向量化 Vectorization




h = X' * theta (这里的X‘表示X的转置)

向量化可以简化代码,提高运算效率~ Vectorization is highly recommended!




You can use the mean() and sigma() functions to get the mean and std deviation for each column of X. These are returned as row vectors (1 x n)

Now you want to apply those values to each element in every row of the X matrix. One way to do this is to duplicate these vectors for each row in X, so they're the same size.

One method to do this is to create a column vector of all-ones - size (m x 1) - and multiply it by the mu or sigma row vector (1 x n). Dimensionally, (m x 1) * (1 x n) gives you a (m x n) matrix, and every row of the resulting matrix will be identical. (这个方法很妙!)

Now that X, mu, and sigma are all the same size, you can use element-wise operators to compute X_normalized.

Try these commands in your workspace:

 1 X = [1 2 3; 4 5 6]
 2 % creates a test matrix
 3 mu = mean(X)
 4 % returns a row vector
 5 sigma = std(X)
 6 % returns a row vector
 7 m = size(X, 1)
 8 % returns the number of rows in X
 9 mu_matrix = ones(m, 1) * mu
10 sigma_matrix = ones(m, 1) * sigma


除法也类似,不过要用 ./ (element-wise运算)而不是 

而在我的matlab R2018b版本里,可以直接X-v 或 X./v 来得到同样的结果,非常方便,但不一定适用于其他版本。所以还是把上面的构建ones列向量并与原行向量相乘的方法记牢比较好。

posted @ 2021-09-10 20:43  Aikoin  阅读(300)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报