



define('DT_ADMIN', true);
define('DT_MEMBER', true);
require '';
require DT_ROOT.'/admin/global.func.php';
require DT_ROOT.'/include/post.func.php';
require_once DT_ROOT.'/include/cache.func.php';
require_once DT_ROOT.'/include/module.func.php';
require DT_ROOT.'/module/member/member.class.php';
require DT_ROOT.'/module/sell/sell.class.php';
require DT_ROOT . '/include/remote.class.php';
$config = array
    '注册邮件后缀'	=>			'||||||',		//多个用|||分割
    '注册用户名'			=>			'a_123456|||b_123456|||c_123456|||d_123456|||e_123456|||f_123456|||g_123456',
    '用户密码'			=>			'',								//新注册用户的密码
    '用户密码参数'		=>			'jksdjfs',						//用户密码参数,建议随意修改
    '分隔符'				=>			'|||',							//采集器标签循环的分隔符

 * 验证接口密码
$pw = '123456';//默认接口密码,此接口放在服务器上时,为了你的服务器安全请及时修改此密码参数
if(strcmp($_GET['pw'] , $pw)){
 * 获取行业分类列表
    echo category_select('list', '请选择行业分类', 0, 5);
 * 企业用户注册
$do = new member;
$user = explode($config['分隔符'], $config['注册用户名']);
$username = !empty($_POST['username']) ? $_POST['username'] : '';
    $username = $user[rand(0,count($user)-1)].substr(md5(time()),1,6);
}else {
    $md5 = md5($username.$config['用户密码参数']);
        $password = $config['用户密码'];
        $password = substr($md5, 20);
        $mail_ext = '';
        $mail_arr = explode('|||', $config['注册邮件后缀']);
        $mail_ext = '@'.$mail_arr[rand(0 , count($mail_arr)-1)];
    $email = !empty($_POST['email']) ? $_POST['email'] : '';
    if(empty($email)) {
        $email = substr($md5, 0, 6) . $mail_ext;
    if (!$do->is_email($email)) {
    if ($do->email_exists($email)) {
    $company = !empty($_POST['company']) ? $_POST['company'] : '';
    if(empty($company)) {
        $company  = '合肥信息技术有限公司'.substr(md5(time()),0,6);
    if (empty($company)) {
    if (!$do->is_company($company)) exit('公司名不合法!');
    if ($do->company_exists($company)) exit('公司名已经存在,请更换!');
    $session = new dsession();
    $_SESSION['regemail'] = md5(md5($email . DT_KEY . $DT_IP));
    $member = array();
    $_POST['regid'] = 6;
    $data = $_POST;
    $member['mobile'] = isset($data['mobile']) ? $data['mobile'] : '';
    $member['qq'] = isset($data['qq']) ? $data['qq'] : '';
    $member['groupid'] = $data['regid'];
    $member['passport'] = $member['username'] = $username;
    $member['email'] = $email;
    $member['password'] = $member['cpassword'] = $password;
    $member['edittime'] = $DT_TIME;
    $member['inviter'] = $username;
    $member['truename'] = !empty($data['truename']) ? $data['truename'] : $username;
    $member['gender'] = !empty($data['gender']) ? (strcmp($data['gender'],'男') ? 0: 1 ) : 1;
    $member['areaid'] = 1;
    $member['company'] = $company;
    $member['type'] = !empty($data['type']) ? $data['type'] : '企业单位';
    $member['catid'] = ',3,';
    $member['business'] = !empty($data['business']) ? $data['business'] : '制造业';
    $member['business'] = '人民币';
    $member['regyear'] = !empty($data['regyear']) ? $data['regyear'] : '2010';
    $member['address'] = !empty($data['address']) ? $data['address'] : '公司地址为空';
    $member['telephone'] = !empty($data['telephone']) ? $data['telephone'] : '0551-62864156-606';
    $member['introduce'] = !empty($data['introduce']) ? $data['introduce'] : '我公司经过多年的发展,逐渐在本行业发展成为领头企业';
    $MFD = cache_read('fields-member.php');
    $CFD = cache_read('fields-company.php');
    isset($post_fields) or $post_fields = array();
    if ($MFD || $CFD) require DT_ROOT . '/include/fields.func.php';
    if ($MFD) fields_check($post_fields, $MFD);
    if ($CFD) fields_check($post_fields, $CFD);
    $MOD['introduce_length'] = 0;
    $uid = $do->add($member);
    if ($uid) {
        echo '企业用户注册成功!';
    } else {
 * 行业分类处理
//echo category_select('category[parentid]', '请选择行业分类', 0, 5);
    $pid = $_POST['cid'];
if(!empty($_POST['catname'])) {
    $do = new category(5,0);
    $table = $DT_PRE . 'category';
    $cat_arr = $_POST['catname'];
    $catArr = explode('|||', $cat_arr);
    $pid = 0;
    foreach($catArr as $catname) {
        if (!$catname) exit('分类名不能为空');
        isset($catname) or $catname = '';
        if (!$catname || strpos($catname, "\n") !== false) exit('');
        if (strtoupper(DT_CHARSET) != 'UTF-8') $catname = convert($catname, 'UTF-8', DT_CHARSET);
        $catdir = $do->get_letter($catname, false);
        if ($do->get_catdir($catdir)) {
            $catgory = array();
            $catgory['catname'] = $catname;
            $catgory['catdir'] = $catdir;
            $catgory['letter'] = substr($catdir, 0, 1);
            $catgory['parentid'] = $pid;
            $pid = categoryAdd($catgory, $table);
            echo $catname.'此行业分类添加成功!';
        } else {
            $arr = catList();
            foreach($arr as $key){
                if(strcmp($key['catname'],$catname) == 0){
                    $pid = $key['catid'];
            echo '已存在此行业分类!';
 * 行业分类处理完毕

