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Zend Framework



1. Zend Framework
1.1. 简介
2. Zend_Acl
2.1. 简介
2.1.1. 关于资源(Resource)
2.1.2. 关于角色(Role)
2.1.3. 创建访问控制列表(ACL)
2.1.4. 注册角色(Role)
2.1.5. 定义访问控制
2.1.6. 查询 ACL
2.2. 精细的访问控制
2.2.1. 精细的访问控制
2.2.2. 除去访问控制
2.3. 高级用法
2.3.1. 保存 ACL 数据确保持久性
2.3.2. 使用声明(Assert)来编写条件性的 ACL 规则
3. Zend_Auth
3.1. 简介
3.1.1. 适配器
3.1.2. 结果
3.1.3. 身份的持久(Persistence)
3.1.4. 使用Zend_Auth
3.2. 用数据库表认证
3.2.1. 简介
3.2.2. 高级使用:持久一个 DbTable 结果对象
3.3. 摘要式认证
3.3.1. 简介
3.3.2. 规范(Specifics)
3.3.3. 身份(Identity)
3.4. HTTP 认证适配器
3.4.1. 简介
3.4.2. 设计回顾
3.4.3. 配置选项
3.4.4. Resolvers
3.4.5. 基本用法
4. Zend_Cache
4.1. 简介
4.2. 缓存原理
4.2.1. Zend_Cache 工厂方法
4.2.2. 标记纪录
4.2.3. 缓存清理
4.3. Zend_Cache frontends
4.3.1. Zend_Cache_Core
4.3.2. Zend_Cache_Frontend_Output
4.3.3. Zend_Cache_Frontend_Function
4.3.4. Zend_Cache_Frontend_Class
4.3.5. Zend_Cache_Frontend_File
4.3.6. Zend_Cache_Frontend_Page
4.4. Zend_Cache后端
4.4.1. Zend_Cache_Backend_File
4.4.2. Zend_Cache_Backend_Sqlite
4.4.3. Zend_Cache_Backend_Memcached
4.4.4. Zend_Cache_Backend_APC
4.4.5. Zend_Cache_Backend_ZendPlatform
5. Zend_Config
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Theory of Operation
5.3. Zend_Config_Ini
5.4. Zend_Config_Xml
6. Zend_Console_Getopt
6.1. Introduction to Getopt
6.2. Declaring Getopt Rules
6.2.1. Declaring Options with the Short Syntax
6.2.2. Declaring Options with the Long Syntax
6.3. Fetching Options and Arguments
6.3.1. Handling Getopt Exceptions
6.3.2. Fetching Options by Name
6.3.3. Reporting Options
6.3.4. Fetching Non-option Arguments
6.4. Configuring Zend_Console_Getopt
6.4.1. Adding Option Rules
6.4.2. Adding Help Messages
6.4.3. Adding Option Aliases
6.4.4. Adding Argument Lists
6.4.5. Adding Configuration
7. Zend_Controller
7.1. Zend_Controller 快速入门
7.1.1. 简介
7.1.2. 入门
7.2. Zend_Controller Basics
7.3. The Front Controller
7.3.1. Overview
7.3.2. Primary Methods
7.3.3. Environmental Accessor Methods
7.3.4. Front Controller Parameters
7.3.5. Subclassing the Front Controller
7.4. The Request Object
7.4.1. Introduction
7.4.2. HTTP Requests
7.4.3. Subclassing the Request Object
7.5. The Standard Router: Zend_Controller_Router_Rewrite
7.5.1. Introduction
7.5.2. Using a router
7.5.3. Basic Rewrite Router operation
7.5.4. Default routes
7.5.5. Base URL and subdirectories
7.5.6. Route Types
7.5.7. Using Zend_Config with the RewriteRouter
7.5.8. Subclassing the Router
7.6. The Dispatcher
7.6.1. Overview
7.6.2. Subclassing the Dispatcher
7.7. Action Controllers
7.7.1. Introduction
7.7.2. Object initialization
7.7.3. Pre- and Post-Dispatch Hooks
7.7.4. Accessors
7.7.5. View Integration
7.7.6. Utility Methods
7.7.7. Subclassing the Action Controller
7.8. Action Helpers
7.8.1. Introduction
