


public static native void arraycopy(Object src,  int  srcPos,
                                    Object dest, int destPos,
                                    int length);


JVM_ENTRY(void, JVM_ArrayCopy(JNIEnv *env, jclass ignored, jobject src, jint src_pos,
                               jobject dst, jint dst_pos, jint length))
  // Check if we have null pointers
  if (src == NULL || dst == NULL) {
  arrayOop s = arrayOop(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(src));
  arrayOop d = arrayOop(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(dst));
  assert(oopDesc::is_oop(s), "JVM_ArrayCopy: src not an oop");
  assert(oopDesc::is_oop(d), "JVM_ArrayCopy: dst not an oop");
  // Do copy
  s->klass()->copy_array(s, src_pos, d, dst_pos, length, thread);






// HelloWorldJNI.java
package a.b
public class HelloWorldJNI {
    static {
        // 加载libnative.so。
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new HelloWorldJNI().sayHello();
    // 需要使用c/c++实现,然后将c/c++文件编译为一个动态链接库,叫做libnative.so。
    private native void sayHello();

使用javac -h . H HelloWorldJNI.java会在当前目录生成对应的头文件(如果是java10之前则是使用javah),头文件内容如下:

#include <jni.h>
/* Header for class a_b_HelloWorldJNI */

#ifndef _Included_a_b_HelloWorldJNI
#define _Included_a_b_HelloWorldJNI
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
 * Class:     a_b_HelloWorldJNI
 * Method:    sayHello
 * Signature: ()V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_a_b_HelloWorldJNI_sayHello
  (JNIEnv *, jobject);

#ifdef __cplusplus

注意上面的Java_a_b_HelloWorldJNI_sayHello,这里会为sayHello生成一个新的名字,格式为Java_{packagePath}_{className}_{functionName},这个其实应该叫做short name,因为还有一个long name,其中还编入了参数有关的信息,因为native函数其实也是可以重载的,为了防止重载的冲突,所以有了long name。


public final class System {
    /* Register the natives via the static initializer.
     * The VM will invoke the initPhase1 method to complete the initialization
     * of this class separate from <clinit>.
    private static native void registerNatives();
    static {


// src/java.base/share/native/libjava/System.c

#define OBJ "Ljava/lang/Object;"

/* Only register the performance-critical methods */
static JNINativeMethod methods[] = {
    {"currentTimeMillis", "()J",              (void *)&JVM_CurrentTimeMillis},
    {"nanoTime",          "()J",              (void *)&JVM_NanoTime},
    {"arraycopy",     "(" OBJ "I" OBJ "II)V", (void *)&JVM_ArrayCopy}, // 对应的实现。

Java_java_lang_System_registerNatives(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls)
    (*env)->RegisterNatives(env, cls,
                            methods, sizeof(methods)/sizeof(methods[0]));


// src/hotspot/share/prims/jni.cpp

JNI_ENTRY(jint, jni_RegisterNatives(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz,
                                    const JNINativeMethod *methods,
                                    jint nMethods))
  HOTSPOT_JNI_REGISTERNATIVES_ENTRY(env, clazz, (void *) methods, nMethods);
  jint ret = 0;
  DT_RETURN_MARK(RegisterNatives, jint, (const jint&)ret);

  Klass* k = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(clazz));

  for (int index = 0; index < nMethods; index++) {
    const char* meth_name = methods[index].name;
    const char* meth_sig = methods[index].signature;
    int meth_name_len = (int)strlen(meth_name);

    // The class should have been loaded (we have an instance of the class
    // passed in) so the method and signature should already be in the symbol
    // table.  If they're not there, the method doesn't exist.
    TempNewSymbol  name = SymbolTable::probe(meth_name, meth_name_len);
    TempNewSymbol  signature = SymbolTable::probe(meth_sig, (int)strlen(meth_sig));

    if (name == NULL || signature == NULL) {
      ResourceMark rm;
      stringStream st;
      st.print("Method %s.%s%s not found", k->external_name(), meth_name, meth_sig);
      // Must return negative value on failure
      THROW_MSG_(vmSymbols::java_lang_NoSuchMethodError(), st.as_string(), -1);

    bool res = register_native(k, name, signature,
                               (address) methods[index].fnPtr, THREAD);
    if (!res) {
      ret = -1;
  return ret;