 * 图片上传处理
if(!empty($_POST['remotePic'])) {
    $remotePic = explode('|||', $_POST['remotePic']);
    $num = count($remotePic);
    $remoteUrl = array();
    if ($num > 0) {
        $i = 0;
        for ($i; $i < $num; $i++) {
            $remote = isset($remotePic[$i]) ? trim($remotePic[$i]) : '';
            $uploaddir = 'file/upload/' . timetodate($DT_TIME, $DT['uploaddir']) . '/';
            $from = 'album';
            is_dir(DT_ROOT . '/' . $uploaddir) or dir_create(DT_ROOT . '/' . $uploaddir);
            if ($remote && strlen($remote) > 17 && strpos($remote, '://') !== false) {
                $do = new remote($remote, $uploaddir);
                if ($do->save()) {
                    $session = new dsession();
                    $limit = intval($MG['uploadlimit']);
                    $total = isset($_SESSION['uploads']) ? count($_SESSION['uploads']) : 0;
                    if ($limit && $total > $limit - 1) {
                        file_del(DT_ROOT . '/' . $do->saveto);
                        $errmsg = 'Error(5)' . lang('message->upload_limit', array($limit));
                        if ($swfupload) exit(convert($errmsg, DT_CHARSET, 'utf-8'));
                        dalert($errmsg, '', $errjs);
                    $img_info = @getimagesize(DT_ROOT . '/' . $do->saveto);
                    if (in_array($do->ext, array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png', 'bmp', 'swf'))) {
                        $upload_bad = 0;
                        if ($img_info) {
                            $upload_mime = array('jpg' => 'image/jpeg', 'jpeg' => 'image/jpeg', 'gif' => 'image/gif', 'png' => 'image/png', 'bmp' => 'image/bmp', 'swf' => 'application/x-shockwave-flash');
                            if ($img_info['mime'] != $upload_mime[$do->ext]) $upload_bad = 1;
                        } else {
                            $upload_bad = 1;
                        if ($upload_bad) {
                            file_del(DT_ROOT . '/' . $do->saveto);
                            $errmsg = 'Error(6)' . lang('message->upload_bad');
                            if ($swfupload) exit(convert($errmsg, DT_CHARSET, 'utf-8'));
                            dalert($errmsg, '', $errjs);
                    if (in_array($do->ext, array('jpg', 'jpeg')) && $img_info['channels'] == 4) {
                        file_del(DT_ROOT . '/' . $do->saveto);
                        $errmsg = 'Error(7)' . lang('message->upload_cmyk');
                        if ($swfupload) exit(convert($errmsg, DT_CHARSET, 'utf-8'));
                        dalert($errmsg, '', $errjs);
                    $img_w = $img_h = 0;
                    if ($do->image) {
                        require DT_ROOT . '/include/image.class.php';
                        if ($do->ext == 'gif' && in_array($from, array('thumb', 'album', 'photo'))) {
                            if (!function_exists('imagegif') || !function_exists('imagecreatefromgif')) {
                                file_del(DT_ROOT . '/' . $do->saveto);
                                $errmsg = 'Error(8)' . lang('message->upload_jpg');
                                if ($swfupload) exit(convert($errmsg, DT_CHARSET, 'utf-8'));
                                dalert($errmsg, '', $errjs);
                        if ($DT['bmp_jpg'] && $do->ext == 'bmp') {
                            require DT_ROOT . '/include/bmp.func.php';
                            $bmp_src = DT_ROOT . '/' . $do->saveto;
                            $bmp = imagecreatefrombmp($bmp_src);
                            if ($bmp) {
