nsq topic创建流程


type Topic struct {
    // 64bit atomic vars need to be first for proper alignment on 32bit platforms
    messageCount uint64 //消息累计条数  后期查看每个topic的状态时有用
    messageBytes uint64 //消息累计字节数 后期查看每个topic的状态时有用
    name              string
    channelMap        map[string]*Channel //topic拥有的channel映射
    backend           BackendQueue //磁盘队列:就是diskqueue,这个就是磁盘存储消息的地方了,这个diskqueue一定要搞懂,因为后面channel也会用到这个queue,关于这个diskqueue,请参考:https://www.cnblogs.com/werben/p/14517781.html
    memoryMsgChan     chan *Message //内存队列:这是存放消息的内存,就是一个通道,通道的大小MemQueueSize,默认配置是10000,也就是如果堆积的消息超过10000就会使用磁盘了
    startChan         chan int // topic 开始接收消息的chan,接收开始信号的 channel,控制topic是否需要开始工作,调用 start 开始 topic 消息循环
    exitChan          chan int //topic 结束的chann
    channelUpdateChan chan int // 更新通知(停止,删除,新增) 当topic下的channel更新的时候(新建channel后、删除channel后)
    waitGroup         util.WaitGroupWrapper
    exitFlag          int32
    idFactory         *guidFactory //生成msgId使用
    ephemeral      bool
    deleteCallback func(*Topic) //topic 删除的 回调函数
    deleter        sync.Once
    paused    int32
    pauseChan chan int
    nsqd *NSQD




NewTopic 函数 主要做三件事:


二是开启messagePump 协程进行消息分发处理,

三是通知 nsqd 有新的 topic创建,让 nsqd 上报 lookupd,通知lookupd有新的topic产生





messagePump selects over the in-memory and backend queue and // writes messages to every channel for this topic

这是topic的一个“守护”协程,负责分发整个 topic 接收到的消息给该 topic 下的 channel。(在NewTopic中最后通过新建协程创建)

// messagePump selects over the in-memory and backend queue and
// writes messages to every channel for this topic
func (t *Topic) messagePump() {
    var msg *Message
    var buf []byte
    var err error
    var chans []*Channel
    var memoryMsgChan chan *Message
    var backendChan <-chan []byte
    // do not pass messages before Start(), but avoid blocking Pause() or GetChannel()
    // 这里就是要等到startChan完成后才能往下走,
    for {
        select {
        case <-t.channelUpdateChan: //channel 变动通知
        case <-t.pauseChan: //topic 暂停
        case <-t.exitChan: //topic 退出
            goto exit
        case <-t.startChan: //topic 开始接收消息
    for _, c := range t.channelMap {
        chans = append(chans, c)
    if len(chans) > 0 && !t.IsPaused() {
        memoryMsgChan = t.memoryMsgChan
        backendChan = t.backend.ReadChan()
    // main message loop
    for {
        select {
        case msg = <-memoryMsgChan: //内存队列
        case buf = <-backendChan: //磁盘队列
            msg, err = decodeMessage(buf)
            if err != nil {
                t.nsqd.logf(LOG_ERROR, "failed to decode message - %s", err)
        case <-t.channelUpdateChan:
            chans = chans[:0]
            for _, c := range t.channelMap {
                chans = append(chans, c)
            if len(chans) == 0 || t.IsPaused() {
                memoryMsgChan = nil
                backendChan = nil
            else {
                memoryMsgChan = t.memoryMsgChan
                backendChan = t.backend.ReadChan()
        case <-t.pauseChan:
            if len(chans) == 0 || t.IsPaused() {
                memoryMsgChan = nil
                backendChan = nil
            else {
                memoryMsgChan = t.memoryMsgChan
                backendChan = t.backend.ReadChan()
        case <-t.exitChan:
            goto exit
        //将 msg 发送给所有订阅的 channel
        for i, channel := range chans {
            chanMsg := msg
            // copy the message because each channel
            // needs a unique instance but...
            // fastpath to avoid copy if its the first channel
            // (the topic already created the first copy)
            if i > 0 {
                chanMsg = NewMessage(msg.ID, msg.Body)
                chanMsg.Timestamp = msg.Timestamp
                chanMsg.deferred = msg.deferred
            if chanMsg.deferred != 0 {
                // 如果是延时消息则将延时消息丢给channel
                channel.PutMessageDeferred(chanMsg, chanMsg.deferred)
            err := channel.PutMessage(chanMsg)
            if err != nil {
                    "TOPIC(%s) ERROR: failed to put msg(%s) to channel(%s) - %s",
                    t.name, msg.ID, channel.name, err)
    t.nsqd.logf(LOG_INFO, "TOPIC(%s): closing ... messagePump", t.name)




case msg = ←memoryMsgChan:

case buf = ←backendChan:


case ←t.channelUpdateChan:

case ←t.pauseChan:




