c#编程指南(十六) 反射方式罗列对象组每个对象中属性和值,和lambda方式罗列(多了编译),代码比较
c#编程指南(十六) 连续两周出现在CodeProject Newsletter上代码分析
1 public void DumpReflection(object[] objs)
2 {
3 for (int i = 0; i < objs.Length; i++)
4 { //得到object的具体类型的所有属性
5 PropertyInfo[] pi = objs[i].GetType().GetProperties();
6 for (int j = 0; j < pi.Length; j++)
7 { //得到属性值并且打印
8 Console.WriteLine(pi[j].Name + " : " + pi[j].GetValue(objs[i],null));
9 }
10 }
11 }
2 {
3 for (int i = 0; i < objs.Length; i++)
4 { //得到object的具体类型的所有属性
5 PropertyInfo[] pi = objs[i].GetType().GetProperties();
6 for (int j = 0; j < pi.Length; j++)
7 { //得到属性值并且打印
8 Console.WriteLine(pi[j].Name + " : " + pi[j].GetValue(objs[i],null));
9 }
10 }
11 }
1 //#############################################
2 //
3 // dump Hundreds of object , using reflection linq and lambda and delegate generic.
4 //
5 //############################################
6 public void DumpLambda(object[] objs)
7 {
8 for (int i = 0; i < objs.Length; i++)
9 { //如果使用C# 4.0,直接使用系统提供tuple.
10 Tuple[] t = GetTuple(objs[i].GetType());
11 for (int j = 0; j < t.Length; j++)
12 { //使用泛型委托,创建委托实例。
13 Func<object, object> temp = (Func<object, object>)t[j].Delegate;
14 Console.WriteLine(t[j].Name + " : " + temp(objs[i]));
15 }
16 }
17 }
19 private Tuple[] GetTuple(Type t)
20 {
21 //创建lambda: (o)=>((t)o).pi;(pi为类型的具体属性)
22 Tuple[] dRet = (from pi in t.GetProperties() //遍历每个属性
23 let o = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object), "o") //设置Lambda表达式参数
24 select new Tuple(pi.Name, Expression.Lambda(Expression.Convert(Expression.Property(Expression.Convert(o, t), pi), typeof(object)), o).Compile())).ToArray();
25 //返回tuple类。
26 return dRet;
27 }
29 public class Tuple
30 {
31 public string Name { get; set; }
32 public Delegate Delegate { get; set; }33 public Tuple(string name, Delegate d)34 {35 this.Name = name;36 this.Delegate = d;37 }38 }
2 //
3 // dump Hundreds of object , using reflection linq and lambda and delegate generic.
4 //
5 //############################################
6 public void DumpLambda(object[] objs)
7 {
8 for (int i = 0; i < objs.Length; i++)
9 { //如果使用C# 4.0,直接使用系统提供tuple.
10 Tuple[] t = GetTuple(objs[i].GetType());
11 for (int j = 0; j < t.Length; j++)
12 { //使用泛型委托,创建委托实例。
13 Func<object, object> temp = (Func<object, object>)t[j].Delegate;
14 Console.WriteLine(t[j].Name + " : " + temp(objs[i]));
15 }
16 }
17 }
19 private Tuple[] GetTuple(Type t)
20 {
21 //创建lambda: (o)=>((t)o).pi;(pi为类型的具体属性)
22 Tuple[] dRet = (from pi in t.GetProperties() //遍历每个属性
23 let o = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object), "o") //设置Lambda表达式参数
24 select new Tuple(pi.Name, Expression.Lambda(Expression.Convert(Expression.Property(Expression.Convert(o, t), pi), typeof(object)), o).Compile())).ToArray();
25 //返回tuple类。
26 return dRet;
27 }
29 public class Tuple
30 {
31 public string Name { get; set; }
32 public Delegate Delegate { get; set; }33 public Tuple(string name, Delegate d)34 {35 this.Name = name;36 this.Delegate = d;37 }38 }