// src/hotspot/share/prims/jni.cpp

static bool register_native(Klass* k, Symbol* name, Symbol* signature, address entry, TRAPS) {
  Method* method = k->lookup_method(name, signature);
  if (method == NULL) {
    ResourceMark rm;
    stringStream st;
    st.print("Method %s name or signature does not match",
             Method::name_and_sig_as_C_string(k, name, signature));
    THROW_MSG_(vmSymbols::java_lang_NoSuchMethodError(), st.as_string(), false);
  if (!method->is_native()) {
    // trying to register to a non-native method, see if a JVM TI agent has added prefix(es)
    method = find_prefixed_native(k, name, signature, THREAD);
    if (method == NULL) {
      ResourceMark rm;
      stringStream st;
      st.print("Method %s is not declared as native",
               Method::name_and_sig_as_C_string(k, name, signature));
      THROW_MSG_(vmSymbols::java_lang_NoSuchMethodError(), st.as_string(), false);

  if (entry != NULL) {
  } else {
  if (PrintJNIResolving) {
    ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
    tty->print_cr("[Registering JNI native method %s.%s]",
  return true;





// Interpreter stub for calling a native method. (asm interpreter)
// This sets up a somewhat different looking stack for calling the
// native method than the typical interpreter frame setup.
address TemplateInterpreterGenerator::generate_native_entry(bool synchronized) {
  // determine code generation flags
  bool inc_counter  = UseCompiler || CountCompiledCalls || LogTouchedMethods;

  // rbx: Method*
  // rbcp: sender sp

  address entry_point = __ pc();

  const Address constMethod       (rbx, Method::const_offset());
  const Address access_flags      (rbx, Method::access_flags_offset());
  const Address size_of_parameters(rcx, ConstMethod::

  // get parameter size (always needed)
  __ movptr(rcx, constMethod);
  __ load_unsigned_short(rcx, size_of_parameters);

  // native calls don't need the stack size check since they have no
  // expression stack and the arguments are already on the stack and
  // we only add a handful of words to the stack

  // rbx: Method*
  // rcx: size of parameters
  // rbcp: sender sp
  __ pop(rax);                                       // get return address

  // for natives the size of locals is zero

  // compute beginning of parameters
  __ lea(rlocals, Address(rsp, rcx, Interpreter::stackElementScale(), -wordSize));

  // add 2 zero-initialized slots for native calls
  // initialize result_handler slot
  __ push((int) NULL_WORD);
  // slot for oop temp
  // (static native method holder mirror/jni oop result)
  __ push((int) NULL_WORD);

  // initialize fixed part of activation frame

  // Since at this point in the method invocation the exception handler
  // would try to exit the monitor of synchronized methods which hasn't
  // been entered yet, we set the thread local variable
  // _do_not_unlock_if_synchronized to true. The remove_activation will
  // check this flag.

  const Register thread1 = NOT_LP64(rax) LP64_ONLY(r15_thread);
  NOT_LP64(__ get_thread(thread1));
  const Address do_not_unlock_if_synchronized(thread1,
  __ movbool(do_not_unlock_if_synchronized, true);

  // increment invocation count & check for overflow
  Label invocation_counter_overflow;
  if (inc_counter) {
    generate_counter_incr(&invocation_counter_overflow, NULL, NULL);

  Label continue_after_compile;
  __ bind(continue_after_compile);


  // reset the _do_not_unlock_if_synchronized flag
  NOT_LP64(__ get_thread(thread1));
  __ movbool(do_not_unlock_if_synchronized, false);

  // work registers
  const Register method = rbx;
  const Register thread = NOT_LP64(rdi) LP64_ONLY(r15_thread);
  const Register t      = NOT_LP64(rcx) LP64_ONLY(r11);

  // allocate space for parameters
  __ get_method(method);
  __ movptr(t, Address(method, Method::const_offset()));
  __ load_unsigned_short(t, Address(t, ConstMethod::size_of_parameters_offset()));

  __ shll(t, Interpreter::logStackElementSize);

  __ subptr(rsp, t);
  __ subptr(rsp, frame::arg_reg_save_area_bytes); // windows
  __ andptr(rsp, -16); // must be 16 byte boundary (see amd64 ABI)

  // get signature handler
    Label L;
    __ movptr(t, Address(method, Method::signature_handler_offset()));
    __ testptr(t, t);
    __ jcc(Assembler::notZero, L);
    __ call_VM(noreg,
    __ get_method(method);
    __ movptr(t, Address(method, Method::signature_handler_offset()));
    __ bind(L);

  // call signature handler
  assert(InterpreterRuntime::SignatureHandlerGenerator::from() == rlocals,
         "adjust this code");
  assert(InterpreterRuntime::SignatureHandlerGenerator::to() == rsp,
         "adjust this code");
  assert(InterpreterRuntime::SignatureHandlerGenerator::temp() == NOT_LP64(t) LP64_ONLY(rscratch1),
         "adjust this code");