7.8.2. Helper Initialization
7.8.3. The Helper Broker
7.8.4. Built-in Action Helpers
7.8.5. Writing Your Own Helpers
7.9. The Response Object
7.9.1. Usage
7.9.2. Manipulating Headers
7.9.3. Named Segments
7.9.4. Subclassing the Response Object
7.10. 插件
7.10.1. 简介
7.11. Using a Conventional Modular Directory Structure
7.11.1. Introduction
7.11.2. Specifying Module Controller Directories
7.11.3. Routing to modules
7.11.4. Module or Global Default Controller
7.12. MVC Exceptions
7.12.1. Introduction
7.12.2. How can you handle exceptions?
7.12.3. MVC Exceptions You May Encounter
7.13. Migrating from Previous Versions
7.13.1. Migrating from 0.9.3 to 1.0.0RC1 or newer
7.13.2. Migrating from 0.9.2 to 0.9.3 or newer
7.13.3. Migrating from 0.6.0 to 0.8.0 or newer
7.13.4. Migrating from 0.2.0 or before to 0.6.0
8. Zend_Date
8.1. Introduction
8.1.1. Always Set a Default Timezone
8.1.2. Why Use Zend_Date?
8.2. Theory of Operation
8.2.1. Internals
8.3. Basic Methods
8.3.1. The current date
8.3.2. Zend_Date by Example
8.4. Zend_Date API Overview
8.4.1. Zend_Date Options
8.4.2. Working with Date Values
8.4.3. Basic Zend_Date Operations Common to Many Date Parts
8.4.4. Comparing Dates
8.4.5. Getting Dates and Date Parts
8.4.6. Working with Fractions of Seconds
8.4.7. Sunrise / Sunset
8.5. Constants for General Date Functions
8.5.1. Using Constants
8.5.2. List of All Constants
8.5.3. Self-Defined OUTPUT Formats with ISO
8.5.4. Self-defined OUTPUT formats using PHP's date() format specifiers
8.6. Working examples
8.6.1. Checking dates
8.6.2. Sunrise and Sunset
8.6.3. Timezones
9. Zend_Db
9.1. Zend_Db_Adapter
9.1.1. 简介
9.1.2. 添加引号防止数据库攻击
9.1.3. 直接查询
9.1.4. 事务处理
9.1.5. 插入数据行
9.1.6. 更新数据行
9.1.7. 删除数据行
9.1.8. 取回查询结果
9.2. Zend_Db_Statement
9.2.1. Creating a Statement
9.2.2. Executing a Statement
9.2.3. Fetching Results from a SELECT Statement
9.3. Zend_Db_Profiler
9.3.1. Introduction
9.3.2. Using the Profiler
9.3.3. Advanced Profiler Usage
9.4. Zend_Db_Select
9.4.1. 简介
9.4.2. 同一表中查询多列数据
9.4.3. 多表联合查询
9.4.4. WHERE条件
9.4.5. GROUP BY分句
9.4.6. HAVING 条件
9.4.7. ORDER BY 分句
9.4.8. 通过总数和偏移量进行LIMIT限制
9.4.9. 通过页数和总数进行LIMIT限制
9.5. Zend_Db_Table
9.5.1. 简介
9.5.2. 开始
9.5.3. 表名和主键
9.5.4. 插入数据
9.5.5. 更新数据
9.5.6. Deleting Rows
9.5.7. 根据主键查找数据
9.5.8. 取回一条记录
9.5.9. 取回多条记录
9.5.10. Adding Domain Logic
9.6. Zend_Db_Table_Row
9.6.1. 简介
9.6.2. 取回一条记录
9.6.3. 修改数据
9.7. Zend_Db_Table_Rowset
9.7.1. 简介
9.7.2. 取回结果集
9.7.3. 遍历结果集
9.8. Zend_Db_Table Relationships
9.8.1. Introduction
9.8.2. Defining Relationships
9.8.3. Fetching a Dependent Rowset
9.8.4. Fetching a Parent Row
9.8.5. Fetching a Rowset via a Many-to-many Relationship
9.8.6. Cascading Write Operations
10. Zend_Debug
10.1. Dumping Variables 输出变量的值
11. Zend_Exception
11.1. 使用“异常”
