本教程中介绍一些基于JPA/ spring的特性,重点介绍JPA-Spring集成以及如何利用这些功能。您将学习如何:
- 为JPA和Spring设置一个项目
- 逆向工程数据库表来生成实体
- 实现创建、检索、编辑和删除功能
- 启用容器管理的事务
在上文中,我们为大家介绍了如何用JPA和Spring Facets创建一个Java项目以及逆向工程,本文将继续介绍如何创建一个应用并启用容器管理的事务等。
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3. 编写应用程序
- 创建一个新实体并将其插入数据库
- 检索实体
- 更新实体
- 删除实体
/* 1. Initialize the transactionManager and DAO */ ClassPathXmlApplicationContext ctx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("/applicationContext.xml"); txManager = ((JpaTransactionManager) ctx.getBean("transactionManager")); dao = ProductlineDAO.getFromApplicationContext(ctx); /* 2. Create a reference to our ID */ String productlineID = "Men Shoes"; /* 3. Save a new productline to the DB */ saveProductline(productlineID); /* 4. Load the productline from DB to make sure it worked */ loadProductline(productlineID); /* 5. Update the productline in the DB and check it */ updateProductline(productlineID); /* 6. Delete the productline from the DB */ deleteProductline(productlineID);
用蓝色标记的代码部分是Spring调用,您可以在其中从bean配置中检索已配置的bean。请注意,由于您正在手动管理事务,因此还需要从bean配置中检索' transactionManager '。
剩下的项目,#2 - #6,简单地调用每个“做某事”的方法。
3.1 保存实体
/* 1. Create a new Productline instance */ Productline newProductline = new Productline(productlineID, "Shoes formen.", "<strong>MenShoes</strong>", null); /* 2. Store our new product line in the DB */ TransactionStatus status = txManager .getTransaction(new DefaultTransactionDefinition()); dao.save(newProductline); txManager.commit(status);
3.2 检索实体
/* 1. Now retrieve the new product line, using the ID we created */ Productline loadedProductline = dao.findById(productlineID); /* 2. Print out the product line information */ System.out.println("*NEW* Product Line [productLine=" + loadedProductline.getProductline() + ", textDescription=" + loadedProductline.getTextdescription() + "]");
3.3 更新实体
/* 1. Now retrieve the new product line, using the ID we created */ Productline loadedProductline = dao.findById(productlineID); /* * 2. Now let's change same value on the product line, and save the * change */ loadedProductline.setTextdescription("Product line for men's shoes."); TransactionStatus status = txManager .getTransaction(new DefaultTransactionDefinition()); dao.update(loadedProductline); txManager.commit(status); /* * 3. Now let's load the product line from the DB again, and make sure * its text description changed */ Productline secondLoadedProductline = dao.findById(productlineID); System.out.println("*REVISED* Product Line [" + "productLine=" + secondLoadedProductline.getProductline() + ", textDescription=" + secondLoadedProductline.getTextdescription() + "]");
3.4 删除实体
/* 1. Now retrieve the new product line, using the ID we created */ TransactionStatus status = txManager .getTransaction(new DefaultTransactionDefinition()); Productline loadedProductline = dao.findById(productlineID); /* 2. Now let's delete the product line from the DB */ dao.delete(loadedProductline); txManager.commit(status); /* * 3. To confirm the deletion, try and load it again and make sure it * fails */ Productline deletedProductline = dao.findById(productlineID); /* * 4. We use a simple inline IF clause to test for null and print * SUCCESSFUL/FAILED */ System.out.println("Productline deletion: " + (deletedProductline == null ? "SUCCESSFUL" : "FAILED"));
注意:事务必须封装'findById '和'delete '方法调用的原因是因为JPA管理的对象必须是同一事务的一部分,要擦除已加载的对象,它必须处于加载它并尝试擦除它的同一个事务中。
3.5 运行程序
红色文本是可以忽略的默认日志消息(如果希望控制日志记录,您可以设置自定义log4j.properties文件),在日志警告下面,您可以看到来自TopLink (JPA实现库)的两条消息,以及来自实现的另外三条消息。
4. 启用Spring容器管理的事务
JPAServiceBean实现如下所示;注意'deleteProductLine '方法上的'@Transactional '注释和没有任何用户管理的事务语句。
public class JPAServiceBean { private IProductlineDAO dao; @Transactional public void deleteProductLine(String productlineID) { /* 1. Now retrieve the new product line, using the ID we created */Productline loadedProductline = dao.findById(productlineID); /* 2. Now let's delete the product line from the DB */ dao.delete(loadedProductline); /* * 3. To confirm the deletion, try and load it again and make sure it * fails */ Productline deletedProductline = dao.findById(productlineID); /* * 4. We use a simple inline IF clause to test for null and print * SUCCESSFUL/FAILED */ System.out.println("Productline deletion: " + (deletedProductline == null ? "SUCCESSFUL" : "FAILED"));} public void setProductLineDAO(IProductlineDAO dao) { this.dao = dao; } }
JPAServiceBean bean = (JPAServiceBean) ctx.getBean("JPAServiceBean"); bean.deleteProductLine(productlineID);