







  Gitee https://gitee.com/alxps/short_link

  Github https://github.com/1911860538/short_link







package handler

import (



var redirectSvc = service.RedirectSvc{
	Cache:    component.Cache,
	Database: component.Database,

func RedirectHandler(c *gin.Context) {
	code := c.Param("code")

	res, err := redirectSvc.Do(c.Request.Context(), code)
	if err != nil {
		slog.Error("GetLinkHandler错误", "err", err)
		c.AbortWithStatusJSON(res.StatusCode, gin.H{
			"detail": "服务内部错误",

	if !res.Redirect {
		c.AbortWithStatusJSON(res.StatusCode, gin.H{
			"detail": res.Msg,

	c.Redirect(res.StatusCode, res.LongUrl)


package service

import (



type RedirectSvc struct {
	Cache    component.CacheItf
	Database component.DatabaseItf

type RedirectRes struct {
	StatusCode int
	Msg        string

	Redirect bool
	LongUrl  string

var (
	confRedirectStatusCode = config.Conf.Core.RedirectStatusCode
	confCodeTtl            = config.Conf.Core.CodeTtl
	confCodeLen            = config.Conf.Core.CodeLen
	confCacheNotFoundValue = config.Conf.Core.CacheNotFoundValue

	sfGroup singleflight.Group

func (s *RedirectSvc) Do(ctx context.Context, code string) (RedirectRes, error) {
	// 去除code非法的无用请求
	if !s.codeValid(code) {
		return s.notFound(code)

	longUrl, err := s.Cache.Get(ctx, code)
	if err != nil {
		return s.internalErr(err)

	// confCacheNotFoundValue,用来在缓存标识某个code不存在,防止缓存穿透
	// 防止当某个code在数据库和缓存都不存在,大量无用请求反复读取缓存和数据库
	if longUrl == confCacheNotFoundValue {
		return s.notFound(code)

	if longUrl != "" {
		return s.redirect(longUrl)

	// 使用singleflight防止缓存击穿
	// 防止某个code缓存过期,大量该code请求过来,造成全部请求去数据读值
	result, err, _ := sfGroup.Do(code, func() (any, error) {
		link, err := s.getLinkSetCache(ctx, code)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		return link, nil

	if err != nil {
		return s.internalErr(err)
	if result == nil {
		return s.notFound(code)
	link, ok := result.(*component.Link)
	if !ok {
		err := fmt.Errorf("singleflight group.Do返回值%v,类型错误,非*component.Link", result)
		return s.internalErr(err)
	if link == nil {
		return s.notFound(code)

	return s.redirect(link.LongUrl)

func (s *RedirectSvc) codeValid(code string) bool {
	if len(code) != confCodeLen {
		return false

	for _, char := range code {
		if (char < 'a' || char > 'z') && (char < 'A' || char > 'Z') && (char < '0' || char > '9') {
			return false

	return true

func (s *RedirectSvc) getLinkSetCache(ctx context.Context, code string) (*component.Link, error) {
	filter := map[string]any{
		"code": code,
	link, err := s.Database.Get(ctx, filter)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if link == nil || link.LongUrl == "" || link.Expired() {
		if err := s.Cache.Set(ctx, code, confCacheNotFoundValue, confCodeTtl); err != nil {
			return nil, err

		return nil, nil

	var ttl int
	if link.Deadline.IsZero() {
		ttl = confCodeTtl
	} else {
		if remainSeconds := int(link.Deadline.Sub(time.Now().UTC()).Seconds()); remainSeconds < confCodeTtl {
			ttl = remainSeconds
		} else {
			ttl = confCodeTtl
	if err := s.Cache.Set(ctx, code, link.LongUrl, ttl); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return link, nil

func (s *RedirectSvc) notFound(code string) (RedirectRes, error) {
	return RedirectRes{
		StatusCode: http.StatusNotFound,
		Msg:        fmt.Sprintf("短链接(%s)无对应的长链接地址", code),
	}, nil

func (s *RedirectSvc) redirect(longUrl string) (RedirectRes, error) {
	return RedirectRes{
		StatusCode: confRedirectStatusCode,
		Redirect:   true,
		LongUrl:    longUrl,
	}, nil

func (s *RedirectSvc) internalErr(err error) (RedirectRes, error) {
	return RedirectRes{
		StatusCode: http.StatusInternalServerError,
	}, err

  handler主要逻辑为:从url path获取code,假如我们一个短链接url为https://a.b.c/L0YdcA, code即为"L0YdcA",code作为参数调用跳转service,根据service返回结果响应错误信息,或者跳转到目标长链接。








  说一下布隆过滤器,详细原理等可以看这篇,5 分钟搞懂布隆过滤器,亿级数据过滤算法你值得拥有。本文不展开细说,总之布隆过滤器作用相当于一个数据容器,它可以使用很小的内存,保存大量的数据,用来判断某个数据是否存在。Redis 4.0 的时候官方提供了插件机制,集成了布隆过滤器。Golang也有相应的布隆过滤器库(https://github.com/bits-and-blooms/bloom)。然而我们不使用布隆过滤器应对缓存穿透。理由如下:











  使用互斥锁,golang有个非常适合解决这个问题的库,单飞:golang.org/x/sync/singleflight。不了解singleflight,可以先瞄一眼这里(golang防缓存击穿神器【singleflight】)。singleflight ,大量同一个code请求数据库(耗时io操作),那么在内存维护一个全局变量,它有一个互斥锁的map保存code,后续并发请求过来,发现code在map存在,说明已经有请求在获取这个code,那么只需等前面请求拿到结果,后面的请求都用这个结果就行。如此多个并发请求数据库,就合并为一个请求到数据库了,妙妙妙!


// call is an in-flight or completed singleflight.Do call
type call struct {
	wg sync.WaitGroup

	// These fields are written once before the WaitGroup is done
	// and are only read after the WaitGroup is done.
	val interface{}
	err error

	// These fields are read and written with the singleflight
	// mutex held before the WaitGroup is done, and are read but
	// not written after the WaitGroup is done.
	dups  int
	chans []chan<- Result

// Group represents a class of work and forms a namespace in
// which units of work can be executed with duplicate suppression.
type Group struct {
	mu sync.Mutex       // protects m
	m  map[string]*call // lazily initialized

// Result holds the results of Do, so they can be passed
// on a channel.
type Result struct {
	Val    interface{}
	Err    error
	Shared bool

// Do executes and returns the results of the given function, making
// sure that only one execution is in-flight for a given key at a
// time. If a duplicate comes in, the duplicate caller waits for the
// original to complete and receives the same results.
// The return value shared indicates whether v was given to multiple callers.
func (g *Group) Do(key string, fn func() (interface{}, error)) (v interface{}, err error, shared bool) {
	if g.m == nil {
		g.m = make(map[string]*call)
	if c, ok := g.m[key]; ok {

		if e, ok := c.err.(*panicError); ok {
		} else if c.err == errGoexit {
		return c.val, c.err, true
	c := new(call)
	g.m[key] = c

	g.doCall(c, key, fn)
	return c.val, c.err, c.dups > 0









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