Zend Framework
版权 © 2005-2007 Zend Technologies Inc. (http://www.zend.com/)
- 1. Zend Framework
- 2. Zend_Acl
- 3. Zend_Auth
- 4. Zend_Cache
- 5. Zend_Config
- 6. Zend_Console_Getopt
- 7. Zend_Controller
- 7.1. Zend_Controller 快速入门
- 7.2. Zend_Controller Basics
- 7.3. The Front Controller
- 7.4. The Request Object
- 7.5. The Standard Router: Zend_Controller_Router_Rewrite
- 7.6. The Dispatcher
- 7.7. Action Controllers
- 7.8. Action Helpers
- 7.9. The Response Object
- 7.10. 插件
- 7.11. Using a Conventional Modular Directory Structure
- 7.12. MVC Exceptions
- 7.13. Migrating from Previous Versions
- 8. Zend_Date
- 9. Zend_Db
- 10. Zend_Debug
- 11. Zend_Exception
- 12. Zend_Feed
- 13. Zend_Filter
- 14. Zend_Gdata
- 14.1. Introduction to Gdata
- 14.1.1. Structure of Zend_Gdata
- 14.1.2. Interacting with Google Services
- 14.1.3. Obtaining instances of Zend_Gdata classes
- 14.1.4. Google Data Client Authentication
- 14.1.5. Dependencies
- 14.1.6. Creating a new Gdata client
- 14.1.7. Common query parameters
- 14.1.8. Fetching a feed
- 14.1.9. Working with data in feeds and entries
- 14.1.10. Updating entries
- 14.1.11. Posting entries to Google servers
- 14.1.12. Deleting entries on Google servers
- 14.2. Authenticating with AuthSub
- 14.3. Authenticating with ClientLogin
- 14.4. Using Google Spreadsheets
- 14.5. Catching Gdata Exceptions
- 15. Zend_Http
- 15.1. Zend_Http_Client
- 15.2. Zend_Http_Client - Advanced Usage
- 15.3. Zend_Http_Client - Connection Adapters
- 15.4. Zend_Http_Cookie and Zend_Http_CookieJar
- 15.4.1. Introduction
- 15.4.2. Instantiating Zend_Http_Cookie Objects
- 15.4.3. Zend_Http_Cookie getter methods
- 15.4.4. Zend_Http_Cookie: Matching against a scenario
- 15.4.5. The Zend_Http_CookieJar Class: Instantiation
- 15.4.6. Adding Cookies to a Zend_Http_CookieJar object
- 15.4.7. Retrieving Cookies From a Zend_Http_CookieJar object
- 15.5. Zend_Http_Response
- 16. Zend_Json
- 17. Zend_Loader
- 18. Zend_Locale
- 18.1. Introduction
- 18.2. Using Zend_Locale
- 18.3. Normalization and Localization
- 18.3.1. Number normalization: getNumber($input, Array $options)
- 18.3.2. Number localization
- 18.3.3. Number testing
- 18.3.4. Float value normalization
- 18.3.5. Floating point value localization
- 18.3.6. Floating point value testing
- 18.3.7. Integer value normalization
- 18.3.8. Integer point value localization
- 18.3.9. Integer value testing
- 18.3.10. Numeral System Conversion
- 18.4. Working with Dates and Times
- 18.5. Supported Languages for Locales
- 18.6. Supported Regions for Locales
- 19. Zend_Log
- 20. Zend_Mail
- 21. Zend_Measure
- 22. Zend_Memory
- 23. Zend_Mime
- 24. Zend_Pdf
- 25. Zend_Registry
- 26. Zend_Rest
- 27. Zend_Search_Lucene
- 28. Zend_Server
- 29. Zend_Service
- 30. Zend_Session
- 30.1. 简介
- 30.2. 基本用法
- 30.3. 高级用法
- 30.4. 全局会话管
- 30.4.1. Zend_Session::setOptions()
- 30.4.2. 选项
- 30.4.3. regenerateId()
- 30.4.4. rememberMe(integer $seconds)
- 30.4.5. forgetMe()
- 30.4.6. sessionExists()