                                $do->saveto = str_replace('.bmp', '.jpg', $do->saveto);
                                $do->ext = 'jpg';
                                imagejpeg($bmp, DT_ROOT . '/' . $do->saveto);
                                if (DT_CHMOD) @chmod(DT_ROOT . '/' . $do->saveto, DT_CHMOD);
                        $img_w = $img_info[0];
                        $img_h = $img_info[1];
                        if ($DT['max_image'] && in_array($from, array('editor', 'album', 'photo'))) {
                            if ($img_w > $DT['max_image']) {
                                $img_h = intval($DT['max_image'] * $img_h / $img_w);
                                $img_w = $DT['max_image'];
                                $image = new image(DT_ROOT . '/' . $do->saveto);
                                $image->thumb($img_w, $img_h);
                        if ($from == 'thumb') {
                            if ($width && $height) {
                                $image = new image(DT_ROOT . '/' . $do->saveto);
                                $image->thumb($width, $height, $DT['thumb_title']);
                                $img_w = $width;
                                $img_h = $height;
                                $do->file_size = filesize(DT_ROOT . '/' . $do->saveto);
                        } else if ($from == 'album' || $from == 'photo') {
                            $saveto = $do->saveto;
                            $do->saveto = $do->saveto . '.thumb.' . $do->ext;
                            file_copy(DT_ROOT . '/' . $saveto, DT_ROOT . '/' . $do->saveto);
                            $middle = $saveto . '.middle.' . $do->ext;
                            file_copy(DT_ROOT . '/' . $saveto, DT_ROOT . '/' . $middle);
                            if ($DT['water_type'] == 2) {
                                $image = new image(DT_ROOT . '/' . $saveto);
                            } else if ($DT['water_type'] == 1) {
                                $image = new image(DT_ROOT . '/' . $saveto);
                            if ($DT['water_type'] && $DT['water_com'] && $_groupid > 5) {
                                $image = new image(DT_ROOT . '/' . $saveto);
                                $image->text = $_company;
                                $image->pos = 5;
                            if ($from == 'photo') $DT['thumb_album'] = 0;
                            $image = new image(DT_ROOT . '/' . $do->saveto);
                            $image->thumb($width, $height, $DT['thumb_album']);
                            $image = new image(DT_ROOT . '/' . $middle);
                            $image->thumb($DT['middle_w'], $DT['middle_h'], $DT['thumb_album']);
                            if ($DT['water_middle'] && $DT['water_type']) {
                                if ($DT['water_type'] == 2) {
                                    $image = new image(DT_ROOT . '/' . $middle);
                                } else if ($DT['water_type'] == 1) {
                                    $image = new image(DT_ROOT . '/' . $middle);
                        } else if ($from == 'editor') {
                            if ($_groupid == 1 && !isset($watermark)) $DT['water_type'] = 0;
                            if ($DT['water_type']) {
                                $image = new image(DT_ROOT . '/' . $do->saveto);
                                if ($DT['water_type'] == 2) {
                                } else if ($DT['water_type'] == 1) {
                    $remoteUrl[$i] = linkurl($do->saveto);
                    echo '图片处理成功!';