  // The generated handlers do not touch RBX (the method oop).
  // However, large signatures cannot be cached and are generated
  // each time here.  The slow-path generator can do a GC on return,
  // so we must reload it after the call.
  __ call(t);
  __ get_method(method);        // slow path can do a GC, reload RBX

  // result handler is in rax
  // set result handler
  __ movptr(Address(rbp,
                    (frame::interpreter_frame_result_handler_offset) * wordSize),

  // pass mirror handle if static call
    Label L;
    __ movl(t, Address(method, Method::access_flags_offset()));
    __ testl(t, JVM_ACC_STATIC);
    __ jcc(Assembler::zero, L);
    // get mirror
    __ load_mirror(t, method, rax);
    // copy mirror into activation frame
    __ movptr(Address(rbp, frame::interpreter_frame_oop_temp_offset * wordSize),
    // pass handle to mirror

    __ lea(c_rarg1,
           Address(rbp, frame::interpreter_frame_oop_temp_offset * wordSize));

    __ bind(L);

  // get native function entry point
    Label L;
    __ movptr(rax, Address(method, Method::native_function_offset()));
    ExternalAddress unsatisfied(SharedRuntime::native_method_throw_unsatisfied_link_error_entry());
    __ cmpptr(rax, unsatisfied.addr());
    __ jcc(Assembler::notEqual, L);
    __ call_VM(noreg,
    __ get_method(method);
    __ movptr(rax, Address(method, Method::native_function_offset()));
    __ bind(L);

  // pass JNIEnv
   __ lea(c_rarg0, Address(r15_thread, JavaThread::jni_environment_offset()));

   // It is enough that the pc() points into the right code
   // segment. It does not have to be the correct return pc.
   __ set_last_Java_frame(rsp, rbp, (address) __ pc());

  // Change state to native

  __ movl(Address(thread, JavaThread::thread_state_offset()),

  // Call the native method.
  __ call(rax);
  // 32: result potentially in rdx:rax or ST0
  // 64: result potentially in rax or xmm0

  // Verify or restore cpu control state after JNI call
  __ restore_cpu_control_state_after_jni();

  // NOTE: The order of these pushes is known to frame::interpreter_frame_result
  // in order to extract the result of a method call. If the order of these
  // pushes change or anything else is added to the stack then the code in
  // interpreter_frame_result must also change.

  __ push(dtos);

  __ push(ltos);

  // change thread state
  NOT_LP64(__ get_thread(thread));
  __ movl(Address(thread, JavaThread::thread_state_offset()),

  if (os::is_MP()) {
    if (UseMembar) {
      // Force this write out before the read below
      __ membar(Assembler::Membar_mask_bits(
           Assembler::LoadLoad | Assembler::LoadStore |
           Assembler::StoreLoad | Assembler::StoreStore));
    } else {
      // Write serialization page so VM thread can do a pseudo remote membar.
      // We use the current thread pointer to calculate a thread specific
      // offset to write to within the page. This minimizes bus traffic
      // due to cache line collision.
      __ serialize_memory(thread, rcx);

  // check for safepoint operation in progress and/or pending suspend requests
    Label Continue;
    Label slow_path;

    __ safepoint_poll(slow_path, r15_thread, rscratch1);

    __ cmpl(Address(thread, JavaThread::suspend_flags_offset()), 0);
    __ jcc(Assembler::equal, Continue);
    __ bind(slow_path);

    // Don't use call_VM as it will see a possible pending exception
    // and forward it and never return here preventing us from
    // clearing _last_native_pc down below.  Also can't use
    // call_VM_leaf either as it will check to see if r13 & r14 are
    // preserved and correspond to the bcp/locals pointers. So we do a
    // runtime call by hand.