- 30.4.7. destroy(bool $remove_cookie = true, bool $readonly = true)
- 30.4.8. stop()
- 30.4.9. writeClose($readonly = true)
- 30.4.10. expireSessionCookie()
- 30.4.11. setSaveHandler(Zend_Session_SaveHandler_Interface $interface)
- 30.4.12. namespaceIsset($namespace, $name = null)
- 30.4.13. namespaceUnset($namespace, $name = null)
- 30.4.14. namespaceGet($namespace, $name = null)
- 30.4.15. getIterator()
- 30.5. 原理
- 31. Zend_Translate
- 32. Zend_Uri
- 33. Zend_Validate
- 34. Zend_Version
- 35. Zend_View
- 36. Zend_XmlRpc
- A. Zend Framework PHP Coding Standard
- 37. System Requirements
- B. 版权信息
- 索引
- 2.1. 一个CMS范例的访问控制
- 3.1. 配置选项
- 4.1. Available options
- 4.2. Available options
- 4.3. Available options
- 4.4. Available options
- 4.5. Available options
- 4.6. 可用选项
- 4.7. 可用选项
- 4.8. 可用选项
- 5.1. Zend_Config_Ini Constructor parameters
- 8.1. Date Parts
- 8.2. Basic Operations
- 8.3. Date Comparison Methods
- 8.4. Date Output Methods
- 8.5. Date Output Methods
- 8.6. Miscellaneous Methods
- 8.7. Operations involving Zend_Date::HOUR
- 8.8. Day Constants
- 8.9. Week Constants
- 8.10. Month Constants
- 8.11. Year Constants
- 8.12. Time Constants
- 8.13. Timezone Constants
- 8.14. Date Format Constants (formats include timezone)
- 8.15. Date and Time Formats (format varies by locale)
- 8.16. Constants for ISO 8601 date output
- 8.17. Constants for PHP date output
- 8.18. Types of supported horizons for sunset and sunrise
- 15.1. Zend_Http_Client configuration parameters
- 18.1. Details for getTranslationList($type = null, $locale = null)
- 18.2. Format tokens for self generated number formats
- 18.3. List of supported numeral systems
- 18.4. Key values for getDate() with option 'fix_date'
- 18.5. Return values
- 18.6. Format definition
- 18.7. Example formats
- 18.8. List of all supported languages
- 18.9. List of all supported regions
- 20.1. Mail Read Feature Overview
- 20.2. Mail Folder Names
- 21.1. List of measurement types
- 27.1. Zend_Search_Lucene_Field 类型
- 29.1. Zend_Service_Amazon_Item 属性
- 29.2. Zend_Service_Amazon_Image 属性
- 29.3. Zend_Service_Amazon_OfferSet 属性
- 29.4. 属性
- 29.5. Zend_Service_Amazon_SimilarProduct 属性
- 29.6. Zend_Service_Amazon_Accessories 属性
- 29.7. Zend_Service_Amazon_CustomerReview 属性
- 29.8. Zend_Service_Amazon_EditorialReview 属性
- 29.9. Zend_Service_Amazon_Listmania 属性
- 29.10. Methods for retrieving public data
- 29.11. Methods of the
class - 29.12. Zend_Service_Flickr_ResultSet 属性
- 29.13. Zend_Service_Flickr_Result 属性
- 29.14. Zend_Service_Flickr_Image 属性
- 29.15. Zend_Service_Yahoo_ResultSet
- 29.16. Zend_Service_Yahoo_LocalResultSet 属性
- 29.17. Zend_Service_Yahoo_Result Properties
- 29.18. Zend_Service_Yahoo_WebResult 属性
- 29.19. Zend_Service_Yahoo_ImageResult 属性
- 29.20. Zend_Service_Yahoo_LocalResult 属性
- 29.21. Zend_Service_Yahoo_NewsResult 属性
- 29.22. Zend_Service_Yahoo_Image Properties
- 31.1. Adapters for Zend_Translate
- 36.1. PHP本地变量类型转化为XML-RPC类型
- 36.2.
