

symcli是symmetrix的主机端的命令,只要主机上安装了Solutions Enabler软件,然后与Symmetrix阵列链接



symcfg list


symcfg list -v


symcfg list -connections


symdev -sid xxx list -vcm

stordaemon action storapid -cmd show -gk_stats -sid xxx

stordaemon action storapid -cmd show -gk_pdevs -sid xxx


symcfg list -upatches


symcfg list -env_data


symcfg list -memory


symcfg list -lockn all

#显示所有Thin Pool的状态

symcfg list -pool -thin


symdisk list -failed


symdisk list -hotspare


symdisk list -spare_info -v


symdev list -service_state notnormal


sympd list

symdev list pd

symdev list -FA all


symmask list logins -sid xxx


symmask list database -sid xxx

#显示Masking View的信息(VMAX)

symaccess list view -sid xxx

symaccess show view -sid xxx



[root@nuisvr ~]# symcfg list -v
Symmetrix ID: 000298701051 (Local)
Time Zone   : HKT
    Product Model                    : VMAX10K 
    Symmetrix ID                     : 000298701051
    Microcode Version (Number)           : 5876 (16F40000)
    Microcode Registered Build           : 321
    Microcode Date                   : 03.23.2018
    Microcode Patch Date               : 03.23.2018
    Microcode Patch Level               : 288
    Symmwin Version                   : 195
    Enginuity Build Version             : 5876.288.195
    Service Processor Time Offset          : - 07:06:46
    Cache Size (Mirrored)               :  129024 (MB)
    # of Available Cache Slots           : 1600768
    Max # of System Write Pending Slots       :  962962
    Max # of DA Write Pending Slots         : N/A
    Max # of Device Write Pending Slots       :   48148
    Replication Usage (Percent)           :       0
    Max # of Replication Cache Slots        :  418951
    Symmetrix Total Operating Time         : 305 days, 04:38:04
    Symmetrix Power ON Time              : Sun Jun 23 14:19:19 2019
    Symmetrix Last IPL Time (Cold)         : Sun Jun 23 14:19:19 2019
    Symmetrix Last Fast IPL Time (Hot)       : Mon Jan  1 08:00:00 2007
    Host DB Sync Time                  : Thu Apr 23 18:14:13 2020
    Symmetrix CLI (SYMCLI) Version         : V9.0.0.0 (Edit Level: 2504)
    Built with SYMAPI Version            : V9.0.0.0 (Edit Level: 2504)
    SYMAPI Run Time Version              : V9.0.0.0 (Edit Level: 2504)
    SYMAPI Server Version                : unavailable
    Number of Configured (Sym) Devices       :  3820
    Number of Visible (Host) Devices        :     6
    Number of Configured Actual Disks        :   582
    Number of Configured Spare Disks        :    16
    Number of Available Spare Disks         :     0
    Number of Unconfigured Disks          :     0
    Maximum number of hypers per disk        :  1024
    Composite door LED status            : On
    Number of Powerpath Devices           :     0
    Powerpath Run Time Version           : 6.3.1
    SDDF Configuration State             : Enabled
    Configuration Change State           : Enabled
    Symmetrix Configuration Checksum      : 2977BE83
    Switched RDF Configuration State      : Enabled
    Concurrent RDF Configuration State     : Enabled
    Dynamic RDF Configuration State       : Enabled
    Concurrent Dynamic RDF Configuration     : Enabled
    RDF Data Mobility Configuration State    : Disabled
    Access Control Configuration State    : Enabled
    Device Masking (ACLX) Config State    : Enabled
    ACLX Device Lun Address              : N/A
    Multi LRU Device Assignment          : NONE
    Disk Group Assignments               : In Use
    Hot Swap Policy for Hard Drives      : Permanent
    Hot Swap Policy for Flash Drives     : Permanent
    Symmetrix Disk Library               : Disabled
    FBA Geometry Emulation               : Native
    3 Dynamic Mirrors                    : Enabled
    Cache Partitioning                   : Disabled
    IPSec Status                         : Pass Thru
    Allow spare in mirror 4 position     : Disabled
    Disks Service                        : Normal
    Data at Rest Encryption              : Disabled
    Time Window Definition Format        : Enhanced
    PowerPath Initiator Registration     : N/A
    PowerPath Host Registration          : N/A
