bzoj2480: Spoj3105 Mod
#include<cstdio> #include<iostream> #include<cstring> #include<cstdlib> #include<algorithm> #include<cmath> #include<map> using namespace std; typedef long long LL; LL gcd(LL a,LL b) { if(a==0)return b; return gcd(b%a,a); } LL quick_pow(LL A,LL p,LL mod) { LL ret=1; while(p!=0) { if(p%2==1)ret=(ret*A)%mod; A=(A*A)%mod;p/=2; } return ret; } map<LL,LL>Hash; LL exBSGS(LL a,LL p,LL b) { a%=p;b%=p; if(b==1)return 0; LL d=gcd(a,p),v=1,cnt=0; while(d!=1) { if(b%d!=0)return -1; b/=d;p/=d; v=v*(a/d)%p; cnt++; if(b==v)return cnt; d=gcd(a,p); } //rf Hash.clear(); LL t=(LL(sqrt(double(p+1)))); LL k=1; for(int j=0;j<t;j++) { Hash[k*b%p]=j; k=(k*a)%p; } a=quick_pow(a,t,p); if(a==0)return b==0?1:-1; else { k=1; for(int i=0;i<=t;i++) { if(Hash.find(k*v%p)!=Hash.end()) { LL j=Hash[k*v%p]; if(t*i-j>=0)return t*i-j+cnt; } k=(k*a)%p; } return -1; } } int main() { // freopen("","r",stdin); // freopen("1.out","w",stdout); LL a,p,b; while(scanf("%lld%lld%lld",&a,&p,&b)!=EOF) { if(a==0&p==0&&b==0)break; if(p==1)printf("0\n"); else { LL d=exBSGS(a,p,b); if(d==-1)printf("No Solution\n"); else printf("%lld\n",d); } } return 0; }
pain and happy in the cruel world.