12. Zend_Feed
12.1. 介绍
12.2. 用Zend_Feed来导入Feed
12.3. 从网页上获得Feed
12.4. RSS Feed的使用
12.5. Atom Feed的使用
12.6. 单个Atom条目的处理
12.7. 修改Feed和条目结构
12.8. 自定义Feed和条目类
13. Zend_Filter
13.1. 简介
13.2. 过滤器链
13.3. 编写过滤器
13.4. Zend_Filter_Input
13.4.1. Declaring Filter and Validator Rules
13.4.2. Creating the Filter and Validator Processor
13.4.3. Retrieving Validated Fields and other Reports
13.4.4. Using Metacommands to Control Filter or Validator Rules
13.4.5. Adding Filter Class Namespaces
14. Zend_Gdata
14.1. Introduction to Gdata
14.1.1. Structure of Zend_Gdata
14.1.2. Interacting with Google Services
14.1.3. Obtaining instances of Zend_Gdata classes
14.1.4. Google Data Client Authentication
14.1.5. Dependencies
14.1.6. Creating a new Gdata client
14.1.7. Common query parameters
14.1.8. Fetching a feed
14.1.9. Working with data in feeds and entries
14.1.10. Updating entries
14.1.11. Posting entries to Google servers
14.1.12. Deleting entries on Google servers
14.2. Authenticating with AuthSub
14.2.1. Creating an AuthSub authenticated Http Client
14.2.2. Revoking AuthSub authentication
14.3. Authenticating with ClientLogin
14.3.1. Creating a ClientLogin authenticated Http Client
14.3.2. Terminating a ClientLogin authenticated Http Client
14.4. Using Google Spreadsheets
14.4.1. Create a Spreadsheet
14.4.2. Get a List of Spreadsheets
14.4.3. Get a List of Worksheets
14.4.4. Interacting With List-based Feeds
14.4.5. Interacting With Cell-based Feeds
14.5. Catching Gdata Exceptions
15. Zend_Http
15.1. Zend_Http_Client
15.1.1. 简介
15.1.2. 带有指定的HTTP头的基本 GET 请求
15.1.3. 发送请求到多个域名
15.1.4. 改变HTTP timeout时间
15.1.5. 动态指定HTTP Header
15.1.6. 构造 HTTP POST, PUT, 和 DELETE 请求
15.2. Zend_Http_Client - Advanced Usage
15.2.1. HTTP Redirections
15.2.2. Adding Cookies and Using Cookie Persistence
15.2.3. Setting Custom Request Headers
15.2.4. File Uploads
15.2.5. Sending Raw POST Data
15.2.6. HTTP Authentication
15.2.7. Sending Multiple Requests With the Same Client
15.3. Zend_Http_Client - Connection Adapters
15.3.1. Overview
15.3.2. The Socket Adapter
15.3.3. The Proxy Adapter
15.3.4. The Test Adapter
15.3.5. Creating your own connection adapters
15.4. Zend_Http_Cookie and Zend_Http_CookieJar
15.4.1. Introduction
15.4.2. Instantiating Zend_Http_Cookie Objects
15.4.3. Zend_Http_Cookie getter methods
15.4.4. Zend_Http_Cookie: Matching against a scenario
15.4.5. The Zend_Http_CookieJar Class: Instantiation
15.4.6. Adding Cookies to a Zend_Http_CookieJar object
15.4.7. Retrieving Cookies From a Zend_Http_CookieJar object
15.5. Zend_Http_Response
15.5.1. 简介
16. Zend_Json
16.1. 简介
16.2. 基本用法
16.3. JSON 对象
17. Zend_Loader
17.1. 动态加载文件和类
17.1.1. 加载文件
17.1.2. 加载类
17.1.3. 判定某个文件是否可读
18. Zend_Locale
18.1. Introduction
18.1.1. What is Localization
18.1.2. What is a Locale?
18.1.3. How are Locales Represented?
18.1.4. Selecting the Right Locale
18.1.5. ZF Locale-Aware Classes
18.1.6. Zend_Locale_Format::setOptions(array $options)
18.2. Using Zend_Locale
18.2.1. Copying, Cloning, and Serializing Locale Objects
18.2.2. isEqual() - Equality
18.2.3. Default locales
18.2.4. Set a new locale
18.2.5. Getting the language and region
18.2.6. Obtaining localized strings
18.2.7. Obtaining translations for "yes" and "no"
18.3. Normalization and Localization
18.3.1. Number normalization: getNumber($input, Array $options)
