cocos2d-基本概念(3)-Actions: Ease 缓冲动作

Actions: Ease



缓冲操作是一个特殊的复杂操作,可以改变inner 动作的时间。在Flash里面,它们经常被称作Tweening 或者Easing 动作。



The Ease actions alter the linearity of the time.




  • In actions: action开始的时候加速
  • Out actions: action结束的时候加速
  • InOut actions: action开始,结束的时候加速

For more information about easing or tweening actions, visit any of these pages:

Ease actions


-(void) update:(ccTime) t
   [inner update: powf(t,rate)];

rate 这个参数就是增加的速率




// acceleration at the beginning

        id action = [MoveTo actionWithDuration:2 position:ccp(100,100)];

id ease = [EaseIn actionWithAction:action rate:2];

[sprite runAction: ease];

// acceleration at the end

id action = [MoveTo actionWithDuration:2 position:ccp(100,100)];

id ease = [EaseIn actionWithAction:action rate:2];

[sprite runAction: ease];

// acceleration at the beginning / end

id action = [MoveTo actionWithDuration:2 position:ccp(100,100)];

id ease = [EaseInOut actionWithAction:action rate:2];

[sprite runAction: ease];

EaseExponential actions 指数缓冲动作

  • EaseExponentialIn
  • EaseExponentialOut
  • EaseExponentialInOut

EaseSine actions 塞因缓冲

  • EaseSineIn
  • EaseSineOut
  • EaseSineInOut



[EaseRateAction actionWithAction:<#(IntervalAction *)action#> rate:<#(float)rate#>]; 

EaseElastic actions 弹性缓冲

These actions alters the time simulating an elastic. Elastic actions will use time values greater than 1 and lower than 0, so the inner action should be prepared to handle this special values.

Also some values will be triggered more than once (this function is not bijective), so again, the inner action should be prepared to handle this values. Simple actions like MoveByScaleByRotateBy work OK with EaseElastic actions, but the Sequence or Spawnactions might have unexpected results.

Available since v0.8.2

Available elastic actions:

  • EaseElasticIn
  • EaseElasticOut
  • EaseElasticInOut



// 'period' is how elastic is the action.

// recommended values: between 0.3 and 0.45

// Elastic at the beginning

id move = [MoveBy actionWithDuration:3 position:ccp(350,0)];

id action = [EaseElasticIn actionWithAction:move period:0.3f];

[sprite runAction: action];

// Elastic at the end

id move = [MoveBy actionWithDuration:3 position:ccp(350,0)];

id action = [EaseElasticOut actionWithAction:move period:0.3f];

[sprite runAction: action];

// Elastic at the beginning and at the end

id move = [MoveBy actionWithDuration:3 position:ccp(350,0)];

id action = [EaseElasticInOut actionWithAction:move period:0.3f];

[sprite runAction: action];

EaseBounce actions 跳跃缓冲

EaseBounce actions simulates a bouncing effect.

Some time values will be triggered more than once (this function is not bijective), so the inner action should be prepared to handle this values. Simple actions like MoveByScaleByRotateBy work OK with EaseBounce actions, but the Sequence or Spawn actions might have unexpected results.

Available since v0.8.2

Available bounce actions:

  • EaseBounceIn
  • EaseBounceOut
  • EaseBounceInOut



// Bounce at the beginning

id move = [MoveBy actionWithDuration:3 position:ccp(350,0)];

id action = [EaseBounceIn actionWithAction:move];

[sprite runAction: action];

// Bounce at the end

id move = [MoveBy actionWithDuration:3 position:ccp(350,0)];

id action = [EaseBounceOut actionWithAction:move];

[sprite runAction: action];

// Bounce at the beginning and at the end

id move = [MoveBy actionWithDuration:3 position:ccp(350,0)];

id action = [EaseBounceInOut actionWithAction:move];

[sprite runAction: action];

EaseBack actions

Some time values will be triggered more than once (this function is not bijective), so the inner action should be prepared to handle this values. Simple actions like MoveByScaleByRotateBy work OK with EaseBack actions, but the Sequence or Spawn actions might have unexpected results.

Available since v0.8.2

Available bounce actions:

  • EaseBackIn
  • EaseBackOut
  • EaseBackInOut



// Back at the beginning

id move = [MoveBy actionWithDuration:3 position:ccp(350,0)];

id action = [EaseBackIn actionWithAction:move];

[sprite runAction: action];

// Back at the end

id move = [MoveBy actionWithDuration:3 position:ccp(350,0)];

id action = [EaseBackOut actionWithAction:move];

[sprite runAction: action];

// Back at the beginning and at the end

id move = [MoveBy actionWithDuration:3 position:ccp(350,0)];

id action = [EaseBackInOut actionWithAction:move];

[sprite runAction: action];

Actions: Speed

Speed action

The Speed action modifies the duration of the inner action.

id move = [MoveBy actionWithDuration:3 position:ccp(350,0)];

id action = [Speed actionWithAction: move speed:1.0f];   // no speed modification

// but you can modify the speed later

[action setSpeed: 2.5f]; // speed is 2.5 faster

[action setSpeed: 0.5f]; // speed is 0.5 faster (it means 2 times slower)

posted @ 2010-01-24 19:03  AlexLiu  阅读(10507)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报