PostgreSQL 内存表
上面的需求,PostgreSQL 临时表都能满足。
虽然现在的SSD IO能力很强,但是与内存还有一定的插件,同时SSD 擦写次数受限,所以临时表或者普通表难以满足本文开头提到的场景需求。
Oracle 12C 推出列存储内存表,但是它是基于OLAP的应用场景,并不适合本文开头提到的场景。
PostgreSQL 社区也在考虑增加内存表的功能,本文是一个引子,可以看到社区在这方面的努力。
在postgrespro发表的postgres roadmap中,可以看到,他们正在搞热插拔的存储引擎。
Pluggable storages
We achieved a significant progress in PostgreSQL extendability: FDWs, custom access methods, generic WAL. And we're not so far from having pluggable storage engines. Concept of API will be presented at PGCon. We are planning to implement the following types of storage engines: In-memory row-oriented storage engine with optional support of transactions and optional support of persistency; Columnar storage engine; In-memory columnar storage engine; On-disk row-oriented storage engine with undo-log for better bloat control.
Integer variables
Function | Returns |
pgv_set_int(package text, name text, value int) |
void |
pgv_get_int(package text, name text, strict bool default true) |
int |
Text variables
Function | Returns |
pgv_set_text(package text, name text, value text) |
void |
pgv_get_text(package text, name text, strict bool default true) |
text |
Numeric variables
Function | Returns |
pgv_set_numeric(package text, name text, value numeric) |
void |
pgv_get_numeric(package text, name text, strict bool default true) |
numeric |
Timestamp variables
Function | Returns |
pgv_set_timestamp(package text, name text, value timestamp) |
void |
pgv_get_timestamp(package text, name text, strict bool default true) |
timestamp |
Timestamp with timezone variables
Function | Returns |
pgv_set_timestamptz(package text, name text, value timestamptz) |
void |
pgv_get_timestamptz(package text, name text, strict bool default true) |
timestamptz |
Date variables
Function | Returns |
pgv_set_date(package text, name text, value date) |
void |
pgv_get_date(package text, name text, strict bool default true) |
date |
Jsonb variables
Function | Returns |
pgv_set_jsonb(package text, name text, value jsonb) |
void |
pgv_get_jsonb(package text, name text, strict bool default true) |
jsonb |
The following functions are provided by the module to work with collections of record types.
To use pgv_update(), pgv_delete() and pgv_select() functions required package and variable must exists.
Otherwise the error will be raised.
It is necessary to set variable with pgv_insert() function to use these functions.
pgv_update(), pgv_delete() and pgv_select() functions check the variable type.
If the variable type does not record type the error will be raised.
Function | Returns | Description |
pgv_insert(package text, name text, r record) |
void |
Inserts a record to the variable collection. If package and variable do not exists they will be created. The first column of r will be a primary key. If exists a record with the same primary key the error will be raised. If this variable collection has other structure the error will be raised. |
pgv_update(package text, name text, r record) |
boolean |
Updates a record with the corresponding primary key (the first column of r is a primary key). Returns true if a record was found. If this variable collection has other structure the error will be raised. |
pgv_delete(package text, name text, value anynonarray) |
boolean |
Deletes a record with the corresponding primary key (the first column of r is a primary key). Returns true if a record was found. |
pgv_select(package text, name text) |
set of record |
Returns the variable collection records. |
pgv_select(package text, name text, value anynonarray) |
record |
Returns the record with the corresponding primary key (the first column of r is a primary key). |
pgv_select(package text, name text, value anyarray) |
set of record |
Returns the variable collection records with the corresponding primary keys (the first column of r is a primary key). |
Miscellaneous functions
Function | Returns | Description |
pgv_exists(package text, name text) |
bool |
Returns true if package and variable exists. |
pgv_remove(package text, name text) |
void |
Removes the variable with the corresponding name. Required package and variable must exists, otherwise the error will be raised. |
pgv_remove(package text) |
void |
Removes the package and all package variables with the corresponding name. Required package must exists, otherwise the error will be raised. |
pgv_free() |
void |
Removes all packages and variables. |
pgv_list() |
table(package text, name text) |
Returns set of records of assigned packages and variables. |
pgv_stats() |
table(package text, used_memory bigint) |
Returns list of assigned packages and used memory in bytes. |
Note that pgv_stats() works only with the PostgreSQL 9.6 and newer.