18.3.2. Number localization
18.3.3. Number testing
18.3.4. Float value normalization
18.3.5. Floating point value localization
18.3.6. Floating point value testing
18.3.7. Integer value normalization
18.3.8. Integer point value localization
18.3.9. Integer value testing
18.3.10. Numeral System Conversion
18.4. Working with Dates and Times
18.4.1. Normalizing Dates and Times
18.4.2. Testing Dates
18.4.3. Normalizing a Time
18.4.4. Testing Times
18.5. Supported Languages for Locales
18.6. Supported Regions for Locales
19. Zend_Log
19.1. Overview
19.1.1. Creating a Log
19.1.2. Logging Messages
19.1.3. Destroying a Log
19.1.4. Using Built-in Priorities
19.1.5. Adding User-defined Priorities
19.1.6. Understanding Log Events
19.2. Writers
19.2.1. Writing to Streams
19.2.2. Writing to Databases
19.2.3. Stubbing Out the Writer
19.2.4. Testing with the Mock
19.2.5. Compositing Writers
19.3. Formatters
19.3.1. Simple Formatting
19.3.2. Formatting to XML
19.4. Filters
19.4.1. Filtering for All Writers
19.4.2. Filtering for a Writer Instance
20. Zend_Mail
20.1. 简介
20.2. 通过SMTP发送邮件
20.3. 通过一个SMTP连接发送多个邮件
20.4. 使用不同的Transport对象
20.5. HTML邮件
20.6. 附件
20.7. 增加收件人
20.8. 控制MIME分界线
20.9. 外加邮件头信息
20.10. 字符集
20.11. 编码
20.12. SMTP验证
20.13. Securing SMTP Transport
20.14. Reading Mail Messages
20.14.1. Simple example using Pop3
20.14.2. Opening a local storage
20.14.3. Opening a remote storage
20.14.4. Fetching messages and simple methods
20.14.5. Working with messages
20.14.6. Checking for flags
20.14.7. Using folders
20.14.8. Advanced Use
21. Zend_Measure
21.1. Introduction
21.2. Creation of Measurements
21.2.1. Creating measurements from integers and floats
21.2.2. Creating measurements from strings
21.2.3. Measurements from localized strings
21.3. Outputting measurements
21.3.1. Automatic output
21.3.2. Outputting values
21.3.3. Output with unit of measurement
21.3.4. Output as localized string
21.4. Manipulating Measurements
21.4.1. Convert
21.4.2. Add and subtract
21.4.3. Compare
21.4.4. Compare
21.4.5. Manually change values
21.4.6. Manually change types
21.5. Types of measurements
21.5.1. Hints for Zend_Measure_Binary
21.5.2. Hints for Zend_Measure_Number
21.5.3. Roman numbers
22. Zend_Memory
22.1. Overview
22.1.1. Introduction
22.1.2. Theory of Operation
22.2. Memory Manager
22.2.1. Creating a Memory Manager
22.2.2. Managing Memory Objects
22.2.3. Memory Manager Settings
22.3. Memory Objects
22.3.1. Movable
22.3.2. Locked
22.3.3. Memory container 'value' property.
22.3.4. Memory container interface
23. Zend_Mime
23.1. Zend_Mime
23.1.1. 简介
23.1.2. 静态方法和常量
23.1.3. 实例化Zend_Mime
23.2. Zend_Mime_Message
23.2.1. 简介
23.2.2. 实例化
23.2.3. 增加MIME消息段
23.2.4. 分界线处理
23.2.5. 解析字符串,创建Zend_Mime_Message对象(实验性的)
23.3. Zend_Mime_Part
23.3.1. 简介
23.3.2. 实例化
23.3.3. 渲染消息段为字符串的方法
24. Zend_Pdf
24.1. Introduction.
24.2. Creating and loading PDF documents.
24.3. Save changes to the PDF document.
24.4. Document pages.
24.5. Drawing.
24.5.1. Geometry.
24.5.2. Colors.
24.5.3. Shape Drawing.
24.5.4. Text Drawing.
24.5.5. Using fonts.
24.5.6. Image Drawing.
24.5.7. Line drawing style.
24.5.8. Fill style.
24.5.9. Rotations.
24.5.10. Save/restore graphics state.
24.5.11. Clipping draw area.
24.5.12. Styles.
24.6. Zend_Pdf module usage example.
25. Zend_Registry
25.1. 使用对象注册表(Registry)