    Parity Raid Configuration            : N/A
    Raid-5 Configuration                 : RAID-5 (3+1)
    Raid-6 Configuration                 : N/A
    PAV Mode                             : DynamicStandardPAV
    PAV Alias Limit                      : 31
    SRDF/A Maximum Host Throttle (Secs)  : 0
    SRDF/A Maximum Cache Usage (Percent) : 0
    SRDF/A DSE Maximum Capacity (GB)     : N/A
    Auto Meta                            : Enabled
    Minimum Auto Meta Size               : 109226
    Auto Meta Member Size                : 68267
    Auto Meta Configuration              : Striped
Symmetrix ID: 000496800204 (Local)
Time Zone   : HKT
    Product Model                        : VMAX100K
    Symmetrix ID                         : 000496800204
    Microcode Version (Number)           : 5977 (17590000)
    Microcode Registered Build           : 514
    Microcode Date                       : 03.10.2020
    Microcode Patch Date                 : 03.10.2020
    Microcode Patch Level                : 1131
    Symmwin Version                      : 1131
    Enginuity Build Version              : 5977.1131.1131
    Service Processor Time Offset        : - 07:30:50
    Cache Size (Mirrored)                :  968704 (MB)
    # of Available Cache Slots           : 7424572
    Max # of System Write Pending Slots  : 5568429
    Max # of DA Write Pending Slots      : N/A
    Max # of Device Write Pending Slots  :  278421
    Replication Usage (Percent)          :       0
    Max # of Replication Cache Slots     :     N/A
    Symmetrix Total Operating Time       : 361 days, 02:52:54
    Symmetrix Power ON Time              : Sun Apr 28 16:04:29 2019
    Symmetrix Last IPL Time (Cold)       : Sun Apr 28 16:04:29 2019
    Symmetrix Last Fast IPL Time (Hot)   : Tue Jan  1 08:00:00 2013
    Host DB Sync Time                    : Thu Apr 23 18:39:28 2020
    Symmetrix CLI (SYMCLI) Version       : V9.0.0.0 (Edit Level: 2504)
    Built with SYMAPI Version            : V9.0.0.0 (Edit Level: 2504)
    SYMAPI Run Time Version              : V9.0.0.0 (Edit Level: 2504)
    SYMAPI Server Version                : unavailable
    Number of Configured (Sym) Devices   :  2337
    Number of Visible (Host) Devices     :    61
    Number of Configured Actual Disks    :   324
    Number of Configured Spare Disks     :    27
    Number of Available Spare Disks      :    26
    Number of Unconfigured Disks         :     0
    Maximum number of hypers per disk    :   128
    Composite door LED status            : On
    Number of Powerpath Devices          :    12
    Powerpath Run Time Version           : 6.3.1
    SDDF Configuration State             : Enabled
    Configuration Change State           : Enabled
    Symmetrix Configuration Checksum     : A4E52B02
    Switched RDF Configuration State     : Enabled
    Concurrent RDF Configuration State   : Enabled
    Dynamic RDF Configuration State      : Enabled
    Concurrent Dynamic RDF Configuration : Enabled
    RDF Data Mobility Configuration State: Disabled
    Access Control Configuration State   : Enabled
    Device Masking (ACLX) Config State   : Mixed
    ACLX Device Lun Address              : 000
    Multi LRU Device Assignment          : N/A
    Disk Group Assignments               : In Use
    Hot Swap Policy for Hard Drives      : Permanent
    Hot Swap Policy for Flash Drives     : Permanent
    Symmetrix Disk Library               : N/A
    FBA Geometry Emulation               : Native
    3 Dynamic Mirrors                    : N/A
    Cache Partitioning                   : Disabled
    IPSec Status                         : Pass Thru
    Allow spare in mirror 4 position     : Disabled
    Disks Service                        : Deferred
    Data at Rest Encryption              : Disabled
    Time Window Definition Format        : N/A
    PowerPath Initiator Registration     : N/A
    PowerPath Host Registration          : N/A
    Parity Raid Configuration            : N/A
    Raid-5 Configuration                 : RAID-5 (3+1)
    Raid-6 Configuration                 : N/A
    PAV Mode                             : DynamicStandardPAV
