hconst*log(1-val));
234   mapping = min(selectedRange(1)+temp*valSpread,...
235                 selectedRange(2)); %limit to max
237  case 'exponential',
238   % pdf = alpha*exp(-alpha*t)*U(t)
239   % cdf = 1-exp(-alpha*t)
240   vmax = 1 - exp(-alpha);
241   val = (vmax*histSum/numPixInTile);
242   val(val>=1) = 1-eps;
243   temp = -1/alpha*log(1-val);
244   mapping = min(selectedRange(1)+temp*valSpread,selectedRange(2));
246  otherwise,
247   error(message('images:adapthisteq:distributionType')) %should never get here
249 end
251 %rescale the result to be between 0 and 1 for later use by the GRAYXFORM 
252 %private mex function
253 mapping = mapping/fullRange(2);
255 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
256 % This function clips the histogram according to the clipLimit and
257 % redistributes clipped pixels across bins below the clipLimit
259 function imgHist = clipHistogram(imgHist, clipLimit, numBins)
261 % total number of pixels overflowing clip limit in each bin
262 totalExcess = sum(max(imgHist - clipLimit,0));  
264 % clip the histogram and redistribute the excess pixels in each bin
265 avgBinIncr = floor(totalExcess/numBins);
266 upperLimit = clipLimit - avgBinIncr; % bins larger than this will be
267                                      % set to clipLimit
269 % this loop should speed up the operation by putting multiple pixels
270 % into the "obvious" places first
271 for k=1:numBins
272   if imgHist(k) > clipLimit
273     imgHist(k) = clipLimit;
274   else
275     if imgHist(k) > upperLimit % high bin count
276       totalExcess = totalExcess - (clipLimit - imgHist(k));
277       imgHist(k) = clipLimit;
278     else
279       totalExcess = totalExcess - avgBinIncr;
280       imgHist(k) = imgHist(k) + avgBinIncr;      
281     end
282   end
283 end
285 % this loops redistributes the remaining pixels, one pixel at a time
286 k = 1;
287 while (totalExcess ~= 0)
288   %keep increasing the step as fewer and fewer pixels remain for
289   %the redistribution (spread them evenly)
290   stepSize = max(floor(numBins/totalExcess),1);
291   for m=k:stepSize:numBins
292     if imgHist(m) < clipLimit
293       imgHist(m) = imgHist(m)+1;
294       totalExcess = totalExcess - 1; %reduce excess
295       if totalExcess == 0
296         break;
297       end
298     end
299   end
301   k = k+1; %prevent from always placing the pixels in bin #1
302   if k > numBins % start over if numBins was reached
303     k = 1;
304   end
305 end
307 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
308 % This function interpolates between neighboring tile mappings to produce a 
309 % new mapping in order to remove artificially induced tile borders.  
310 % Otherwise, these borders would become quite visible.  The resulting
311 % mapping is applied to the input image thus producing a CLAHE processed
312 % image.
314 function claheI = makeClaheImage(I, tileMappings, numTiles, selectedRange,...
315                                  numBins, dimTile)
317 %initialize the output image to zeros (preserve the class of the input image)
318 claheI = I;
319 claheI(:) = 0;
321 %compute the LUT for looking up original image values in the tile mappings,
322 %which we created earlier
323 if ~(isa(I,'double') || isa(I,'single'))
324   k = selectedRange(1)+1 : selectedRange(2)+1;
325   aLut = zeros(length(k),1);
326   aLut(k) = (k-1)-selectedRange(1);
327   aLut = aLut/(selectedRange(2)-selectedRange(1));
328 else
329   % remap from 0..1 to 0..numBins-1
330   if numBins ~= 1
331     binStep = 1/(numBins-1);
332     start = ceil(selectedRange(1)/binStep);
333     stop  = floor(selectedRange(2)/binStep);
334     k = start+1:stop+1;
335     aLut(k) = 0:1/(length(k)-1):1;
336   else
337     aLut(1) = 0; %in case someone specifies numBins = 1, which is just silly
338   end
339 end
341 imgTileRow=1;
342 for k=1:numTiles(1)+1
343   if k == 1  %special case: top row
344     imgTileNumRows = dimTile(1)/2; %always divisible by 2 because of padding
345     mapTileRows = [1 1];
346   else 
347     if k == numTiles(1)+1 %special case: bottom row      
348       imgTileNumRows = dimTile(1)/2;
349       mapTileRows = [numTiles(1) numTiles(1)];
350     else %default values
351       imgTileNumRows = dimTile(1); 
352       mapTileRows = [k-1, k]; %[upperRow lowerRow]
353     end
354   end
356   % loop over columns of the tileMappings cell array
357   imgTileCol=1;
358   for l=1:numTiles(2)+1
359     if l == 1 %special case: left column
360       imgTileNumCols = dimTile(2)/2;
361       mapTileCols = [1, 1];
362     else
363       if l == numTiles(2)+1 % special case: right column
364         imgTileNumCols = dimTile(2)/2;
365         mapTileCols = [numTiles(2), numTiles(2)];
366       else %default values
367         imgTileNumCols = dimTile(2);
368         mapTileCols = [l-1, l]; % right left
369       end
370     end
372     % Extract four tile mappings
373     ulMapTile = tileMappings{mapTileRows(1), mapTileCols(1)};
374     urMapTile = tileMappings{mapTileRows(1), mapTileCols(2)};
375     blMapTile = tileMappings{mapTileRows(2), mapTileCols(1)};
376     brMapTile = tileMappings{mapTileRows(2), mapTileCols(2)};
378     % Calculate the new greylevel assignments of pixels 
379     % within a submatrix of the image specified by imgTileIdx. This 
380     % is done by a bilinear interpolation between four different mappings 
381     % in order to eliminate boundary artifacts.