对象声明的XML-RPC类型 - 37.1. PHP Extensions Used in Zend Framework
- 2.1. 角色之间的多重继承
- 3.1. 修改 Session 名字空间
- 3.2. 使用定制存储类
- 3.3. 基本用法
- 4.1. 调用
取得一个前端 - 4.2. 用
输出前端缓存输出 - 5.1. Using Zend_Config Per Se
- 5.2. Using Zend_Config_Ini
- 5.3. Using Zend_Config_Xml
- 6.1. Using the Short Syntax
- 6.2. Using the Long Syntax
- 6.3. Catching Getopt Exceptions
- 6.4. Using getOption()
- 6.5. Using __get() and __isset() magic methods
- 6.6. Using getRemainingArgs()
- 6.7. Using addRules()
- 6.8. Using setHelp()
- 6.9. Using setAliases()
- 6.10. Using addArguments() and setArguments()
- 6.11. Using setOption()
- 6.12. Using setOptions()
- 7.1. Setting Options
- 7.2. Using Defaults
- 7.3. Using goto()'s _forward() API
- 7.4. Using route assembly with gotoRout()
- 7.5. Basic Usage
- 7.6. Disabling autorender
- 7.7. Choosing a different view script
- 7.8. Modifying the registered view
- 7.9. Changing the path specifications
- 7.10. Rendering multiple view scripts from a single action
- 8.1. Setting a default timezone
- 8.2. Creating the current date
- 8.3. get() - output a date
- 8.4. set() - set a date
- 8.5. add() - adding dates
- 8.6. compare() - compare dates
- 8.7. equals() - identify a date or date part
- 8.8. User-specified input date format
- 8.9. Operating on Parts of Dates
- 8.10. Example usage for self-defined ISO formats
- 8.11. Example usage for self-defined formats with PHP specifier
- 8.12. Checking dates
- 8.13. Getting all avaiable cities
- 8.14. Getting the location for a city
- 8.15. Calculating sun informations
- 8.16. Working with timezones
- 8.17. Multiple timezones
- 9.1. Creating a SQL statement object with query()
- 9.2. Using a SQL statement constructor
- 9.3. Executing a statement with positional parameters
- 9.4. Executing a statement with named parameters
- 9.5. Using fetch() in a loop
- 9.6. Using fetchAll()
- 9.7. Setting the fetch mode
- 9.8. Using fetchColumn()
- 9.9. Using fetchObject()
- 9.10. Fetching a Dependent Rowset
- 9.11. Fetching a Dependent Rowset By a Specific Rule
- 9.12. Fetching Dependent Rowsets using the Magic Method
- 9.13. Fetching the Parent Row
- 9.14. Fetching a Parent Row By a Specific Rule
- 9.15. Fetching the Parent Row using the Magic Method
- 9.16. Fetching a Rowset with the Many-to-many Method
- 9.17. Fetching a Rowset with the Many-to-many Method By a Specific Rule
- 9.18. Fetching Rowsets using the Magic Many-to-many Method
- 9.19. Example of a Cascading Delete
- 9.20. Example Declaration of Cascading Operations
- 10.1. dump()使用示例:
- 11.1. 捕捉一个异常:
- 12.1. 用Zend_Feed来处理RSS Feed数据
- 12.2. Atom Feed的基本用法
- 12.3. 读取Atom Feed的单个条目
- 12.4. 用条目对象直接访问Atom Feed的单个条目
- 12.5. 修改一个已存在的条目
- 12.6. 用自定义的命名空间创建一个Atom条目元素
- 12.7. 用自定义的命名空间继承Atom条目类
- 15.1. 执行一个基本的 GET 请求
- 15.2. 创建一个基本的Zend_Http_Client
- 15.3. 发送多条header信息
- 15.4. 发送请求到多个域名
- 15.5. 用Zend_Http_Client发送POST 数据
- 15.6. Forcing RFC 2616 Strict Redirections on 301 and 302 Responses
- 15.7. Setting Cookies Using setCookie()
- 15.8. Enabling Cookie Stickiness
- 15.9. Setting A Single Custom Request Header
- 15.10. Setting Multiple Custom Request Headers
- 15.11. Using setFileUpload to Upload Files
- 15.12. Sending Raw POST Data
- 15.13. Setting HTTP Authentication User and Password
- 15.14. Performing consecutive requests with one client
- 15.15. Changing the HTTPS transport layer
- 15.16. Using Zend_Http_Client behind a proxy server