    __ mov(c_rarg0, r15_thread);
    __ mov(r12, rsp); // remember sp (can only use r12 if not using call_VM)
    __ subptr(rsp, frame::arg_reg_save_area_bytes); // windows
    __ andptr(rsp, -16); // align stack as required by ABI
    __ call(RuntimeAddress(CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, JavaThread::check_special_condition_for_native_trans)));
    __ mov(rsp, r12); // restore sp
    __ reinit_heapbase();

    __ bind(Continue);

  // change thread state
  __ movl(Address(thread, JavaThread::thread_state_offset()), _thread_in_Java);

  // reset_last_Java_frame
  __ reset_last_Java_frame(thread, true);

  if (CheckJNICalls) {
    // clear_pending_jni_exception_check
    __ movptr(Address(thread, JavaThread::pending_jni_exception_check_fn_offset()), NULL_WORD);

  // reset handle block
  __ movptr(t, Address(thread, JavaThread::active_handles_offset()));
  __ movl(Address(t, JNIHandleBlock::top_offset_in_bytes()), (int32_t)NULL_WORD);

  // If result is an oop unbox and store it in frame where gc will see it
  // and result handler will pick it up
    Label no_oop, not_weak, store_result;
    __ lea(t, ExternalAddress(AbstractInterpreter::result_handler(T_OBJECT)));
    __ cmpptr(t, Address(rbp, frame::interpreter_frame_result_handler_offset*wordSize));
    __ jcc(Assembler::notEqual, no_oop);
    // retrieve result
    __ pop(ltos);
    // Unbox oop result, e.g. JNIHandles::resolve value.
    __ resolve_jobject(rax /* value */,
                       thread /* thread */,
                       t /* tmp */);
    __ movptr(Address(rbp, frame::interpreter_frame_oop_temp_offset*wordSize), rax);
    // keep stack depth as expected by pushing oop which will eventually be discarded
    __ push(ltos);
    __ bind(no_oop);

  // The method register is junk from after the thread_in_native transition
  // until here.  Also can't call_VM until the bcp has been
  // restored.  Need bcp for throwing exception below so get it now.
  __ get_method(method);

  // restore to have legal interpreter frame, i.e., bci == 0 <=> code_base()
  __ movptr(rbcp, Address(method, Method::const_offset()));   // get ConstMethod*
  __ lea(rbcp, Address(rbcp, ConstMethod::codes_offset()));    // get codebase

  // restore potential result in edx:eax, call result handler to
  // restore potential result in ST0 & handle result

  __ pop(ltos);
  LP64_ONLY( __ pop(dtos));

  __ movptr(t, Address(rbp,
                       (frame::interpreter_frame_result_handler_offset) * wordSize));
  __ call(t);

  // remove activation
  __ movptr(t, Address(rbp,
                       frame::interpreter_frame_sender_sp_offset *
                       wordSize)); // get sender sp
  __ leave();                                // remove frame anchor
  __ pop(rdi);                               // get return address
  __ mov(rsp, t);                            // set sp to sender sp
  __ jmp(rdi);

  if (inc_counter) {
    // Handle overflow of counter and compile method
    __ bind(invocation_counter_overflow);

  return entry_point;



  // get signature handler
    Label L;
    __ movptr(t, Address(method, Method::signature_handler_offset()));
    __ testptr(t, t);
    __ jcc(Assembler::notZero, L);
    __ call_VM(noreg,
    __ get_method(method);
    __ movptr(t, Address(method, Method::signature_handler_offset()));
    __ bind(L);


IRT_ENTRY(void, InterpreterRuntime::prepare_native_call(JavaThread* thread, Method* method))
  methodHandle m(thread, method);
  assert(m->is_native(), "sanity check");
  // lookup native function entry point if it doesn't exist
  bool in_base_library;
  if (!m->has_native_function()) {  // 查看native_function字段是否为空,如果为空则需要进行获取。
    NativeLookup::lookup(m, in_base_library, CHECK);
  // make sure signature handler is installed
  // The interpreter entry point checks the signature handler first,
  // before trying to fetch the native entry point and klass mirror.
  // We must set the signature handler last, so that multiple processors
  // preparing the same method will be sure to see non-null entry & mirror.


address NativeLookup::lookup_base(const methodHandle& method, bool& in_base_library, TRAPS) {
  address entry = NULL;
  ResourceMark rm(THREAD);

  entry = lookup_entry(method, in_base_library, THREAD);
  if (entry != NULL) return entry;

  // standard native method resolution has failed.  Check if there are any
  // JVM TI prefixes which have been applied to the native method name.
  entry = lookup_entry_prefixed(method, in_base_library, THREAD);
  if (entry != NULL) return entry;

  // Native function not found, throw UnsatisfiedLinkError

由于我并不懂Jvmti,所以只看NativeLookup::lookup_entry,这个应该是能够满足绝大多数的情况了,这个函数会进入到NativeLookup::lookup_style,不过在这之前会按照约定生成函数名,生成short name的方式在上面已经提到过了,生成long name的方式也很简单,所以直接看NativeLookup::lookup_style

address NativeLookup::lookup_style(const methodHandle& method, char* pure_name, const char* long_name, int args_size, bool os_style, bool& in_base_library, TRAPS) {
  address entry;
  // Compute complete JNI name for style
  stringStream st;
  if (os_style) os::print_jni_name_prefix_on(&st, args_size);
  if (os_style) os::print_jni_name_suffix_on(&st, args_size);
  char* jni_name = st.as_string();