    PAV Alias Limit                      : 255
    SRDF/A Maximum Host Throttle (Secs)  : 0
    SRDF/A Maximum Cache Usage (Percent) : 75
    SRDF/A DSE Maximum Capacity (GB)     : NoLimit
    Auto Meta                            : N/A
    Minimum Auto Meta Size               : N/A
    Auto Meta Member Size                : N/A
    Auto Meta Configuration              : N/A
Symmetrix ID: 000496800205 (Local)
Time Zone   : HKT
    Product Model                        : VMAX100K
    Symmetrix ID                         : 000496800205
    Microcode Version (Number)           : 5977 (17590000)
    Microcode Registered Build           : 514
    Microcode Date                       : 03.10.2020
    Microcode Patch Date                 : 03.10.2020
    Microcode Patch Level                : 1131
    Symmwin Version                      : 1131
    Enginuity Build Version              : 5977.1131.1131
    Service Processor Time Offset        : - 06:37:45
    Cache Size (Mirrored)                :  954368 (MB)
    # of Available Cache Slots           : 1985964
    Max # of System Write Pending Slots  : 1489473
    Max # of DA Write Pending Slots      : N/A
    Max # of Device Write Pending Slots  :   74473
    Replication Usage (Percent)          :       0
    Max # of Replication Cache Slots     :     N/A
    Symmetrix Total Operating Time       : 361 days, 03:15:07
    Symmetrix Power ON Time              : Sun Apr 28 15:42:16 2019
    Symmetrix Last IPL Time (Cold)       : Sun Apr 28 15:42:16 2019
    Symmetrix Last Fast IPL Time (Hot)   : Tue Jan  1 08:00:00 2013
    Host DB Sync Time                    : Thu Apr 23 18:49:38 2020
    Symmetrix CLI (SYMCLI) Version       : V9.0.0.0 (Edit Level: 2504)
    Built with SYMAPI Version            : V9.0.0.0 (Edit Level: 2504)
    SYMAPI Run Time Version              : V9.0.0.0 (Edit Level: 2504)
    SYMAPI Server Version                : unavailable
    Number of Configured (Sym) Devices   :  3364
    Number of Visible (Host) Devices     :    61
    Number of Configured Actual Disks    :   572
    Number of Configured Spare Disks     :    41
    Number of Available Spare Disks      :    41
    Number of Unconfigured Disks         :     0
    Maximum number of hypers per disk    :   128
    Composite door LED status            : On
    Number of Powerpath Devices          :    12
    Powerpath Run Time Version           : 6.3.1
    SDDF Configuration State             : Enabled
    Configuration Change State           : Enabled
    Symmetrix Configuration Checksum     : C1985157
    Switched RDF Configuration State     : Enabled
    Concurrent RDF Configuration State   : Enabled
    Dynamic RDF Configuration State      : Enabled
    Concurrent Dynamic RDF Configuration : Enabled
    RDF Data Mobility Configuration State: Disabled
    Access Control Configuration State   : Enabled
    Device Masking (ACLX) Config State   : Mixed
    ACLX Device Lun Address              : 000
    Multi LRU Device Assignment          : N/A
    Disk Group Assignments               : In Use
    Hot Swap Policy for Hard Drives      : Permanent
    Hot Swap Policy for Flash Drives     : Permanent
    Symmetrix Disk Library               : N/A
    FBA Geometry Emulation               : Native
    3 Dynamic Mirrors                    : N/A
    Cache Partitioning                   : Disabled
    IPSec Status                         : Pass Thru
    Allow spare in mirror 4 position     : Disabled
    Disks Service                        : Normal
    Data at Rest Encryption              : Disabled
    Time Window Definition Format        : N/A
    PowerPath Initiator Registration     : N/A
    PowerPath Host Registration          : N/A
    Parity Raid Configuration            : N/A
    Raid-5 Configuration                 : RAID-5 (3+1)
    Raid-6 Configuration                 : N/A
    PAV Mode                             : DynamicStandardPAV
    PAV Alias Limit                      : 255
    SRDF/A Maximum Host Throttle (Secs)  : 0
    SRDF/A Maximum Cache Usage (Percent) : 75
    SRDF/A DSE Maximum Capacity (GB)     : NoLimit
    Auto Meta                            : N/A