- 15.17. Testing Against a Single HTTP Response Stub
- 15.18. Testing Against Multiple HTTP Response Stubs
- 15.19. Creating your own connection adapter
- 15.20. Instantiating a Zend_Http_Cookie object
- 15.21. Stringifying a Zend_Http_Cookie object
- 15.22. Using getter methods with Zend_Http_Cookie
- 15.23. Matching cookies
- 15.24. 处理HTTP应答
- 17.1. Example of loadFile() method
- 17.2. loadClass() 示例:
- 17.3. isReadable()示例:
- 18.1. Choosing a specific locale
- 18.2. Automatically selecting a locale
- 18.3. Dates default to correct locale of web users
- 18.4. Overriding default locale selection
- 18.5. Performance optimization when using a default locale
- 18.6. Dates default to correct locale of web users
- 18.7. clone
- 18.8. Check for equal locales
- 18.9. Get default locales
- 18.10. setLocale
- 18.11. Convenience functions for getTranslation()
- 18.12. getTranslationList
- 18.13. Converting country name in one language to another
- 18.14. All available translations
- 18.15. All Languages written in their native language
- 18.16. getQuestion()
- 18.17. Number normalization
- 18.18. Number normalization with precision
- 18.19. Number localization
- 18.20. Number localization with precision
- 18.21. Using a self defined number format
- 18.22. Number testing
- 18.23. Floating point value normalization
- 18.24. Floating point value localization
- 18.25. Floating point value testing
- 18.26. Integer value normalization
- 18.27. Integer value localization
- 18.28. Integer value testing
- 18.29. Converting numerals from Eastern Arabic scripts to European/Latin scripts
- 18.30. Converting numerals from Latin script to Eastern Arabic script
- 18.31. Getting 4 letter CLDR script code using a native-language name of the script
- 18.32. Normalizing a date
- 18.33. Normalizing a date by locale
- 18.34. Normalizing a date with time
- 18.35. Normalizing a userdefined date
- 18.36. Automatic correction of input dates
- 18.37. Date testing
- 18.38. Normalize an unknown time
- 18.39. Testing a time
- 20.1. 使用Zend_Mail发送简单邮件
- 20.2. 通过 SMTP 发送邮件
- 20.3. 通过一个SMTP连接发送多个邮件
- 20.4. 使用不同的Transport对象
- 20.5. 发送HTML邮件
- 20.6. 带附件的邮件
- 20.7. 更改MIME分界线
- 20.8. 外加邮件头信息
- 20.9. Enabling a secure connection within Zend_Mail_Transport_Smtp
- 21.1. Converting measurements
- 21.2. The
measurement - 21.3. Creation using integer and floating values
- 21.4. Creation using strings
- 21.5. Arbitrary text input containing measurements
- 21.6. Localized string
- 21.7. Automatic output
- 21.8. Output a value
- 21.9. Outputting units
- 21.10. Convert
- 21.11. Adding units
- 21.12. Subtract
- 21.13. Different measurements
- 21.14. Identical measurements
- 21.15. Difference
- 21.16. Changing a value
- 21.17. Changing the type
- 22.1. Using Zend_Memory component
- 24.1. Create new or load existing PDF document.
- 24.2. Requesting specified revision of the PDF document.
- 24.3. Save PDF document.
- 24.4. PDF document pages management.
- 24.5. Draw a string on the page.
- 24.6. Draw a UTF-8-encoded string on the page.
- 24.7. Create a standard font.
- 24.8. Create a TrueType font.
- 24.9. Create a TrueType font, but do not embed it in the PDF document.
- 24.10. Do not throw an exception for fonts that cannot be embeded.
- 24.11. Do not compress an embedded font.
- 24.12. Combining font embedding options.
- 24.13. Image drawing.
