github地址:https://github.com/chentoday/vue-jsmind (vue版本)
yarn add vue-jsmind #or npm install vue-jsmind
import jm from 'vue-jsmind' Vue.use(jm) **********注意********** if (window.jsMind) { console.log('wind') Vue.prototype.jsMind = window.jsMind }
<js-mind :values="mind" :options="options" v-show="isShow" ref="jsMind" height="600px"></js-mind>
<template> <div> <el-button @click='zoomOut' ref="zoomOut">缩小</el-button> <el-button @click='zoomIn' ref="zoomIn">放大</el-button> <el-button @click="addNode">添加节点</el-button> <el-button @click="onRemoveNode">删除节点</el-button> <el-button @click="bgColor">背景颜色</el-button> <el-button @click='changeOption'>改变布局方向</el-button> <span>主题:</span> <el-select @change="set_theme" v-model="theme_value"> <el-option value="">default</el-option> <el-option value="primary">primary</el-option> <el-option value="warning">warning</el-option> <el-option value="danger">danger</el-option> <el-option value="success">success</el-option> <el-option value="info">info</el-option> <el-option value="greensea" selected="selected">greensea</el-option> <el-option value="nephrite">nephrite</el-option> <el-option value="belizehole">belizehole</el-option> <el-option value="wisteria">wisteria</el-option> <el-option value="asphalt">asphalt</el-option> <el-option value="orange">orange</el-option> <el-option value="pumpkin">pumpkin</el-option> <el-option value="pomegranate">pomegranate</el-option> <el-option value="clouds">clouds</el-option> <el-option value="asbestos">asbestos</el-option> </el-select> <el-button @click="onClouds">按钮</el-button> <js-mind :values="mind" :options="options" v-show="isShow" ref="jsMind" height="600px"></js-mind> <el-drawer size="1000px" :visible.sync="drawer" :direction="direction" :before-close="handleClose"> <el-tree :data="treeData" show-checkbox :props="defaultProps"></el-tree> </el-drawer> </div> </template> <script> import { selectCase } from '@/common/api/caseInformation' // import { uuid } from '@/utils' export default { data () { return { drawer: false, direction: 'rtl', theme_value: '', mind: { meta: { name: 'jsMind remote', author: 'hizzgdev@163.com', version: '0.2' }, format: 'node_tree', data: { id: 'root', topic: 'jsMind', children: [ { id: 'easy', topic: 'Easy', direction: 'left', expanded: false, children: [ { id: 'easy1', topic: 'Easy to show' }, { id: 'easy2', topic: 'Easy to edit' }, { id: 'easy3', topic: 'Easy to store' }, { id: 'easy4', topic: 'Easy to embed' } ] }, { id: 'open', topic: 'Open Source', direction: 'right', expanded: true, children: [ { id: 'open1', topic: 'on GitHub' }, { id: 'open2', topic: 'BSD License' } ] }, { id: 'powerful', topic: 'Powerful', direction: 'right', children: [ { id: 'powerful1', topic: 'Base on Javascript' }, { id: 'powerful2', topic: 'Base on HTML5' }, { id: 'powerful3', topic: 'Depends on you' } ] }, { id: 'other', topic: 'test node', direction: 'left', children: [ { id: 'other1', topic: "I'm from local variable" }, { id: 'other2', topic: 'I can do everything' } ] } ] } }, options: { container: 'jsmind_container', // [必选] 容器的ID editable: false, // [可选] 是否启用编辑 theme: 'orange' // [可选] 主题 }, treeData: [], defaultProps: { children: 'children', label: 'name' }, isShow: true } }, methods: { // 缩小 zoomOut () { if (this.jm.view.zoomOut()) { this.$refs.zoomOut.disabled = false } else { this.$refs.zoomOut.disabled = true } }, // 放大 zoomIn () { if (this.jm.view.zoomIn()) { this.$refs.zoomIn.disabled = false } else { this.$refs.zoomIn.disabled = true } }, // 新增节点 addNode () { var selectedNode = this.jm.get_selected_node() // as parent of new node console.log('selected_node', selectedNode) if (!selectedNode) { alert('请先选择一个节点'); return } console.log(this.jsMind) var nodeid = this.jsMind.util.uuid.newid() var topic = 'new Node' this.jm.add_node(selectedNode, nodeid, topic) }, // 删除节点 onRemoveNode () { var selectedId = this.get_selected_nodeid() console.log(selectedId) if (!selectedId) { alert('请先选择一个节点'); return } this.jm.remove_node(selectedId) }, // 改变节点背景颜色 bgColor () { var selectedId = this.get_selected_nodeid() if (!selectedId) { alert('please select a node first.'); return } this.jm.set_node_color(selectedId, '#DC143C', null) }, // 布局方向 changeOption () { this.options = { mode: 'side' } }, onClouds () { this.drawer = true console.log('mind:', this.jm.get_meta()) console.log('45444:', this.jm.get_data()) }, // 选择主题颜色 set_theme () { this.jm.set_theme(this.theme_value) }, // 获取选中标签的 ID get_selected_nodeid () { var selectedNode = this.jm.get_selected_node() if (selectedNode) { return selectedNode.id } else { return null } } }, async created () { const reqBody = { caseNumber: 'lerui' } const { code, data } = await selectCase(reqBody) if (code === 0) { this.treeData = data } }, mounted () { this.jm = this.$refs.jsMind.jm this.jm.enable_edit() } } </script> <style> </style>