摘要:private static int ChangeInt(byte[] bytes) { if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)//字节顺序 java、c#不同需要判断 { int len = bytes.Length; byte[] by = new Byte[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { by[i] = bytes[...
摘要:using System;using System.IO;using System.Drawing;using System.Drawing.Imaging;public class ImageThumbnail{ public Image ResourceImage; private int ImageWidth; private int ImageHeight; public string E...
摘要:OWASP WebGoat + WebScarab一、OWASP WebScarab Projecta tool for performing all types of security testing on web applications and web services下载地址:OWASP Source Code Center at Sourceforge安装方法:Linux: java -...