25.1.1. 设置Registry中的值
25.1.2. 获取Registry中的值
25.1.3. 创建一个Registry对象
25.1.4. 像访问数组一样访问Registry对象
25.1.5. 对象方式访问Registry
25.1.6. 查询一个索引是否存在
25.1.7. 扩展Registry对象
25.1.8. 删除静态注册表
26. Zend_Rest
26.1. Introduction
26.2. Zend_Rest_Client
26.2.1. Introduction
26.2.2. Responses
26.2.3. Request Arguments
26.3. Zend_Rest_Server
26.3.1. Introduction
26.3.2. REST Server Usage
26.3.3. Calling a Zend_Rest_Server Service
26.3.4. Sending A Custom Status
26.3.5. Returning Custom XML Responses
27. Zend_Search_Lucene
27.1. 概述
27.1.1. 简介
27.1.2. 文档和字段对象
27.1.3. 理解字段类型
27.2. 建立索引
27.2.1. 创建新索引
27.2.2. 更新索引
27.3. 搜索索引
27.3.1. 建立查询
27.3.2. 搜索结果
27.3.3. 结果评分
27.4. Query Language
27.4.1. Terms
27.4.2. Fields
27.4.3. Term Modifiers
27.4.4. Proximity Searches
27.4.5. Boosting a Term
27.4.6. Boolean Operators
27.4.7. Grouping
27.4.8. Field Grouping
27.4.9. Escaping Special Characters
27.5. 查询类型
27.5.1. 单项查询
27.5.2. 多项查询
27.5.3. 短语查询
27.6. 字符集
27.6.1. UTF-8 和单字节字符集支持
27.7. 扩展性
27.7.1. 文本分析
27.7.2. 评分算法
27.7.3. 存储容器
27.8. 与 Java Lucene 的互操作性
27.8.1. 文件格式
27.8.2. 索引目录
27.8.3. Java 源代码
27.8.4. 使用 LuceneIndexCreation.jar
27.9. Advanced
27.9.1. Using index as static property
28. Zend_Server
28.1. Introduction
28.2. Zend_Server_Reflection
28.2.1. Introduction
28.2.2. Usage
29. Zend_Service
29.1. 简介
29.2. Zend_Service_Akismet
29.2.1. Introduction
29.2.2. Verify an API key
29.2.3. Check for spam
29.2.4. Submitting known spam
29.2.5. Submitting false positives (ham)
29.2.6. Zend-specific Accessor Methods
29.3. Zend_Service_Amazon
29.3.1. Introduction
29.3.2. 国家代码
29.3.3. 用ASIN来搜索指定的Amazon出版物
29.3.4. 对Amazon出版物的搜索
29.3.5. 另一个可选的查询 API
29.3.6. Zend_Service_Amazon 类
29.4. Zend_Service_Audioscrobbler
29.4.1. Introduction to Searching Audioscrobbler
29.4.2. Users
29.4.3. Artists
29.4.4. Tracks
29.4.5. Tags
29.4.6. Groups
29.4.7. Forums
29.5. Zend_Service_Delicious
29.5.1. Introduction
29.5.2. Retrieving posts
29.5.3. Zend_Service_Delicious_PostList
29.5.4. Editing posts
29.5.5. Deleting posts
29.5.6. Adding new posts
29.5.7. Tags
29.5.8. Bundles
29.5.9. Public data
29.5.10. HTTP client
29.6. Zend_Service_Flickr
29.6.1. 对Flickr搜索的介绍
29.6.2. 查找 Flickr 用户
29.6.3. 获得 Flickr 图像详细资料
29.6.4. Zend_Service_Flickr 类
29.7. Zend_Service_Simpy
29.7.1. Introduction
29.7.2. Links
29.7.3. Tags
29.7.4. Notes
29.7.5. Watchlists
29.8. Zend_Service_Yahoo
29.8.1. 简介
29.8.2. 用Yahoo!来搜索网页
29.8.3. 用Yahoo!来查找图片
29.8.4. Finding Local Businesses and Services with Yahoo!
29.8.5. 搜索Yahoo! 新闻
29.8.6. Zend_Service_Yahoo 类
30. Zend_Session
30.1. 简介
30.2. 基本用法
30.2.1. 教程实例
30.2.2. 迭代会话命名空间
30.2.3. 会话命名空间的访问器
30.3. 高级用法
30.3.1. 开启会话
30.3.2. 锁住会话命名空间
30.3.3. 会话封装和控制器
30.3.4. 限制每个命名空间的Zend_Session_Namespace实例
30.3.5. 操作命名空间下的数组
30.3.6. 在身份验证中使用会话
30.3.7. 在单元测试中使用会话
30.4. 全局会话管
30.4.1. Zend_Session::setOptions()
30.4.2. 选项
30.4.3. regenerateId()
30.4.4. rememberMe(integer $seconds)
30.4.5. forgetMe()
30.4.6. sessionExists()
30.4.7. destroy(bool $remove_cookie = true, bool $readonly = true)
30.4.8. stop()
30.4.9. writeClose($readonly = true)
30.4.10. expireSessionCookie()
30.4.11. setSaveHandler(Zend_Session_SaveHandler_Interface $interface)
30.4.12. namespaceIsset($namespace, $name = null)
30.4.13. namespaceUnset($namespace, $name = null)
30.4.14. namespaceGet($namespace, $name = null)
30.4.15. getIterator()
30.5. 原理
31. Zend_Translate
31.1. Introduction
31.1.1. Starting multi-lingual
31.2. Adapters for Zend_Translate
31.2.1. How to decide which translation adapter to use
31.3. Using Translation Adapters
31.3.1. Translation Source Structures
31.3.2. Creating array source files
31.3.3. Creating Gettext Source Files
31.3.4. Creating TMX Source Files
31.3.5. Creating CSV Source Files
31.3.6. Options for adapters
31.3.7. Checking for translations
32. Zend_Uri
32.1. Zend_Uri
32.1.1. 概述
32.1.2. 新建一个URI
32.1.3. 操作现有的URI
32.1.4. URI 验证
32.1.5. 公共实例方法
33. Zend_Validate
33.1. 简介
33.1.1. 什么是校验器(validator)?
