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G - Greg and Array CodeForces - 296C 差分+线段树 


Obtain The String CodeForces - 1295C binary_search+思维  

V - Infinite Prefixes CodeForces - 1295B math

N - Aroma's Search CodeForces - 1293D math+greedy

6 Xor Path 牛客,HPU--C--LCA

7 U - Obtain a Permutation CodeForces - 1294E 思维 

D. Minimax Problem Codeforces 1288D binary_search+二进制

9 -----差分简介------

10ATcoder E - Flatten 质因子分解求LCM 

11C - Dr. Evil Underscores CodeForces - 1285D 二进制 

12B - Fadi and LCM CodeForces - 1285C 质因子 

13C - Long Beautiful Integer codeforces 1269C 构造 

14 线段树模板,区间(乘法+加法) 

posted on 2020-02-03 13:12  Target--fly  阅读(108)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报