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Kendo UI for jQuery数据管理教程 - Spreadsheet - 单元格格式

Kendo UI for jQuery最新版工具下载



虽然格式字符串与 Excel 数字格式兼容,但仍然存在一些值得注意的例外。 格式字符串由一个或多个用分号分隔的部分组成,可选地、部分指定颜色和条件。











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<div id="spreadsheet" style="width: 100%;"></div>
$(function() {
excel: {
// Required to enable saving files in older browsers.
proxyURL: "//demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/service/export"
pdf: {
proxyURL: "//demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/service/export"
sheets: [
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index: 0, value: "Invoice #52 - 06/23/2015", fontSize: 32, background: "rgb(96,181,255)",
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value: "Product", background: "rgb(167,214,255)", textAlign: "center", color: "rgb(0,62,117)"
value: "Quantity", background: "rgb(167,214,255)", textAlign: "center", color: "rgb(0,62,117)"
value: "Price", background: "rgb(167,214,255)", textAlign: "center", color: "rgb(0,62,117)"
value: "Tax", background: "rgb(167,214,255)", textAlign: "center", color: "rgb(0,62,117)"
value: "Amount", background: "rgb(167,214,255)", textAlign: "center", color: "rgb(0,62,117)"
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value: 1, textAlign: "center", background: "rgb(255,255,255)", color: "rgb(0,62,117)"
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formula: "C3*D3+E3", format: "$#,##0.00", background: "rgb(255,255,255)", color: "rgb(0,62,117)"
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value: 13.99, format: "$#,##0.00", background: "rgb(255,255,255)", color: "rgb(0,62,117)"
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formula: "C5*D5+E5", format: "$#,##0.00", background: "rgb(255,255,255)", color: "rgb(0,62,117)"
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background: "rgb(229,243,255)", color: "rgb(0,62,117)"
background: "rgb(229,243,255)", color: "rgb(0,62,117)"
background: "rgb(229,243,255)", color: "rgb(0,62,117)"
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background: "rgb(255,255,255)", color: "rgb(0,62,117)"
background: "rgb(255,255,255)", color: "rgb(0,62,117)"
background: "rgb(255,255,255)", color: "rgb(0,62,117)"
background: "rgb(255,255,255)", color: "rgb(0,62,117)"
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background: "rgb(193,226,255)", color: "rgb(0,62,117)"
value: "Tip:", background: "rgb(193,226,255)", color: "rgb(0,62,117)", textAlign: "right", verticalAlign: "bottom"
formula: "SUM(F3:F11)*0.1", background: "rgb(193,226,255)", color: "rgb(0,62,117)", format: "$#,##0.00", bold: "true", verticalAlign: "bottom"
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根据 Excel 文档,Excel 最多支持四个部分。 如果所有这些都存在,Excel 将按以下顺序解释它们:

  • 正数格式
  • 负数格式
  • 格式为零
  • 文本格式

Excel 还支持更灵活的条件格式。

以下示例演示了如何以绿色显示大于 100 的数字、以黄色显示小于负 100 的数字以及以青色显示其他数字。



Kendo UI for jQuery | 下载试用

Kendo UI for jQuery是完整的jQuery UI组件库,可快速构建出色的高性能响应式Web应用程序。Kendo UI for jQuery提供在短时间内构建现在Web应用程序所需要的一切,从多个UI组件中选择,并轻松地将它们组合起来,创建出酷炫响应式的应用程序,同时将开发时间加快了50%。

了解最新Kendo UI最新资讯,请关注Telerik中文网!

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