383     normFactor = imgTileNumRows*imgTileNumCols; %normalization factor  
384     imgTileIdx = {imgTileRow:imgTileRow+imgTileNumRows-1, ...
385                  imgTileCol:imgTileCol+imgTileNumCols-1};
387     imgPixVals = grayxform(I(imgTileIdx{1},imgTileIdx{2}), aLut);
389     % calculate the weights used for linear interpolation between the
390     % four mappings
391     rowW = repmat((0:imgTileNumRows-1)',1,imgTileNumCols);
392     colW = repmat(0:imgTileNumCols-1,imgTileNumRows,1);
393     rowRevW = repmat((imgTileNumRows:-1:1)',1,imgTileNumCols);
394     colRevW = repmat(imgTileNumCols:-1:1,imgTileNumRows,1);
396     claheI(imgTileIdx{1}, imgTileIdx{2}) = ...
397         (rowRevW .* (colRevW .* double(grayxform(imgPixVals,ulMapTile)) + ...
398                      colW    .* double(grayxform(imgPixVals,urMapTile)))+ ...
399          rowW    .* (colRevW .* double(grayxform(imgPixVals,blMapTile)) + ...
400                      colW    .* double(grayxform(imgPixVals,brMapTile))))...
401         /normFactor;
403     imgTileCol = imgTileCol + imgTileNumCols;    
404   end %over tile cols
405   imgTileRow = imgTileRow + imgTileNumRows;
406 end %over tile rows
408 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
410 function [I, selectedRange, fullRange, numTiles, dimTile, clipLimit,...
411           numBins, noPadRect, distribution, alpha, ...
412           int16ClassChange] = parseInputs(varargin)
414 narginchk(1,13);
416 I = varargin{1};
417 validateattributes(I, {'uint8', 'uint16', 'double', 'int16', 'single'}, ...
418               {'real', '2d', 'nonsparse', 'nonempty'}, ...
419               mfilename, 'I', 1);
421 % convert int16 to uint16
422 if isa(I,'int16')
423   I = int16touint16(I);
424   int16ClassChange = true;
425 else
426   int16ClassChange = false;
427 end
429 if any(size(I) < 2)
430   error(message('images:adapthisteq:inputImageTooSmall'))
431 end
433 %Other options
434 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%
436 %Set the defaults
437 distribution = 'uniform';
438 alpha   = 0.4;
440 if isa(I, 'double') || isa(I,'single')
441   fullRange = [0 1];
442 else
443   fullRange(1) = I(1);         %copy class of the input image
444   fullRange(1:2) = [-Inf Inf]; %will be clipped to min and max
445   fullRange = double(fullRange);
446 end
448 selectedRange   = fullRange;
450 %Set the default to 256 bins regardless of the data type;
451 %the user can override this value at any time
452 numBins = 256;
453 normClipLimit = 0.01;
454 numTiles = [8 8];
456 checkAlpha = false;
458 validStrings = {'NumTiles','ClipLimit','NBins','Distribution',...
459                 'Alpha','Range'};
461 if nargin > 1
462   done = false;
464   idx = 2;
465   while ~done
466     input = varargin{idx};
467     inputStr = validatestring(input, validStrings,mfilename,'PARAM',idx);
469     idx = idx+1; %advance index to point to the VAL portion of the input 
471     if idx > nargin
472       error(message('images:adapthisteq:missingValue', inputStr))
473     end
475     switch inputStr
477      case 'NumTiles'
478        numTiles = varargin{idx};
479        validateattributes(numTiles, {'double'}, {'real', 'vector', ...
480                            'integer', 'finite','positive'},...
481                      mfilename, inputStr, idx);
483        if (any(size(numTiles) ~= [1,2]))
484          error(message('images:adapthisteq:invalidNumTilesVector', inputStr))
485        end
487        if any(numTiles < 2)
488          error(message('images:adapthisteq:invalidNumTilesValue', inputStr))
489        end
491      case 'ClipLimit'
492       normClipLimit = varargin{idx};
493       validateattributes(normClipLimit, {'double'}, ...
