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导入cx_Oracle 的时候报:

ImportError: DLL load failed with error code 193

These two errors are the same error, code 193, reported two different ways. It is caused because your 64 bit Python is trying to load a 32 bit DLL.

It's hard to say exactly why this has happened. Perhaps you installed some 32 bit Python modules by mistake. Perhaps there is some confusion in paths.

However, often the easiest way to get around this sort of problem is to switch to 32 bit Python which runs impeccably on 64 bit Windows. A side benefit is that you will sometimes want to use modules that are only available in 32 bit form – 64 bit module support is still a little patchy.


posted @ 2013-02-26 19:06  Alex-Zeng  阅读(420)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报