  // If the loader is null we have a system class, so we attempt a lookup in
  // the native Java library. This takes care of any bootstrapping problems.
  // Note: It is critical for bootstrapping that Java_java_lang_ClassLoader_00024NativeLibrary_find
  // gets found the first time around - otherwise an infinite loop can occure. This is
  // another VM/library dependency
  Handle loader(THREAD, method->method_holder()->class_loader());
  if (loader.is_null()) {
    entry = lookup_special_native(jni_name);
    if (entry == NULL) {
       entry = (address) os::dll_lookup(os::native_java_library(), jni_name); // 尝试从libjava.so中寻找。
    if (entry != NULL) {
      in_base_library = true;
      return entry;

  // Otherwise call static method findNative in ClassLoader
  Klass*   klass = SystemDictionary::ClassLoader_klass();
  Handle name_arg = java_lang_String::create_from_str(jni_name, CHECK_NULL);

  JavaValue result(T_LONG);
                         // Arguments
  entry = (address) (intptr_t) result.get_jlong();

  if (entry == NULL) {
    // findNative didn't find it, if there are any agent libraries look in them
    AgentLibrary* agent;
    for (agent = Arguments::agents(); agent != NULL; agent = agent->next()) {
      entry = (address) os::dll_lookup(agent->os_lib(), jni_name);
      if (entry != NULL) {
        return entry;

  return entry;


 * Class:     java_lang_ClassLoader_NativeLibrary
 * Method:    findEntry
 * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;)J
  (JNIEnv *env, jobject this, jstring name)
    jlong handle;
    const char *cname;
    jlong res;

    if (!initIDs(env))
        return jlong_zero;

    handle = (*env)->GetLongField(env, this, handleID);
    cname = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, name, 0);
    if (cname == 0)
        return jlong_zero;
    res = ptr_to_jlong(JVM_FindLibraryEntry(jlong_to_ptr(handle), cname));
    (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, name, cname);
    return res;



IRT_ENTRY(void, InterpreterRuntime::prepare_native_call(JavaThread* thread, Method* method))
  methodHandle m(thread, method);
  assert(m->is_native(), "sanity check");
  // lookup native function entry point if it doesn't exist
  bool in_base_library;
  if (!m->has_native_function()) {  // 查看native_function字段是否为空,如果为空则需要进行获取。
    NativeLookup::lookup(m, in_base_library, CHECK);
  // make sure signature handler is installed
  // The interpreter entry point checks the signature handler first,
  // before trying to fetch the native entry point and klass mirror.
  // We must set the signature handler last, so that multiple processors
  // preparing the same method will be sure to see non-null entry & mirror.


void SignatureHandlerLibrary::add(const methodHandle& method) {
    // 判断是否已经有了handler。
  if (method->signature_handler() == NULL) {
    // use slow signature handler if we can't do better
    int handler_index = -1;
    // check if we can use customized (fast) signature handler
      // 如果method参数的大小(就是的slot的大小,int为1,double为2)小于等于13则查看是否有缓存handler。
    if (UseFastSignatureHandlers && method->size_of_parameters() <= Fingerprinter::max_size_of_parameters) { // Fingerprinter::max_size_of_parameters = 13
      // use customized signature handler
      MutexLocker mu(SignatureHandlerLibrary_lock);
      // make sure data structure is initialized
      initialize(); // 查看SignatureHandlerLibrary是否初始化,这是个静态单例对象,用于存放handler和fingerprint的map。
        // 计算fingerprint的类`Fingerprinter`继承自`SignatureIterator`,
      // lookup method signature's fingerprint
      uint64_t fingerprint = Fingerprinter(method).fingerprint(); // 根据签名计算fingerprint(指纹)。
      // allow CPU dependant code to optimize the fingerprints for the fast handler
      fingerprint = InterpreterRuntime::normalize_fast_native_fingerprint(fingerprint); // 没有什么意义。
      handler_index = _fingerprints->find(fingerprint); // 听过fingerprint找到handler在_handlers中对应下标。
      // create handler if necessary
      if (handler_index < 0) { // 查找失败,之前没有缓存对应的handler。
        ResourceMark rm;
        ptrdiff_t align_offset = align_up(_buffer, CodeEntryAlignment) - (address)_buffer;
        CodeBuffer buffer((address)(_buffer + align_offset),
                          SignatureHandlerLibrary::buffer_size - align_offset);
        InterpreterRuntime::SignatureHandlerGenerator(method, &buffer).generate(fingerprint);
        // copy into code heap
        address handler = set_handler(&buffer);
        if (handler == NULL) {
          // use slow signature handler (without memorizing it in the fingerprints)
        } else {
          // add handler to library
          // set handler index
          assert(_fingerprints->length() == _handlers->length(), "sanity check");
          handler_index = _fingerprints->length() - 1;
      // Set handler under SignatureHandlerLibrary_lock
      if (handler_index < 0) {
        // use generic signature handler
        method->set_signature_handler(Interpreter::slow_signature_handler()); // 使用慢速的handler。
      } else {
        // set handler
        method->set_signature_handler(_handlers->at(handler_index)); // 通过index获取,然后设置。
    } else {
      // use generic signature handler
      method->set_signature_handler(Interpreter::slow_signature_handler()); // 超过了大小,使用慢速handler。



