oracle - learn-one
SGA : System Global Area
SQL>show sga;
Sga sized by the SGA_MAX_SIZE prarmeter.
Select component,granule_size from v$sga_dynamic_components;
Shared Pool:
- library cache
- date dictionary cache
database buffer cache:
Redo log buffer:
Large pool:
Java pool:
PGA: program Glob Area
Process structure
- user process
- server process
- Background process
Ipc :inter process communication,包括共享内存、队列、信号量等几种形式。
To start Universal Installer in non-interactive mode:
./runInstaller –responsefile myrespfile –silent
User SYS:
Owner of the database data dictionary
Default password:change_on_install
User system:
Owner of additional internal tables and views used by oracle tools
Default password: manager