33.1.2. 校验器的基本用法
33.1.3. 定制消息
33.1.4. 使用静态 is() 方法
33.2. 校验器链
33.3. 写校验器
33.4. 校验 Email 地址
33.5. 校验主机名
34. Zend_Version
34.1. 读取Zend Framework的当前版本
35. Zend_View
35.1. 简介
35.1.1. 控制器脚本
35.1.2. 视图脚本
35.2. 控制器脚本
35.2.1. 变量赋值
35.2.2. 调用视图脚本并打印输出
35.2.3. 视图脚本的路径
35.3. 视图脚本
35.3.1. 转义输出(Escaping Output)
35.3.2. 使用模板系统
35.4. 视图助手(View Helper)
35.4.1. 基本的助手
35.4.2. Helper 的路径
35.4.3. 编写自定义的Helper类
36. Zend_XmlRpc
36.1. 介绍
36.2. Zend_XmlRpc_Client
36.2.1. 介绍
36.2.2. 带参数
36.2.3. 参数类型提示
36.2.4. 获取响应
36.3. Zend_XmlRpc_Server
36.3.1. Introduction
36.3.2. Basic Usage
36.3.3. Server Structure
36.3.4. Conventions
36.3.5. Utilizing Namespaces
36.3.6. Custom Request Objects
36.3.7. Custom Responses
36.3.8. Handling Exceptions via Faults
36.3.9. Caching Server Definitions Between Requests
36.3.10. Usage Examples
A. Zend Framework PHP Coding Standard
A.1. Overview
A.1.1. Scope
A.1.2. Goals
A.2. PHP File Formatting
A.2.1. General
A.2.2. Indentation
A.2.3. Maximum Line Length
A.2.4. Line Termination
A.3. Naming Conventions
A.3.1. Classes
A.3.2. Interfaces
A.3.3. Filenames
A.3.4. Functions and Methods
A.3.5. Variables
A.3.6. Constants
A.4. Coding Style
A.4.1. PHP Code Demarcation
A.4.2. Strings
A.4.3. Arrays
A.4.4. Classes
A.4.5. Functions and Methods
A.4.6. Control Statements
A.4.7. Inline Documentation
37. System Requirements
37.1. PHP Version Required
37.2. PHP Extensions
B. 版权信息


2.1. 一个CMS范例的访问控制
3.1. 配置选项
4.1. Available options
4.2. Available options
4.3. Available options
4.4. Available options
4.5. Available options
4.6. 可用选项
4.7. 可用选项
4.8. 可用选项
5.1. Zend_Config_Ini Constructor parameters
8.1. Date Parts
8.2. Basic Operations
8.3. Date Comparison Methods
8.4. Date Output Methods
8.5. Date Output Methods
8.6. Miscellaneous Methods
8.7. Operations involving Zend_Date::HOUR
8.8. Day Constants
8.9. Week Constants
8.10. Month Constants
8.11. Year Constants
8.12. Time Constants
8.13. Timezone Constants
8.14. Date Format Constants (formats include timezone)
8.15. Date and Time Formats (format varies by locale)
8.16. Constants for ISO 8601 date output
8.17. Constants for PHP date output
8.18. Types of supported horizons for sunset and sunrise
15.1. Zend_Http_Client configuration parameters
18.1. Details for getTranslationList($type = null, $locale = null)
18.2. Format tokens for self generated number formats
18.3. List of supported numeral systems
18.4. Key values for getDate() with option 'fix_date'
18.5. Return values
18.6. Format definition
18.7. Example formats
18.8. List of all supported languages
18.9. List of all supported regions
20.1. Mail Read Feature Overview
20.2. Mail Folder Names
21.1. List of measurement types
27.1. Zend_Search_Lucene_Field 类型
29.1. Zend_Service_Amazon_Item 属性
29.2. Zend_Service_Amazon_Image 属性
29.3. Zend_Service_Amazon_OfferSet 属性
29.4. 属性
29.5. Zend_Service_Amazon_SimilarProduct 属性
29.6. Zend_Service_Amazon_Accessories 属性
29.7. Zend_Service_Amazon_CustomerReview 属性
29.8. Zend_Service_Amazon_EditorialReview 属性
29.9. Zend_Service_Amazon_Listmania 属性
29.10. Methods for retrieving public data
29.11. Methods of the Zend_Service_Delicious_SimplePost class
29.12. Zend_Service_Flickr_ResultSet 属性
29.13. Zend_Service_Flickr_Result 属性
29.14. Zend_Service_Flickr_Image 属性
29.15. Zend_Service_Yahoo_ResultSet
29.16. Zend_Service_Yahoo_LocalResultSet 属性
29.17. Zend_Service_Yahoo_Result Properties
29.18. Zend_Service_Yahoo_WebResult 属性
29.19. Zend_Service_Yahoo_ImageResult 属性
29.20. Zend_Service_Yahoo_LocalResult 属性
29.21. Zend_Service_Yahoo_NewsResult 属性
29.22. Zend_Service_Yahoo_Image Properties
31.1. Adapters for Zend_Translate
36.1. PHP本地变量类型转化为XML-RPC类型
36.2. Zend_XmlRpc_Value 对象声明的XML-RPC类型
37.1. PHP Extensions Used in Zend Framework


2.1. 角色之间的多重继承
3.1. 修改 Session 名字空间
3.2. 使用定制存储类
3.3. 基本用法
4.1. 调用 Zend_Cache::factory()取得一个前端
4.2. Zend_Cache 输出前端缓存输出
5.1. Using Zend_Config Per Se
5.2. Using Zend_Config_Ini
5.3. Using Zend_Config_Xml
6.1. Using the Short Syntax
