Web UI开发速速种草—Kendo UI for jQuery网格编辑操作概述
Kendo UI目前最新提供Kendo UI for jQuery、Kendo UI for Angular、Kendo UI Support for React和Kendo UI Support for Vue四个控件。Kendo UI for jQuery是创建现代Web应用程序的最完整UI库。
编辑是Kendo UI网格的基本功能,可让您操纵其数据的显示方式。
Kendo UI Grid提供以下编辑模式:
- 批量编辑
- 内联编辑
- 弹出式编辑
- 自定义编辑
- 熟悉Kendo UI中常见编辑概念
- 配置Grid的数据源
- 通过schema配置定义字段
- 设置editable选项
var dataSource = new kendo.data.DataSource({ transport: { read: "/Products", update: { url: "/Products/Update", type: "POST" }, destroy: { url: "/Products/Destroy", type: "POST" }, create: { url: "/Products/Create", type: "POST" } }, // Determines if changes will be send to the server individually or as batch. batch: true //... });
下面的示例演示如何通过DataSource schema.model声明字段定义。
- 在schema.model.id中定义数据项的id字段,这样可以确保正确添加、编辑和删除项目。
- 定义字段的数据类型来利用内置编辑器、可过滤的UI以及正确的排序、过滤和分组功能。
var dataSource = new kendo.data.DataSource({ schema: { model: { id: "id", fields: { id: { editable: false, // a defaultValue will not be assigned (default value is false) nullable: true }, name: { type: "string", validation: { required: true } }, price: { // A NumericTextBox editor will be initialized in edit mode. type: "number", // When a new model is created, this default will be used. defaultValue: 42 }, discontinued:{ // A checkbox editor will be initialized in edit mode. type: "boolean" }, created: { // A date picker editor will be initialized in edit mode. type: "date" }, supplier: { type: "object" , defaultValue: { companyName: "Progress", companyId: 1 } } } } } });
默认情况下,Grid是不可编辑的。要启用编辑功能,请添加所需的编辑类型。Kendo UI jQuery Grid支持单元内、内联和弹出编辑模式。为了使编辑功能完全起作用,请添加带有Create按钮和用于更新、销毁操作的命令列工具栏。
// Incell editing. $("#grid").kendoGrid({ // To enable the insertion of new records, save or cancel changes. toolbar: [ "create", "save", "cancel" ], columns: [ "name", // To trigger the in-cell destroy operation. { command: [ "destroy" ] } ], dataSource: dataSource, editable: true });
// Inline OR Popup editing. $("#grid").kendoGrid({ // To enable the insertion of new records. toolbar: [ "create" ], columns: [ "name", // To trigger the inline or popup edit and destroy operations. { command: [ "edit", "destroy" ] } ], dataSource: dataSource, editable: "inline" // OR editable: { mode : "popup" } });
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