494                     {'scalar','real','nonnegative'},...
495                     mfilename, inputStr, idx);
497       if normClipLimit > 1
498         error(message('images:adapthisteq:invalidClipLimit', inputStr))
499       end
501      case 'NBins'
502       numBins = varargin{idx};      
503       validateattributes(numBins, {'double'}, {'scalar','real','integer',...
504                           'positive'}, mfilename, 'NBins', idx);
506      case 'Distribution'
507       validDist = {'rayleigh','exponential','uniform'};
508       distribution = validatestring(varargin{idx}, validDist, mfilename,...
509                                   'Distribution', idx);
511      case 'Alpha'
512       alpha = varargin{idx};
513       validateattributes(alpha, {'double'},{'scalar','real',...
514                           'nonnan','positive','finite'},...
515                     mfilename, 'Alpha',idx);
516       checkAlpha = true;
518      case 'Range'
519       validRangeStrings = {'original','full'};
520       rangeStr = validatestring(varargin{idx}, validRangeStrings,mfilename,...
521                               'Range',idx);
523       if strmatch(rangeStr,'original')
524         selectedRange = double([min(I(:)), max(I(:))]);
525       end
527      otherwise
528       error(message('images:adapthisteq:inputString')) %should never get here
529     end
531     if idx >= nargin
532       done = true;
533     end
535     idx=idx+1;
536   end
537 end
540 %% Pre-process the inputs
541 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
543 dimI = size(I);
544 dimTile = dimI ./ numTiles;
546 %check if tile size is reasonable
547 if any(dimTile < 1)
548   error(message('images:adapthisteq:inputImageTooSmallToSplit', num2str( numTiles )))
549 end
551 if checkAlpha
552   if strcmp(distribution,'uniform')
553     error(message('images:adapthisteq:alphaShouldNotBeSpecified', distribution))
554   end
555 end
557 %check if the image needs to be padded; pad if necessary;
558 %padding occurs if any dimension of a single tile is an odd number
559 %and/or when image dimensions are not divisible by the selected 
560 %number of tiles
561 rowDiv  = mod(dimI(1),numTiles(1)) == 0;
562 colDiv  = mod(dimI(2),numTiles(2)) == 0;
564 if rowDiv && colDiv
565   rowEven = mod(dimTile(1),2) == 0;
566   colEven = mod(dimTile(2),2) == 0;  
567 end
569 noPadRect = [];
570 if  ~(rowDiv && colDiv && rowEven && colEven)
571   padRow = 0;
572   padCol = 0;
574   if ~rowDiv
575     rowTileDim = floor(dimI(1)/numTiles(1)) + 1;
576     padRow = rowTileDim*numTiles(1) - dimI(1);
577   else
578     rowTileDim = dimI(1)/numTiles(1);
579   end
581   if ~colDiv
582     colTileDim = floor(dimI(2)/numTiles(2)) + 1;
583     padCol = colTileDim*numTiles(2) - dimI(2);
584   else
585     colTileDim = dimI(2)/numTiles(2);
586   end
588   %check if tile dimensions are even numbers
589   rowEven = mod(rowTileDim,2) == 0;
590   colEven = mod(colTileDim,2) == 0;
592   if ~rowEven
593     padRow = padRow+numTiles(1);
594   end
596   if ~colEven
597     padCol = padCol+numTiles(2);
598   end
600   padRowPre  = floor(padRow/2);
601   padRowPost = ceil(padRow/2);
602   padColPre  = floor(padCol/2);
603   padColPost = ceil(padCol/2);
605   I = padarray(I,[padRowPre  padColPre ],'symmetric','pre');
606   I = padarray(I,[padRowPost padColPost],'symmetric','post');
608   %UL corner (Row, Col), LR corner (Row, Col)
609   noPadRect.ulRow = padRowPre+1;
610   noPadRect.ulCol = padColPre+1;
611   noPadRect.lrRow = padRowPre+dimI(1);
612   noPadRect.lrCol = padColPre+dimI(2);
613 end
615 %redefine this variable to include the padding
616 dimI = size(I);
618 %size of the single tile
619 dimTile = dimI ./ numTiles;
621 %compute actual clip limit from the normalized value entered by the user
622 %maximum value of normClipLimit=1 results in standard AHE, i.e. no clipping;
623 %the minimum value minClipLimit would uniformly distribute the image pixels
624 %across the entire histogram, which would result in the lowest possible
625 %contrast value
626 numPixInTile = prod(dimTile);
627 minClipLimit = ceil(numPixInTile/numBins);
628 clipLimit = minClipLimit + round(normClipLimit*(numPixInTile-minClipLimit));
630 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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posted @ 2016-10-11 10:30  静悟生慧  阅读(2060)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报