use iproc to config tdr during bscan

1. case description

  when running bscan, a serials of pins need to be controlled to 1 by tdr;

  a static dft signal with default value1 was registered by register_static_dft_signal_names, added as control point of those pins;

  however, values are not loaded in tdr through jtag network;

2. invoke iproc

  define command below before process_patterns_specification:

   iProcsForModule $block

  iProc set_tdr {} {

    iWrite <tdr_sri_inst>.tdr 0b1  #depend on the tdr number within the inst



  read_config_data -in <pattern_spec>/Patterns(JtagBscanPatterns) -from_string {

    ProcdureStep(set_tdr_0) {

      iCall(set_tdr) { }



3. ps

  may need to reset proc after the icall because that will reset those tdr to 0 again.

posted @ 2023-08-03 18:12  zyy_note  阅读(54)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报