[不更了][算法][动态规划][dynamic programing]力扣dp学习计划题单



动态规划利用递推或递归来解决问题,通常这个问题可以被拆分成相同的小问题,我们通过解决一个小问题继而解决更高一层的较大问题,整合其结果一直到原问题上。例如,斐波那契数列就是一个很典型的可以用动态规划解决的问题,因为其问题f(n)的值与其前两个值相关,因此这个问题就可以被拆分为f(i) = f(i-1) + f(i-2)并已知两个初值f(0), f(1)通过递推算出f(n)。

int p=0, q=0, r=1;
for (int i=2; i <= n; ++i) {
p = q; // assign q value to p
q = r; // assign r value to q
r = p + q; // f(n) = f(n-1)+f(n-2)
return r;

打劫问题(House Robber/Delete & Earn)


houses[0] = nums[0];
houses[1] = max(nums[0], nums[1]);
for (int i=2; i<n; ++i) {
houses[i] = max(nums[i]+houses[i-2], houses[i-1]);
return houses[n-1];

同理在delete & earn问题中,所有的某任意值i之前一个数m和之后一个数n会被删除,因此除了判断f(i)是保留还是跳过以外,还需要判断m和n与i的关系:

  • 求较大值
    • 保留:countElem[unique_elem[i]]+totalPts[i-2]
    • 跳过:totalPts[i-1]
  • 不是连续值
    • countElem[unique_elem[i]] + totalPts[i-1]全加起来了就完事了
      PS. totalPts[]存储各元素对应的最大点数; countElem[]存储原数组中重复元素的总和; unique_elem[]整合了原数组的元素,去掉重复部分。
for (int i=2; i<n; ++i) {
totalPts[i] = (unique_elem[i]==unique_elem[i-1]+1)?
(max(countElem[unique_elem[i]]+totalPts[i-2], totalPts[i-1])):
(countElem[unique_elem[i]] + totalPts[i-1]);
return totalPts[n-1];

跳格子&最大子数组和(jump game/maximum subarray)


Max Subarray
// max subarray
int maxVal = nums[0], curMax = 0;
for (int& i:nums) {
curMax = max(i, curMax+i);
maxVal = max(maxVal, curMax); // update maxVal
return maxVal;
jump game
// same idea as jump game
// to find the max jump length at [i, maxIndex] to decide the next position
int maxIndex = 0, minJumps = 0, currentStop = 0, nextStop = 0;
int n = nums.size();
if (n==1) return 0; // only one step, no jumps required
while (nextStop < n-1) { // jumping
// find the maxIndex it can reach
maxIndex = max(maxIndex, currentStop+nums[currentStop]);
// if the current stop reach to the end of range
if (currentStop == nextStop) {
++minJumps; // increment jumps
nextStop = maxIndex; // update the next stop
++currentStop; // update current stop
return minJumps;

环形数组求最大数组和(jump game II)


  • 若最大数组在原数组中间,则情况与跳跃游戏 I类似,只求maxVal;
  • 若最大数组在头尾交界处,则有一个最小数组在中间,即minVal = totalSum - maxVal.
    注意:当原数组只包含负数时,根据题意子数组不能为空,则maxVal = max(array), minVal = sum(array) = total。于是最后判断max(maxVal, total - minVal)时,返回0而不是maxVal,因此需要再加一层判断。
circular max subarray
int maxVal = nums[0], minVal = nums[0], curMax = 0, curMin = 0, total = 0;
if (nums.size()==1) return nums[0];
for (int& i:nums) {
curMax = max(i, curMax+i); // update current maximum
curMin = min(i, curMin+i); // update current minimum
maxVal = max(curMax, maxVal); // update maxVal
minVal = min(curMin, minVal); // update minVal
total += i; // update total sum
// in case that nums[] contains only negative numbers
return (minVal == total) ? maxVal : max(maxVal, total - minVal);
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