void InterpreterRuntime::SignatureHandlerGenerator::pass_int() {
  const Address src(from(), Interpreter::local_offset_in_bytes(offset()));

  // 根据当前已经处理了的_num_int_args来决定将参数从调用者(java方法)的操作数栈移动到native栈。
  switch (_num_int_args) { 
  case 0:
    __ movl(c_rarg1, src); // 从crag1开始,因为0是env*。
  case 1:
    __ movl(c_rarg2, src);
  case 2:
    __ movl(c_rarg3, src);
  case 3:
    __ movl(c_rarg4, src);
  case 4:
    __ movl(c_rarg5, src);
  default: // 如果超过了,则放在栈上传递。
    __ movl(rax, src);
    __ movl(Address(to(), _stack_offset), rax);
    _stack_offset += wordSize; // 栈的偏移对应增加。


void InterpreterRuntime::SignatureHandlerGenerator::generate(uint64_t fingerprint) {
  // generate code to handle arguments

    // 将result_handler作为了signature_handler的返回值进行返回,result_handler相对简单,只需要根据返回值类型即可获取预先生成好的result_handler例程。
  // return result handler
  __ lea(rax, ExternalAddress(Interpreter::result_handler(method()->result_type())));
  __ ret(0);

  __ flush();


address TemplateInterpreterGenerator::generate_result_handler_for(BasicType type) {
  address entry = __ pc();
    // 对返回值进行一些处理以满足java的要求。
  switch (type) {
  case T_BOOLEAN: __ c2bool(rax);            break; // 会对flag进行设置
  case T_CHAR   : __ movzwl(rax, rax);       break; // 0拓展
  case T_BYTE   : __ sign_extend_byte(rax);  break; // 符号拓展
  case T_SHORT  : __ sign_extend_short(rax); break; // 符号拓展
  case T_INT    : /* nothing to do */        break;
  case T_LONG   : /* nothing to do */        break;
  case T_VOID   : /* nothing to do */        break;
  case T_FLOAT  : /* nothing to do */        break;
  case T_DOUBLE : /* nothing to do */        break;
  case T_OBJECT :
    // retrieve result from frame
    __ movptr(rax, Address(rbp, frame::interpreter_frame_oop_temp_offset*wordSize)); // 将oop_temp的值转移到rax。
    // and verify it
    __ verify_oop(rax);
  default       : ShouldNotReachHere();
  __ ret(0);                                   // return from result handler
  return entry;


// Interpreter stub for calling a native method. (asm interpreter)
// This sets up a somewhat different looking stack for calling the
// native method than the typical interpreter frame setup.
address TemplateInterpreterGenerator::generate_native_entry(bool synchronized) {

  // rbx: Method*
  // rbcp: sender sp

  address entry_point = __ pc();

  const Address constMethod       (rbx, Method::const_offset());
  const Address access_flags      (rbx, Method::access_flags_offset());
  const Address size_of_parameters(rcx, ConstMethod::

  // get parameter size (always needed)
  __ movptr(rcx, constMethod);
  __ load_unsigned_short(rcx, size_of_parameters);

  // native calls don't need the stack size check since they have no
  // expression stack and the arguments are already on the stack and
  // we only add a handful of words to the stack

  // rbx: Method*
  // rcx: size of parameters
  // rbcp: sender sp
  __ pop(rax);                                       // get return address