- 24.14. Zend_Pdf module usage demo.
- 25.1. set() 使用示例:
- 25.2. get() 方法示例:
- 25.3. 迭代一个registry对象:
- 25.4. 创建一个registry对象
- 25.5. Example of initializing the static registry
- 25.6. array 方式访问示例:
- 25.7. 对象形式的访问:
- 25.8. isRegistered() 示例:
- 25.9. isset() 示例:
- 25.10. 指定静态注册表的类名:
- 25.11. _unsetInstance() 示例:
- 26.1. A basic REST request
- 26.2. Response Status
- 26.3. Using Technorati's Rest Service
- 26.4. Example Technorati Response
- 26.5. Setting Request Arguments
- 26.6. Basic Zend_Rest_Server Usage - Classes
- 26.7. Basic Zend_Rest_Server Usage - Functions
- 26.8. Returning Custom Status
- 26.9. Return Custom XML
- 27.1. 自定义文本分析程序
- 29.1. isSpam() Usage
- 29.2. submitSpam() Usage
- 29.3. submitHam() Usage
- 29.4. 用传统的API搜索Amazon
- 29.5. 使用Query API搜索来Amazon
- 29.6. 选择一个 Amazon Web Service 国家
- 29.7. 用ASIN来搜索指定的Amazon出版物
- 29.8. 对Amazon出版物的搜索
- 29.9. Search Amazon Using the Alternative Query API
- 29.10. Retrieving User Profile Information
- 29.11. Retrieving a User's Weekly Artist Chart
- 29.12. Retrieving Related Artists
- 29.13. Get all posts
- 29.14. Accessing post lists
- 29.15. Post editing
- 29.16. Method call chaining
- 29.17. Deleting posts
- 29.18. Adding a post
- 29.19. Tags
- 29.20. Bundles
- 29.21. Retrieving public data
- 29.22. Changing the HTTP client of
- 29.23. Configuring your HTTP client to keep connections alive
- 29.24. 简单的 Flickr 照片搜索
- 29.25. 用email地址来查找Flickr用户
- 29.26. 获得 Flickr 图像详细资料
- 29.27. Querying Links
- 29.28. Modifying Links
- 29.29. Working With Tags
- 29.30. Working With Notes
- 29.31. Retrieving Watchlists
- 29.32. 用Yahoo!来搜索网页
- 29.33. 用Yahoo!来查找图片
- 29.34. 用Yahoo!查找本地商务和服务信息
- 29.35. 搜索Yahoo! 新闻
- 30.1. 计算web页面被查看的次数
- 30.2. 新方法: 使用命名空间避免冲突
- 30.3. 老方法: PHP会话访问
- 30.4. 会话迭代
- 30.5. 访问会话数据
- 30.6. 开启全局会话
- 30.7. 锁住会话命名空间
- 30.8. 锁住视图中的会话
- 30.9. 带有生命期的控制器命名空间会话
- 30.10. 限制为单一实例
- 30.11. 已知的命名空间下数组的问题
- 30.12. Workaround: 取出,修改,存回
- 30.13. Workaround: 存储包含目标数组引用的数组
- 30.14. 简化访问授权标识
- 30.15. 使用PHPUnit测试由Zend_Session*写成的代码
- 30.16. 使用Zend_Config组件配置Zend_Session组件
- 30.17. myapp.ini
- 30.18. 匿名会话和会话固定
- 30.19. 注销所有的命名空间
- 31.1. Example of single-language PHP code
- 31.2. Example of multi-lingual PHP code
- 31.3. Example TMX file
- 31.4. Example CSV file
- 31.5. Example CSV file two
- 31.6. Using translation options
- 31.7. Checking if a text is translateable
- 32.1. 使用
创建一个新的URI - 32.2. 使用
操作一个现有的URI - 32.3. 使用
进行URI 验证 - 32.4. 从
对象取得模式 - 32.5. 从一个
对象取得整个URI - 32.6. 验证一个
对象 - 34.1. compareVersion()方法示例:
- 36.1. 一个基本的XML-RPC请求
- 36.2. 用类型提示来调用一个XML-RPC服务
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