package : 包名
name : 变量名
value : 标量类型的值
r : 集合类型的单条记录
pk : 集合类型的主键
export PATH=/home/digoal/pgsql9.6/bin:$PATH git clone cd pg_variables/ make USE_PGXS=1 make USE_PGXS=1 install make USE_PGXS=1 installcheck postgres=# create extension pg_variables; CREATE EXTENSION
postgres=# select pgv_set_int('pkg1','k1',100); pgv_set_int ------------- (1 row) postgres=# select pgv_get_int('pkg1','k1'); pgv_get_int ------------- 100 (1 row) postgres=# select pgv_set_jsonb('pkg1','k2','{"a":"b", "c":{"hello":"digoal"}}'); pgv_set_jsonb --------------- (1 row) postgres=# select pgv_get_jsonb('pkg1','k2'); pgv_get_jsonb -------------------------------------- {"a": "b", "c": {"hello": "digoal"}} (1 row)
postgres=# select pgv_set_int(pkg,k, pgv_get_int(pkg,k)+1 ) from (values ('pkg1','k1')) t(pkg,k); pgv_set_int ------------- (1 row) postgres=# select pgv_get_int('pkg1','k1'); pgv_get_int ------------- 102 (1 row) postgres=# select pgv_set_int(pkg,k, pgv_get_int(pkg,k)+1 ) from (values ('pkg1','k1')) t(pkg,k); pgv_set_int ------------- (1 row) postgres=# select pgv_get_int('pkg1','k1'); pgv_get_int ------------- 103 (1 row)
postgres=# select count(*) from (select pgv_set_int('pkg1','k1',id) from generate_series(1,10000000) t(id) ) t; count ---------- 10000000 (1 row) Time: 4185.179 ms postgres=# select pgv_get_int('pkg1','k1'); pgv_get_int ------------- 10000000 (1 row) Time: 0.470 ms postgres=# select 10000000/4.185; ?column? ---------------------- 2389486.260454002389 (1 row) Time: 0.869 ms
postgres=# select pgv_insert('pkg2', 'k1', row(1::int, 'hello world'::text, current_date::date)); pgv_insert ------------ (1 row) postgres=# select * from pgv_select('pkg2', 'k1') as t(c1 int,c2 text,c3 date); c1 | c2 | c3 ----+-------------+------------ 1 | hello world | 2016-08-18 (1 row) postgres=# select count(*) from (select pgv_insert('pkg2', 'k1', row(c1,'test'::text,current_date::date)) from generate_series(2,100000) t(c1)) t; count ------- 99999 (1 row) postgres=# select * from pgv_select('pkg2', 'k1', array[1,2,3]) as t(c1 int,c2 text,c3 date); c1 | c2 | c3 ----+-------------+------------ 1 | hello world | 2016-08-18 2 | test | 2016-08-18 3 | test | 2016-08-18 (3 rows)
postgres=# select t1.*,t2.* from (select * from pgv_select('pkg2', 'k1') as t(c1 int,c2 text,c3 date)) t1, tbl1 t2 where and<10; c1 | c2 | c3 | id | info ----+-------------+------------+----+---------------------------------- 8 | test | 2016-08-18 | 8 | a8a7e0f849c5895820bbca32d7e798b1 4 | test | 2016-08-18 | 4 | f6954fb12336881d590fa7a50dd03916 9 | test | 2016-08-18 | 9 | 45ff843fcd5372e525368829f9846def 5 | test | 2016-08-18 | 5 | d8afe53f0a7d553716caa9ffaef7ea3d 7 | test | 2016-08-18 | 7 | 2b20f485974500d7b3ecb1f4c1d0f975 2 | test | 2016-08-18 | 2 | 3d36418926b2e0e2dc7090da17e39451 6 | test | 2016-08-18 | 6 | 6923416bbca7634f01f7f79030609f64 1 | hello world | 2016-08-18 | 1 | 3bb6c833f1b10139edf7e2f2eb4f4a69 3 | test | 2016-08-18 | 3 | de5b51374e1db3ccac9c61af75b69a33 (9 rows)
postgres=# select pgv_update('pkg2', 'k1', t) from (select c1,'new val'::text,'2017-01-01'::date from pgv_select('pkg2', 'k1', 1) as tb(c1 int, c2 text, c3 date)) t; pgv_update ------------ t (1 row) Time: 0.665 ms postgres=# select * from pgv_select('pkg2', 'k1', 1) as tb(c1 int, c2 text, c3 date); c1 | c2 | c3 ----+---------+------------ 1 | new val | 2017-01-01 (1 row) Time: 0.518 ms postgres=# select pgv_delete('pkg2', 'k1', 1); pgv_delete ------------ t (1 row) Time: 0.440 ms
postgres=# select * from pgv_exists('pkg1','k1'); pgv_exists ------------ f (1 row) Time: 0.491 ms postgres=# select pgv_list(); pgv_list ----------- (pkg2,k1) (1 row) Time: 0.455 ms postgres=# select pgv_stats(); pgv_stats ----------------- (pkg2,16785408) (1 row) Time: 0.514 ms postgres=# select pgv_remove('pkg2','k1'); pgv_remove ------------ (1 row) Time: 1.868 ms postgres=# select pgv_stats(); pgv_stats -------------- (pkg2,24576) (1 row) Time: 0.367 ms postgres=# select pgv_remove('pkg2'); pgv_remove ------------ (1 row) Time: 0.415 ms postgres=# select pgv_stats(); pgv_stats ----------- (0 rows) Time: 0.369 ms
postgres=# select count(*) from (select pgv_insert('pkg2', 'k1', row(c1,'test'::text,current_date::date)) from generate_series(2,10000000) t(c1)) t; count --------- 9999999 (1 row) 在事务中持久化数据 postgres=# begin; postgres=# create table tbl as select * from pgv_select('pkg2','k1') as t(c1 int, c2 text, c3 date); postgres=# end; postgres=# select count(*) from tbl; count --------- 9999999 (1 row)
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