6.2. Using the Long Syntax
6.3. Catching Getopt Exceptions
6.4. Using getOption()
6.5. Using __get() and __isset() magic methods
6.6. Using getRemainingArgs()
6.7. Using addRules()
6.8. Using setHelp()
6.9. Using setAliases()
6.10. Using addArguments() and setArguments()
6.11. Using setOption()
6.12. Using setOptions()
7.1. Setting Options
7.2. Using Defaults
7.3. Using goto()'s _forward() API
7.4. Using route assembly with gotoRout()
7.5. Basic Usage
7.6. Disabling autorender
7.7. Choosing a different view script
7.8. Modifying the registered view
7.9. Changing the path specifications
7.10. Rendering multiple view scripts from a single action
8.1. Setting a default timezone
8.2. Creating the current date
8.3. get() - output a date
8.4. set() - set a date
8.5. add() - adding dates
8.6. compare() - compare dates
8.7. equals() - identify a date or date part
8.8. User-specified input date format
8.9. Operating on Parts of Dates
8.10. Example usage for self-defined ISO formats
8.11. Example usage for self-defined formats with PHP specifier
8.12. Checking dates
8.13. Getting all avaiable cities
8.14. Getting the location for a city
8.15. Calculating sun informations
8.16. Working with timezones
8.17. Multiple timezones
9.1. Creating a SQL statement object with query()
9.2. Using a SQL statement constructor
9.3. Executing a statement with positional parameters
9.4. Executing a statement with named parameters
9.5. Using fetch() in a loop
9.6. Using fetchAll()
9.7. Setting the fetch mode
9.8. Using fetchColumn()
9.9. Using fetchObject()
9.10. Fetching a Dependent Rowset
9.11. Fetching a Dependent Rowset By a Specific Rule
9.12. Fetching Dependent Rowsets using the Magic Method
9.13. Fetching the Parent Row
9.14. Fetching a Parent Row By a Specific Rule
9.15. Fetching the Parent Row using the Magic Method
9.16. Fetching a Rowset with the Many-to-many Method
9.17. Fetching a Rowset with the Many-to-many Method By a Specific Rule
9.18. Fetching Rowsets using the Magic Many-to-many Method
9.19. Example of a Cascading Delete
9.20. Example Declaration of Cascading Operations
10.1. dump()使用示例:
11.1. 捕捉一个异常:
12.1. 用Zend_Feed来处理RSS Feed数据
12.2. Atom Feed的基本用法
12.3. 读取Atom Feed的单个条目
12.4. 用条目对象直接访问Atom Feed的单个条目
12.5. 修改一个已存在的条目
12.6. 用自定义的命名空间创建一个Atom条目元素
12.7. 用自定义的命名空间继承Atom条目类
15.1. 执行一个基本的 GET 请求
15.2. 创建一个基本的Zend_Http_Client
15.3. 发送多条header信息
15.4. 发送请求到多个域名
15.5. 用Zend_Http_Client发送POST 数据
15.6. Forcing RFC 2616 Strict Redirections on 301 and 302 Responses
15.7. Setting Cookies Using setCookie()
15.8. Enabling Cookie Stickiness
15.9. Setting A Single Custom Request Header
15.10. Setting Multiple Custom Request Headers
15.11. Using setFileUpload to Upload Files
15.12. Sending Raw POST Data
15.13. Setting HTTP Authentication User and Password
15.14. Performing consecutive requests with one client
15.15. Changing the HTTPS transport layer
15.16. Using Zend_Http_Client behind a proxy server
15.17. Testing Against a Single HTTP Response Stub
15.18. Testing Against Multiple HTTP Response Stubs
15.19. Creating your own connection adapter
15.20. Instantiating a Zend_Http_Cookie object
15.21. Stringifying a Zend_Http_Cookie object
15.22. Using getter methods with Zend_Http_Cookie
15.23. Matching cookies
15.24. 处理HTTP应答
17.1. Example of loadFile() method
17.2. loadClass() 示例:
17.3. isReadable()示例:
18.1. Choosing a specific locale
18.2. Automatically selecting a locale
18.3. Dates default to correct locale of web users
18.4. Overriding default locale selection
18.5. Performance optimization when using a default locale
18.6. Dates default to correct locale of web users
18.7. clone
18.8. Check for equal locales
18.9. Get default locales
18.10. setLocale
18.11. Convenience functions for getTranslation()
18.12. getTranslationList
18.13. Converting country name in one language to another
18.14. All available translations
18.15. All Languages written in their native language
18.16. getQuestion()