  // for natives the size of locals is zero

  // compute beginning of parameters
  __ lea(rlocals, Address(rsp, rcx, Interpreter::stackElementScale(), -wordSize));
    // rlocals = r14

  // add 2 zero-initialized slots for native calls
  // initialize result_handler slot
  __ push((int) NULL_WORD);
  // slot for oop temp
  // (static native method holder mirror/jni oop result)
  __ push((int) NULL_WORD);

  // initialize fixed part of activation frame
  generate_fixed_frame(true);  // 这一步之前和调用java方法是一致的。
  // stackframe graph 1

  // Since at this point in the method invocation the exception handler
  // would try to exit the monitor of synchronized methods which hasn't
  // been entered yet, we set the thread local variable
  // _do_not_unlock_if_synchronized to true. The remove_activation will
  // check this flag.

  const Register thread1 = NOT_LP64(rax) LP64_ONLY(r15_thread);
  const Address do_not_unlock_if_synchronized(thread1,
  __ movbool(do_not_unlock_if_synchronized, true);

  Label continue_after_compile;
  __ bind(continue_after_compile);

  bang_stack_shadow_pages(true); // 涉及到栈溢出检测和nativa栈空间分配,暂时跳过,到栈内存管理中继续。

  // reset the _do_not_unlock_if_synchronized flag
  NOT_LP64(__ get_thread(thread1));
  __ movbool(do_not_unlock_if_synchronized, false);

  // work registers
  const Register method = rbx;
  const Register thread = NOT_LP64(rdi) LP64_ONLY(r15_thread);
  const Register t      = NOT_LP64(rcx) LP64_ONLY(r11);

  // allocate space for parameters
  __ get_method(method);
  __ movptr(t, Address(method, Method::const_offset()));
  __ load_unsigned_short(t, Address(t, ConstMethod::size_of_parameters_offset()));

  __ shll(t, Interpreter::logStackElementSize);

  __ subptr(rsp, t);  // 给参数准备栈空间,但是未必会全部用上。
  __ subptr(rsp, frame::arg_reg_save_area_bytes); // windows 非windows下为0。
  __ andptr(rsp, -16); // must be 16 byte boundary (see amd64 ABI)
  // stackframe graph 2

  // get signature handler
    Label L;
    __ movptr(t, Address(method, Method::signature_handler_offset()));
    __ testptr(t, t);
    __ jcc(Assembler::notZero, L);
    __ call_VM(noreg,
    __ get_method(method);
    __ movptr(t, Address(method, Method::signature_handler_offset()));
    __ bind(L);

  // call signature handler
  assert(InterpreterRuntime::SignatureHandlerGenerator::from() == rlocals,
         "adjust this code");
  assert(InterpreterRuntime::SignatureHandlerGenerator::to() == rsp,
         "adjust this code");
  assert(InterpreterRuntime::SignatureHandlerGenerator::temp() == NOT_LP64(t) LP64_ONLY(rscratch1),
         "adjust this code");

  // The generated handlers do not touch RBX (the method oop).
  // However, large signatures cannot be cached and are generated
  // each time here.  The slow-path generator can do a GC on return,
  // so we must reload it after the call.
  __ call(t);  // 执行signature_handler。
  __ get_method(method);        // slow path can do a GC, reload RBX

  // result handler is in rax
  // set result handler
  __ movptr(Address(rbp,
                    (frame::interpreter_frame_result_handler_offset) * wordSize),
            rax); // 将result_handler保存在栈上。

  // pass mirror handle if static call
    Label L;
    __ movl(t, Address(method, Method::access_flags_offset()));
    __ testl(t, JVM_ACC_STATIC);
    __ jcc(Assembler::zero, L);
    // get mirror
    __ load_mirror(t, method, rax);
    // copy mirror into activation frame
    __ movptr(Address(rbp, frame::interpreter_frame_oop_temp_offset * wordSize),
    // pass handle to mirror

    __ lea(c_rarg1,
           Address(rbp, frame::interpreter_frame_oop_temp_offset * wordSize)); // 放入第1个位置。

    __ bind(L);

  // get native function entry point
    Label L;
    __ movptr(rax, Address(method, Method::native_function_offset()));
    ExternalAddress unsatisfied(SharedRuntime::native_method_throw_unsatisfied_link_error_entry());
    __ cmpptr(rax, unsatisfied.addr());
    __ jcc(Assembler::notEqual, L);
    __ call_VM(noreg,
    __ get_method(method);
    __ movptr(rax, Address(method, Method::native_function_offset()));
    __ bind(L);

