To continue our migration series, today’s post will focus on pgloader. Pgloader is another Open Source data migration utility for PostgreSQL from MySQL and SQL Server. Today’s demo will migrate a sample database (StackOverflow) from MS SQL Server 2019 to Postgresql v10.

StackOverflow contains the following tables

1> use [StackOverflow]
2> go
Changed database context to 'StackOverflow'.
1> select name from sys.tables order by name
2> go
Votes VoteTypes

(9 rows affected)
  1. Install pgloader – on ubuntu this is a simple apt-get install pgloader but you can also build from source
  1. Pglolader uses the FreeTDS driver (on RedHat I needed to install the following freetds freetds-libs freetds-common)
  1. Pgloader has multiple options
# pgloader

pgloader [ option ... ] command-file ...
pgloader [ option ... ] SOURCE TARGET
  --help -h                       boolean  Show usage and exit.
  --version -V                    boolean  Displays pgloader version and exit.
  --quiet -q                      boolean  Be quiet
  --verbose -v                    boolean  Be verbose
  --debug -                      boolean  Display debug level information.
  --client-min-messages           string   Filter logs seen at the console (default: "warning")
  --log-min-messages              string   Filter logs seen in the logfile (default: "notice")
  --summary -S                    string   Filename where to copy the summary
  --root-dir -D                   string   Output root directory. (default: #P"/tmp/pgloader/")
  --upgrade-config -U             boolean  Output the command(s) corresponding to .conf file for v2.x
  --list-encodings -E             boolean  List pgloader known encodings and exit.
  --logfile -L                    string   Filename where to send the logs.
  --load-lisp-file -l             string   Read user code from files
  --dry-run                       boolean  Only check database connections, don't load anything.
  --on-error-stop                 boolean  Refrain from handling errors properly.
  --no-ssl-cert-verification      boolean  Instruct OpenSSL to bypass verifying certificates.
  --context -C                    string   Command Context Variables
  --with                          string   Load options
  --set                           string   PostgreSQL options
  --field                         string   Source file fields specification
  --cast                          string   Specific cast rules
  --type                          string   Force input source type
  --encoding                      string   Source expected encoding
  --before                        string   SQL script to run before loading the data
  --after                         string   SQL script to run after loading the data
  --self-upgrade                  string   Path to pgloader newer sources
  --regress                       boolean  Drive regression testing
  1. Create the database in postgres – add the uuid-ossp extension
    postgres=# create database stackoverflow owner btpg10;
    postgres=# \c stackoverflow btpg10;
    You are now connected to database "stackoverflow" as user "btpg10".
    stackoverflow=# create extension "uuid-ossp";
  2. I define a parfile for specific flags – we can alter table names, exclude tables, define data type conversions - for this demo we will only define our source/target connections and rename the default MS SQL schema(dbo) to the default postgres (public)
    load database
         from mssql://SA:@host1:1433/StackOverflow
         into postgresql://btpg10:@host2:5432/stackoverflow
            alter schema
    before load do $$ drop schema if exists dbo cascade; $$;
  3. Define freetds config file in same directory
    # view .freetds.conf
        tds version = 7.4
        client charset = UTF-8
  4. Test connectivity
    # pgloader --dry-run ss_so.cmd
    2020-06-25T18:33:26.014000Z LOG pgloader version "3.6.1"
    2020-06-25T18:33:26.058000Z LOG Loading the FreeTDS shared librairy (sybdb)
    2020-06-25T18:33:26.061000Z LOG DRY RUN, only checking connections.
    2020-06-25T18:33:26.062000Z LOG Attempting to connect to #<MSSQL-CONNECTION mssql://SA@ {100696F6F3}>
    2020-06-25T18:33:26.190000Z LOG Success, opened #<MSSQL-CONNECTION mssql://SA@ {100696F6F3}>.
    2020-06-25T18:33:26.190000Z LOG Running a simple query: SELECT 1;
    2020-06-25T18:33:26.210000Z LOG Attempting to connect to #<PGSQL-CONNECTION pgsql://btpg10@ {1006970C13}>
    2020-06-25T18:33:26.244000Z LOG Success, opened #<PGSQL-CONNECTION pgsql://btpg10@ {1006970C13}>.
    2020-06-25T18:33:26.245000Z LOG Running a simple query: SELECT 1;
    2020-06-25T18:33:26.245000Z LOG report summary reset
       table name      errors      rows      bytes      total time
     --------------  ----------  --------  ---------  --------------
     --------------  ----------  --------  ---------  --------------
  5. Run data migration
    # pgloader --verbose ss_so.cmd
    2020-06-25T18:42:07.745000Z LOG report summary reset
                 table name     errors       read   imported      bytes      total time       read      write
    -----------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------------  ---------  ---------
                before load          0          1          1                     0.017s
            fetch meta data          0         18         18                     0.457s
             Create Schemas          0          0          0                     0.001s
           Create SQL Types          0          0          0                     0.009s
              Create tables          0         18         18                     0.102s
             Set Table OIDs          0          9          9                     0.006s
    -----------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------------  ---------  ---------
              public.badges          0    1102019    1102019    50.5 MB         10.400s    10.396s     6.802s
            public.comments          0    3875183    3875183   743.1 MB       1m32.008s  1m32.002s    58.180s
           public.postlinks          0     161519     161519     7.5 MB          1.709s     1.700s     1.111s
           public.posttypes          0          8          8     0.1 kB          0.143s     0.137s
               public.votes          0   10143364   10143364   424.5 MB       1m38.394s  1m37.466s   1m6.057s
           public.linktypes          0          2          2     0.0 kB          0.132s     0.130s
               public.posts          0    3729195    3729195     2.8 GB        5m8.075s   5m8.051s  2m37.241s
               public.users          0     299398     299398    42.7 MB         12.007s     5.144s     4.256s
           public.votetypes          0         15         15     0.2 kB          0.134s     0.131s
    -----------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------------  ---------  ---------
    COPY Threads Completion          0          4          4                  6m52.193s
             Create Indexes          0          9          9                    41.768s
     Index Build Completion          0          9          9                     4.211s
            Reset Sequences          0          9          9                     0.443s
               Primary Keys          0          9          9                     0.067s
        Create Foreign Keys          0          0          0                     0.000s
            Create Triggers          0          0          0                     0.002s
           Install Comments          0          0          0                     0.000s
    -----------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------------  ---------  ---------
          Total import time          ✓   19310703   19310703     4.1 GB       7m38.684s
  6. Verify tables / data in Postgresql

    postgres=# \c stackoverflow
    You are now connected to database "stackoverflow" as user "postgres".
    stackoverflow=# \dt
              List of relations
     Schema |   Name    | Type  | Owner
     public | badges    | table | btpg10
     public | comments  | table | btpg10
     public | linktypes | table | btpg10
     public | postlinks | table | btpg10
     public | posts     | table | btpg10
     public | posttypes | table | btpg10
     public | users     | table | btpg10
     public | votes     | table | btpg10
     public | votetypes | table | btpg10
    (9 rows)


posted @ 2022-08-21 22:59  古道轻风  阅读(502)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报