18.17. Number normalization
18.18. Number normalization with precision
18.19. Number localization
18.20. Number localization with precision
18.21. Using a self defined number format
18.22. Number testing
18.23. Floating point value normalization
18.24. Floating point value localization
18.25. Floating point value testing
18.26. Integer value normalization
18.27. Integer value localization
18.28. Integer value testing
18.29. Converting numerals from Eastern Arabic scripts to European/Latin scripts
18.30. Converting numerals from Latin script to Eastern Arabic script
18.31. Getting 4 letter CLDR script code using a native-language name of the script
18.32. Normalizing a date
18.33. Normalizing a date by locale
18.34. Normalizing a date with time
18.35. Normalizing a userdefined date
18.36. Automatic correction of input dates
18.37. Date testing
18.38. Normalize an unknown time
18.39. Testing a time
20.1. 使用Zend_Mail发送简单邮件
20.2. 通过 SMTP 发送邮件
20.3. 通过一个SMTP连接发送多个邮件
20.4. 使用不同的Transport对象
20.5. 发送HTML邮件
20.6. 带附件的邮件
20.7. 更改MIME分界线
20.8. 外加邮件头信息
20.9. Enabling a secure connection within Zend_Mail_Transport_Smtp
21.1. Converting measurements
21.2. The meter measurement
21.3. Creation using integer and floating values
21.4. Creation using strings
21.5. Arbitrary text input containing measurements
21.6. Localized string
21.7. Automatic output
21.8. Output a value
21.9. Outputting units
21.10. Convert
21.11. Adding units
21.12. Subtract
21.13. Different measurements
21.14. Identical measurements
21.15. Difference
21.16. Changing a value
21.17. Changing the type
22.1. Using Zend_Memory component
24.1. Create new or load existing PDF document.
24.2. Requesting specified revision of the PDF document.
24.3. Save PDF document.
24.4. PDF document pages management.
24.5. Draw a string on the page.
24.6. Draw a UTF-8-encoded string on the page.
24.7. Create a standard font.
24.8. Create a TrueType font.
24.9. Create a TrueType font, but do not embed it in the PDF document.
24.10. Do not throw an exception for fonts that cannot be embeded.
24.11. Do not compress an embedded font.
24.12. Combining font embedding options.
24.13. Image drawing.
24.14. Zend_Pdf module usage demo.
25.1. set() 使用示例:
25.2. get() 方法示例:
25.3. 迭代一个registry对象:
25.4. 创建一个registry对象
25.5. Example of initializing the static registry
25.6. array 方式访问示例:
25.7. 对象形式的访问:
25.8. isRegistered() 示例:
25.9. isset() 示例:
25.10. 指定静态注册表的类名:
25.11. _unsetInstance() 示例:
26.1. A basic REST request
26.2. Response Status
26.3. Using Technorati's Rest Service
26.4. Example Technorati Response
26.5. Setting Request Arguments
26.6. Basic Zend_Rest_Server Usage - Classes
26.7. Basic Zend_Rest_Server Usage - Functions
26.8. Returning Custom Status
26.9. Return Custom XML
27.1. 自定义文本分析程序
29.1. isSpam() Usage
29.2. submitSpam() Usage
29.3. submitHam() Usage
29.4. 用传统的API搜索Amazon
29.5. 使用Query API搜索来Amazon
29.6. 选择一个 Amazon Web Service 国家
29.7. 用ASIN来搜索指定的Amazon出版物
29.8. 对Amazon出版物的搜索
29.9. Search Amazon Using the Alternative Query API
29.10. Retrieving User Profile Information
29.11. Retrieving a User's Weekly Artist Chart
29.12. Retrieving Related Artists
29.13. Get all posts
29.14. Accessing post lists
29.15. Post editing
29.16. Method call chaining
29.17. Deleting posts
29.18. Adding a post
29.19. Tags
29.20. Bundles
29.21. Retrieving public data
29.22. Changing the HTTP client of Zend_Rest_Client
29.23. Configuring your HTTP client to keep connections alive
29.24. 简单的 Flickr 照片搜索
29.25. 用email地址来查找Flickr用户
29.26. 获得 Flickr 图像详细资料
29.27. Querying Links
29.28. Modifying Links
29.29. Working With Tags
29.30. Working With Notes
29.31. Retrieving Watchlists
29.32. 用Yahoo!来搜索网页
29.33. 用Yahoo!来查找图片
29.34. 用Yahoo!查找本地商务和服务信息
29.35. 搜索Yahoo! 新闻
30.1. 计算web页面被查看的次数
30.2. 新方法: 使用命名空间避免冲突
30.3. 老方法: PHP会话访问
30.4. 会话迭代
30.5. 访问会话数据
30.6. 开启全局会话
30.7. 锁住会话命名空间
30.8. 锁住视图中的会话
30.9. 带有生命期的控制器命名空间会话
30.10. 限制为单一实例
30.11. 已知的命名空间下数组的问题
30.12. Workaround: 取出,修改,存回
30.13. Workaround: 存储包含目标数组引用的数组
30.14. 简化访问授权标识
30.15. 使用PHPUnit测试由Zend_Session*写成的代码
30.16. 使用Zend_Config组件配置Zend_Session组件
30.17. myapp.ini
30.18. 匿名会话和会话固定
30.19. 注销所有的命名空间
31.1. Example of single-language PHP code
31.2. Example of multi-lingual PHP code
31.3. Example TMX file
31.4. Example CSV file
31.5. Example CSV file two
31.6. Using translation options
31.7. Checking if a text is translateable
32.1. 使用Zend_Uri::factory()创建一个新的URI
32.2. 使用Zend_Uri::factory()操作一个现有的URI
32.3. 使用Zend_Uri::check()进行URI 验证
32.4. Zend_Uri_* 对象取得模式
32.5. 从一个Zend_Uri_* 对象取得整个URI
32.6. 验证一个 Zend_Uri_* 对象
34.1. compareVersion()方法示例:
36.1. 一个基本的XML-RPC请求
36.2. 用类型提示来调用一个XML-RPC服务
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