Nullable Value Type
public struct Nullable<T> where T : struct
// 摘要:
// Initializes a new instance of the System.Nullable<T> structure to the specified
// value.
// 参数:
// value:
// A value type.
public Nullable(T value);
public static explicit operator T(T? value);
public static implicit operator T?(T value);
// 摘要:
// Gets a value indicating whether the current System.Nullable<T> object has
// a value.
// 返回结果:
// true if the current System.Nullable<T> object has a value; false if the current
// System.Nullable<T> object has no value.
public bool HasValue { get; }
// 摘要:
// Gets the value of the current System.Nullable<T> value.
// 返回结果:
// The value of the current System.Nullable<T> object if the System.Nullable<T>.HasValue
// property is true. An exception is thrown if the System.Nullable<T>.HasValue
// property is false.
// 异常:
// System.InvalidOperationException:
// The System.Nullable<T>.HasValue property is false.
public T Value { get; }
// 摘要:
// Indicates whether the current System.Nullable<T> object is equal to a specified
// object.
// 参数:
// other:
// An object.
// 返回结果:
// true if the other parameter is equal to the current System.Nullable<T> object;
// otherwise, false. This table describes how equality is defined for the compared
// values: Return Value Description true The System.Nullable<T>.HasValue property
// is false, and the other parameter is null. That is, two null values are equal
// by definition. -or- The System.Nullable<T>.HasValue property is true, and
// the value returned by the System.Nullable<T>.Value property is equal to the
// other parameter. false The System.Nullable<T>.HasValue property for the
// current System.Nullable<T> structure is true, and the other parameter is
// null. -or- The System.Nullable<T>.HasValue property for the current System.Nullable<T>
// structure is false, and the other parameter is not null. -or- The System.Nullable<T>.HasValue
// property for the current System.Nullable<T> structure is true, and the value
// returned by the System.Nullable<T>.Value property is not equal to the other
// parameter.
public override bool Equals(object other);
// 摘要:
// Retrieves the hash code of the object returned by the System.Nullable<T>.Value
// property.
// 返回结果:
// The hash code of the object returned by the System.Nullable<T>.Value property
// if the System.Nullable<T>.HasValue property is true, or zero if the System.Nullable<T>.HasValue
// property is false.
public override int GetHashCode();
// 摘要:
// Retrieves the value of the current System.Nullable<T> object, or the object's
// default value.
// 返回结果:
// The value of the System.Nullable<T>.Value property if the System.Nullable<T>.HasValue
// property is true; otherwise, the default value of the current System.Nullable<T>
// object. The type of the default value is the type argument of the current
// System.Nullable<T> object, and the value of the default value consists solely
// of binary zeroes.
public T GetValueOrDefault();
// 摘要:
// Retrieves the value of the current System.Nullable<T> object, or the specified
// default value.
// 参数:
// defaultValue:
// A value to return if the System.Nullable<T>.HasValue property is false.
// 返回结果:
// The value of the System.Nullable<T>.Value property if the System.Nullable<T>.HasValue
// property is true; otherwise, the defaultValue parameter.
public T GetValueOrDefault(T defaultValue);
// 摘要:
// Returns the text representation of the value of the current System.Nullable<T>
// object.
// 返回结果:
// The text representation of the value of the current System.Nullable<T> object
// if the System.Nullable<T>.HasValue property is true, or an empty string ("")
// if the System.Nullable<T>.HasValue property is false.
public override string ToString();
Nullable<int> j = null;
[1] valuetype [mscorlib]System.Nullable`1<int32> j)
1:HasValue:获取一个值,指示当前的 Nullable<T> 对象是否有值。
2:Value:获取当前的 Nullable<T> 值。如果hasValue等于false,则会抛出异常。
1:T GetValueOrDefault();检索当前 Nullable<T> 对象的值,或该对象的默认值。internal T value=default(T),这个私有字段可以保证返回一个相应类型的默认值。
2:T GetValueOrDefault(T defaultValue);检索当前 Nullable<T> 对象的值或指定的默认值。
Nullable<T>的别名:Nullable<int> 可以写成int?,这是为了方便书写等原因设计。下面的代码是等价的:
int?j=null;//Nullable<int> j=null
C#对Nullable<T>的应用:??操作符:如果 ?? 运算符的左操作数非 null,该运算符将返回左操作数,否则返回右操作数。它结合了判断对象是否为空的操作。下面的代码是等价的:可以看出代码简洁不少。
DateTime kk=j==null ?DateTime .Now :(DateTime )j ;
Nullable Value Type的GetType方法,一个类型申明成Nullable<T>,我们理所当然的认为这个变量的类型会是Nullable<T>,但实际并非我们想象的那样。这里并不会返回Nullable(Int32),而是会返回System.Int32。CLR会直接返回T的类型,而不是Nullable<T>。
Nullable Value Type对接口方法的影响:我们来看下Nullable<int> 和int在调用IComparable的区别。Nullable<int>并没有实现IComparable接口,但int有实现,所以我样想调用ToCompareTo方法可以这样写(CLR)对Nullable<T>有特殊处理:
Int32 iResult = ((IComparable)i).CompareTo(1);