#include <iostream> usingnamespace std; //要求创建一个学生成绩信息链表,并输出每个学生的成绩信息。 struct structNode { int num; char name[10]; float English_score; float Math_score; structNode *next; }; structNode *head; //链表的头节点的指针 structNode *pre;//链尾插入节点时需要的链尾指针 void init() { head = new structNode; if(head!=NULL) { cout << "OK!" << endl; head->next = NULL; //链表头指针初始化 pre = head; } else cout << "Failed!" << endl; } void add() { int n; cout << "input student number:" << endl; cin >> n; structNode *p;//p为工作指针 for(int i=0; i<n; i++) { p = new structNode; cout << "please input the No." << i+1 <<"'s number"; cin >> p->num; cout << "please input the No." << i+1 <<"'s name"; cin >> p->name; cout << "please input the No." << i+1 <<"'s the English's score"; cin >> p->English_score; cout << "please input the No." << i+1 <<"'s the Math's score"; cin >> p->Math_score; p->next = NULL; pre->next = p; pre = p; } } void putout() { structNode *s; s = head; while(s->next!=NULL) { s = s->next; cout << s->num << "\t"; cout << s->name << "\t"; cout << s->English_score << "\t"; cout << s->Math_score << "\t" << endl; } } int main() { init(); add(); cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; putout(); cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; return0; }