    Minimum Auto Meta Size               : N/A
    Auto Meta Member Size                : N/A
    Auto Meta Configuration              : N/A
[root@nuisvr ~]# symcfg list
                                   S Y M M E T R I X                         
                                              Mcode    Cache      Num Phys  Num Symm
    SymmID       Attachment  Model            Version  Size (MB)  Devices   Devices
    000298701051 Local       VMAX10K          5876      129024         6      3820
    000496800204 Local       VMAX100K         5977      968704        61      2337
    000496800205 Local       VMAX100K         5977      954368        61      3364
[root@nuisvr ~]# symaccess list view -sid 000298701051
Symmetrix ID          : 000298701051
Masking View Name   Initiator Group     Port Group          Storage Group
------------------- ------------------- ------------------- -------------------
p780_cx_c_MV        p780_cx_c           p780_cx_c_PG        DCX_SG             
p780_cx_d_MV        p780_cx_d           p780_cx_d_PG        DCX_SG             
p780c_LPAR5_A_MV    p780c_LPAR5_A       HXZGYJ_PG           HXZGYJ_SG          
p780d_LPAR5_B_MV    p780d_LPAR5_B       BFHFCS_PG           BFHFCS_SG
[root@nuisvr ~]# symcfg list
                                   S Y M M E T R I X                         
                                              Mcode    Cache      Num Phys  Num Symm
    SymmID       Attachment  Model            Version  Size (MB)  Devices   Devices
    000298701051 Local       VMAX10K          5876      129024         6      3820
    000496800204 Local       VMAX100K         5977      968704        61      2337
    000496800205 Local       VMAX100K         5977      954368        61      3364
[root@nuisvr ~]# symcfg list -pool -thin
Symmetrix ID: 000298701051
                       S Y M M E T R I X   P O O L S                       
Pool         Flags  Dev              Usable       Free       Used Full   Comp
Name         PTECSL Config           Tracks     Tracks     Tracks  (%)  Ratio
------------ ------ ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---- ------
pool_Raid5   TFFDEI RAID-5(3+1)  2348207328  308285004 2039922324   87      -
pool_R1_FC   TFFDEI 2-Way Mir     848120640  848120640          0    0      -
pool_R1_SSD  TEFDEI 2-Way Mir      48079872   48079872          0    0      -
Total                            ---------- ---------- ---------- ---- ------
Tracks                           3244407840 1204485516 2039922324   63      -
  (P)ool Type:
    S = Snap,  R = Rdfa DSE,  T = Thin
    S = SATA, F = Fibre Channel, E = Enterprise Flash Drive, M = Mixed, - = N/A
  Dev (E)mulation:
    F = FBA, A = AS400, 8 = CKD3380, 9 or C = CKD3390, - = N/A
    E = Enabled, D = Disabled, N = Enabling, S = Disabling, - = N/A
    E = Enabled, D = Disabled, B = Balancing
  Disk (L)ocation:
    I = Internal, X = External, M = Mixed, - = N/A
Symmetrix ID: 000496800204
                       S Y M M E T R I X   P O O L S                       
Pool         Flags  Dev              Usable       Free       Used Full   Comp
Name         PTECSL Config           Tracks     Tracks     Tracks  (%)  Ratio
------------ ------ ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---- ------
DG1_FBA10K   TFFDEI RAID-5(3+1)  1973522880 1030846746  942676134   48  1.0:1
DG2_FBA_F    TEFDEI RAID-5(3+1)   172005119    3461129  168543990   98  1.0:1
Total                            ---------- ---------- ---------- ---- ------
Tracks                           2145527999 1034307875 1111220124   52  1.0:1
  (P)ool Type:
    S = Snap,  R = Rdfa DSE,  T = Thin
    S = SATA, F = Fibre Channel, E = Enterprise Flash Drive, M = Mixed, - = N/A
  Dev (E)mulation:
    F = FBA, A = AS400, 8 = CKD3380, 9 or C = CKD3390, - = N/A
    E = Enabled, D = Disabled, N = Enabling, S = Disabling, - = N/A
    E = Enabled, D = Disabled, B = Balancing
  Disk (L)ocation:
    I = Internal, X = External, M = Mixed, - = N/A
Symmetrix ID: 000496800205
                       S Y M M E T R I X   P O O L S                       
Pool         Flags  Dev              Usable       Free       Used Full   Comp