   // pass JNIEnv
   __ lea(c_rarg0, Address(r15_thread, JavaThread::jni_environment_offset())); // 第0个参数。

   // It is enough that the pc() points into the right code
   // segment. It does not have to be the correct return pc.
   __ set_last_Java_frame(rsp, rbp, (address) __ pc()); // 使得可以进行栈遍历。

  // Change state to native

  __ movl(Address(thread, JavaThread::thread_state_offset()),

  // Call the native method.
  __ call(rax); // 正式进入native方法。
  // 32: result potentially in rdx:rax or ST0
  // 64: result potentially in rax or xmm0

  // Verify or restore cpu control state after JNI call
  __ restore_cpu_control_state_after_jni();

  // NOTE: The order of these pushes is known to frame::interpreter_frame_result
  // in order to extract the result of a method call. If the order of these
  // pushes change or anything else is added to the stack then the code in
  // interpreter_frame_result must also change.

  __ push(dtos); // 和jvmti有关,可以不理会。

  __ push(ltos);

  // change thread state
  NOT_LP64(__ get_thread(thread));
  __ movl(Address(thread, JavaThread::thread_state_offset()),

  if (os::is_MP()) {
    if (UseMembar) {
      // Force this write out before the read below
      __ membar(Assembler::Membar_mask_bits(
           Assembler::LoadLoad | Assembler::LoadStore |
           Assembler::StoreLoad | Assembler::StoreStore)); // 使得上面的状态切换(写入)能够被其他线程的读取发现。
    } else {
      // Write serialization page so VM thread can do a pseudo remote membar.
      // We use the current thread pointer to calculate a thread specific
      // offset to write to within the page. This minimizes bus traffic
      // due to cache line collision.
      __ serialize_memory(thread, rcx);

  // change thread state
  __ movl(Address(thread, JavaThread::thread_state_offset()), _thread_in_Java);

  // reset_last_Java_frame
  __ reset_last_Java_frame(thread, true);

  if (CheckJNICalls) {
    // clear_pending_jni_exception_check
    __ movptr(Address(thread, JavaThread::pending_jni_exception_check_fn_offset()), NULL_WORD);

  // reset handle block
  __ movptr(t, Address(thread, JavaThread::active_handles_offset()));
  __ movl(Address(t, JNIHandleBlock::top_offset_in_bytes()), (int32_t)NULL_WORD);

  // If result is an oop unbox and store it in frame where gc will see it
  // and result handler will pick it up
  { // 和jni的引用有关。
    Label no_oop, not_weak, store_result;
    __ lea(t, ExternalAddress(AbstractInterpreter::result_handler(T_OBJECT)));
    __ cmpptr(t, Address(rbp, frame::interpreter_frame_result_handler_offset*wordSize));
    __ jcc(Assembler::notEqual, no_oop);
    // retrieve result
    __ pop(ltos);
    // Unbox oop result, e.g. JNIHandles::resolve value.
    __ resolve_jobject(rax /* value */,
                       thread /* thread */,
                       t /* tmp */);
    __ movptr(Address(rbp, frame::interpreter_frame_oop_temp_offset*wordSize), rax);
    // keep stack depth as expected by pushing oop which will eventually be discarded
    __ push(ltos);
    __ bind(no_oop);

  // The method register is junk from after the thread_in_native transition
  // until here.  Also can't call_VM until the bcp has been
  // restored.  Need bcp for throwing exception below so get it now.
  __ get_method(method);

  // restore to have legal interpreter frame, i.e., bci == 0 <=> code_base()
  __ movptr(rbcp, Address(method, Method::const_offset()));   // get ConstMethod*
  __ lea(rbcp, Address(rbcp, ConstMethod::codes_offset()));    // get codebase

  // restore potential result in edx:eax, call result handler to
  // restore potential result in ST0 & handle result

  __ pop(ltos);
  LP64_ONLY( __ pop(dtos));

  __ movptr(t, Address(rbp,
                       (frame::interpreter_frame_result_handler_offset) * wordSize));
  __ call(t); // 调用result_handler。

  // remove activation
  __ movptr(t, Address(rbp,
                       frame::interpreter_frame_sender_sp_offset *
                       wordSize)); // get sender sp
  __ leave();                                // remove frame anchor
  __ pop(rdi);                               // get return address
  __ mov(rsp, t);                            // set sp to sender sp
  __ jmp(rdi); // 跳入到invoke_return_entry。

  return entry_point;


stackframe graph 1


stackframe graph 2




[1] 第46篇-signature_handler与result_handler

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