发布单条消息:PutMessage(m *Message) error

发布多条消息:PutMessages(msgs []*Message) error

// PutMessage writes a Message to the queue
func (t *Topic) PutMessage(m *Message) error {
    defer t.RUnlock()
    if atomic.LoadInt32(&t.exitFlag) == 1 {
        return errors.New("exiting")
    err := t.put(m)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    atomic.AddUint64(&t.messageCount, 1)
    atomic.AddUint64(&t.messageBytes, uint64(len(m.Body)))
    return nil
// PutMessages writes multiple Messages to the queue
func (t *Topic) PutMessages(msgs []*Message) error {
    defer t.RUnlock()
    if atomic.LoadInt32(&t.exitFlag) == 1 {
        return errors.New("exiting")
    messageTotalBytes := 0
    for i, m := range msgs {
        err := t.put(m)
        if err != nil {
            atomic.AddUint64(&t.messageCount, uint64(i))
            atomic.AddUint64(&t.messageBytes, uint64(messageTotalBytes))
            return err
        messageTotalBytes += len(m.Body)
    atomic.AddUint64(&t.messageBytes, uint64(messageTotalBytes))
    atomic.AddUint64(&t.messageCount, uint64(len(msgs)))
    return nil
//select 先走case, 也就是内存缓冲区
//如果case没有执行,看看有没有default, 接着执行default
//也就是说 消息先投递到内存, 内存缓冲区满了之后会将消息写入到磁盘队列
//这里使用了sync.Pool 减少GC
//同时也会看每次写入磁盘是否有错误, 设置其健康状态保存已暴露给api接口/ping使用
func (t *Topic) put(m *Message) error {
    select {
    case t.memoryMsgChan <- m: //内存队列
        err := writeMessageToBackend(m, t.backend)
        if err != nil {
                "TOPIC(%s) ERROR: failed to write message to backend - %s",
                t.name, err)
            return err
    return nil

删除消息 && 关闭topic

删除topic:func (t *Topic) Delete() error

关闭topic:func (t *Topic) Close() error



  1. 通知nsqd,把topic从lookup中反注册。t.nsqd.Notify(t, !t.ephemeral)
  2. 关闭topic.exitChan管道让topic.messagePump退出;
  3. 循环删除其channelMap列表,channel.Delete();(Delete专用)
  4. 循环channelMap执行channel.Close(),关闭下面的所有channel(close的时候)
  5. 将内存未消费的消息持久化;(close的时候)
// Delete empties the topic and all its channels and closes
func (t *Topic) Delete() error {
    return t.exit(true)
// Close persists all outstanding topic data and closes all its channels
func (t *Topic) Close() error {
    return t.exit(false)
func (t *Topic) exit(deleted bool) error {
    if !atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&t.exitFlag, 0, 1) {
        return errors.New("exiting")
    if deleted {
        t.nsqd.logf(LOG_INFO, "TOPIC(%s): deleting", t.name)
        // since we are explicitly deleting a topic (not just at system exit time)
        // de-register this from the lookupd
        t.nsqd.Notify(t, !t.ephemeral)
    else {
        t.nsqd.logf(LOG_INFO, "TOPIC(%s): closing", t.name)
    // synchronize the close of messagePump()
    if deleted {
        for _, channel := range t.channelMap {
            delete(t.channelMap, channel.name)
        // empty the queue (deletes the backend files, too)
        t.Empty() //清空内存队列和文件队列
        return t.backend.Delete() //删除文件队列
    // close all the channels
    for _, channel := range t.channelMap {
        err := channel.Close()
        if err != nil {
            // we need to continue regardless of error to close all the channels
            t.nsqd.logf(LOG_ERROR, "channel(%s) close - %s", channel.name, err)
    // write anything leftover to disk
    //将内存未消费的消息持久化到backend && 关闭backend
    return t.backend.Close()
//将内存队列的消息,全部刷新到磁盘进行持久化(exit 操作的时候)
func (t *Topic) flush() error {
    if len(t.memoryMsgChan) > 0 {
            "TOPIC(%s): flushing %d memory messages to backend",
            t.name, len(t.memoryMsgChan))
    for {
        select {
        case msg := <-t.memoryMsgChan:
            err := writeMessageToBackend(msg, t.backend)
            if err != nil {
                    "ERROR: failed to write message to backend - %s", err)
            goto finish
    return nil

获取一个channel如果不存在则创建 && 删除存在的channel

获取一个channel如果不存在则创建: func (t *Topic) GetChannel(channelName string) *Channel

获取一个存在的channel:func (t *Topic) GetExistingChannel(channelName string) (*Channel, error)

删除一个存在的channel:func (t *Topic) DeleteExistingChannel(channelName string) error

// GetChannel performs a thread safe operation
// to return a pointer to a Channel object (potentially new)
// for the given Topic
func (t *Topic) GetChannel(channelName string) *Channel {
    channel, isNew := t.getOrCreateChannel(channelName)
    if isNew {
        // update messagePump state
        select {
        case t.channelUpdateChan <- 1:
        case <-t.exitChan:
    return channel
// this expects the caller to handle locking
func (t *Topic) getOrCreateChannel(channelName string) (*Channel, bool) {
    channel, ok := t.channelMap[channelName]
    if !ok {
        deleteCallback := func(c *Channel) {
        channel = NewChannel(t.name, channelName, t.nsqd, deleteCallback)
        t.channelMap[channelName] = channel
        t.nsqd.logf(LOG_INFO, "TOPIC(%s): new channel(%s)", t.name, channel.name)
        return channel, true
    return channel, false
func (t *Topic) GetExistingChannel(channelName string) (*Channel, error) {
    defer t.RUnlock()
    channel, ok := t.channelMap[channelName]
    if !ok {
        return nil, errors.New("channel does not exist")
    return channel, nil
// DeleteExistingChannel removes a channel from the topic only if it exists
func (t *Topic) DeleteExistingChannel(channelName string) error {
    channel, ok := t.channelMap[channelName]
    if !ok {
        return errors.New("channel does not exist")
    t.nsqd.logf(LOG_INFO, "TOPIC(%s): deleting channel %s", t.name, channel.name)
    // delete empties the channel before closing
    // (so that we dont leave any messages around)
    // we do this before removing the channel from map below (with no lock)
    // so that any incoming subs will error and not create a new channel
    // to enforce ordering
    delete(t.channelMap, channelName)
    numChannels := len(t.channelMap)
    // update messagePump state
    select {
    case t.channelUpdateChan <- 1:
    case <-t.exitChan:
    if numChannels == 0 && t.ephemeral == true {
        go t.deleter.Do(func() { t.deleteCallback(t) })
    return nil




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