Name         PTECSL Config           Tracks     Tracks     Tracks  (%)  Ratio
------------ ------ ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---- ------
DG1_FBA10K   TFFDEI RAID-5(3+1)  3406354560  541168673 2865185887   84  1.0:1
DG2_FBA_F    TEFDEI RAID-5(3+1)   365510880    7459550  358051330   98  1.0:1
Total                            ---------- ---------- ---------- ---- ------
Tracks                           3771865440  548628223 3223237217   85  1.0:1
  (P)ool Type:
    S = Snap,  R = Rdfa DSE,  T = Thin
    S = SATA, F = Fibre Channel, E = Enterprise Flash Drive, M = Mixed, - = N/A
  Dev (E)mulation:
    F = FBA, A = AS400, 8 = CKD3380, 9 or C = CKD3390, - = N/A
    E = Enabled, D = Disabled, N = Enabling, S = Disabling, - = N/A
    E = Enabled, D = Disabled, B = Balancing
  Disk (L)ocation:
    I = Internal, X = External, M = Mixed, - = N/A
[root@nuisvr ~]# symcfg list -pool -thin -GB
Symmetrix ID: 000298701051
                       S Y M M E T R I X   P O O L S                       
Pool         Flags  Dev     Usable      Free   Used Full   Comp
Name         PTECSL Config     GBs      GBs      GBs  (%)  Ratio
------------ ------ ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---- ------
pool_Raid5   TFFDEI RAID-5(3+1)  143323.4    18816.2  124507.0    87      -
pool_R1_FC   TFFDEI 2-Way Mir    51765.4    51765.4    0.0      0      -
pool_R1_SSD  TEFDEI 2-Way Mir     2934.6    2934.6     0.0      0      -
Total          ---------- ---------- ---------- ---- ------
GBs                       198023.4   73516.2   124507.0   63      -
  (P)ool Type:
    S = Snap,  R = Rdfa DSE,  T = Thin
    S = SATA, F = Fibre Channel, E = Enterprise Flash Drive, M = Mixed, - = N/A
  Dev (E)mulation:
    F = FBA, A = AS400, 8 = CKD3380, 9 or C = CKD3390, - = N/A
    E = Enabled, D = Disabled, N = Enabling, S = Disabling, - = N/A
    E = Enabled, D = Disabled, B = Balancing
  Disk (L)ocation:
    I = Internal, X = External, M = Mixed, - = N/A
Symmetrix ID: 000496800204
                       S Y M M E T R I X   P O O L S                       
Pool        Flags  Dev       Usable     Free   Used Full   Comp
Name        PTECSL Config      GBs       GBs    GBs  (%)  Ratio
------------ ------ ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---- ------
DG1_FBA10K  TFFDEI RAID-5(3+1)   240904.9   124180.3   116728.3   48  1.0:1
DG2_FBA_F  TEFDEI RAID-5(3+1)    20996.7     431.7    20565.0    98  1.0:1
Total       ---------- ---------- ---------- ---- ------
GBs                      261901.7   124612.0   137293.3   52  1.0:1
  (P)ool Type:
    S = Snap,  R = Rdfa DSE,  T = Thin
    S = SATA, F = Fibre Channel, E = Enterprise Flash Drive, M = Mixed, - = N/A
  Dev (E)mulation:
    F = FBA, A = AS400, 8 = CKD3380, 9 or C = CKD3390, - = N/A
    E = Enabled, D = Disabled, N = Enabling, S = Disabling, - = N/A
    E = Enabled, D = Disabled, B = Balancing
  Disk (L)ocation:
    I = Internal, X = External, M = Mixed, - = N/A
Symmetrix ID: 000496800205
                       S Y M M E T R I X   P O O L S                       
Pool         Flags  Dev              Usable       Free       Used Full   Comp
Name         PTECSL Config              GBs        GBs        GBs  (%)  Ratio
------------ ------ ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---- ------
DG1_FBA10K   TFFDEI RAID-5(3+1)    415804.9    62967.7   352847.2   85  1.0:1
DG2_FBA_F    TEFDEI RAID-5(3+1)    44617.9      928.8    43689.2   98  1.0:1
Total                    ---------- ---------- ---------- ---- ------
GBs                        460422.9    63896.5    396536.4   86  1.0:1
  (P)ool Type:
    S = Snap,  R = Rdfa DSE,  T = Thin
    S = SATA, F = Fibre Channel, E = Enterprise Flash Drive, M = Mixed, - = N/A
  Dev (E)mulation:
    F = FBA, A = AS400, 8 = CKD3380, 9 or C = CKD3390, - = N/A
    E = Enabled, D = Disabled, N = Enabling, S = Disabling, - = N/A
    E = Enabled, D = Disabled, B = Balancing
  Disk (L)ocation:
    I = Internal, X = External, M = Mixed, - = N/A
posted @ 2020-09-14 11:26  小俞先生  阅读(1454)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报