 * 发布供应信息处理

$do = new sell(5);
$post['catid'] = $pid;
$post['typeid'] = !empty($_POST['typeid']) ? $_POST['typeid'] : 0;
$post['level'] = 1;
$post['title'] = !empty($_POST['title']) ? $_POST['title'] : '供应测试标题';
$post['brand'] = !empty($_POST['brand']) ? $_POST['brand'] : '';
$post['content'] = !empty($_POST['content']) ? $_POST['content'] : '';
$post['thumb'] = isset($remoteUrl[0]) ? $remoteUrl[0] : '';
$post['thumb1'] = isset($remoteUrl[1]) ? $remoteUrl[1] : '';
$post['thumb2'] = isset($remoteUrl[2]) ? $remoteUrl[2] : '';
$post['totime'] = '';//过期时间
$post['n1'] = !empty($_POST['n1']) ? $_POST['n1'] : '';
$post['v1'] = !empty($_POST['n1']) && !empty($_POST['v1']) ? $_POST['v1'] : '';
$post['n2'] = !empty($_POST['n2']) ? $_POST['n2'] : '';
$post['v2'] = !empty($_POST['n2']) && !empty($_POST['v2']) ? $_POST['v2'] : '';
$post['n3'] = !empty($_POST['n3']) ? $_POST['n3'] : '';
$post['v3'] = !empty($_POST['n3']) && !empty($_POST['v3']) ? $_POST['v3'] : '';
$post['username']  = $username;
$post['elite'] = !empty($_POST['elite']) ? $_POST['elite'] : 1;
$post['fee'] = !empty($_POST['fee']) ? (is_numeric($_POST['fee'])? $_POST['fee'] :0) : 0;
$post['unit'] = !empty($_POST['unit']) ? $_POST['unit'] : '';
    $post['price'] = !empty($_POST['price']) ? $_POST['price'] : '';
    $post['minamount'] = !empty($_POST['minamount']) ? $_POST['minamount'] : '';
    $post['amount'] = !empty($_POST['amount']) ? $_POST['amount'] : '';
    $post['days'] = !empty($_POST['days']) ? $_POST['days'] : '';
$post['status'] = 3;
$post['addtime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',time());
if($do->pass($post)) {
    $do->table = $DT_PRE . 'sell_5';
    $do->moduleid = 5;
    $do->table_search = $DT_PRE . 'sell_search_5';
    $MOD['split'] = 1;
    $update = '';
    $update .= "hits='2'";
    $linkurl = 'show.php?itemid='."$do->itemid";
    $update .= ",linkurl='$linkurl'";
    $do->db->query("UPDATE {$do->table} SET ".$update." WHERE itemid=$do->itemid");
} else {

 * Class category
class category {
    var $moduleid;
    var $catid;
    var $category = array();
    var $db;
    var $table;

    function category($moduleid = 1, $catid = 0) {
        global $db, $DT_PRE, $CATEGORY;
        $this->moduleid = $moduleid;
        $this->catid = $catid;
        if(!isset($CATEGORY)) $CATEGORY = cache_read('category-'.$this->moduleid.'.php');
        $this->category = $CATEGORY;
        $this->table = $DT_PRE.'category';
        $this->db = &$db;

    function add($category)	{
        $category['moduleid'] = 5;
        $category['letter'] = preg_match("/^[a-z]{1}+$/i", $category['letter']) ? strtolower($category['letter']) : '';
        $category['group_list'] = '3,5,6,7';
        $category['group_show'] = '3,5,6,7';
        $category['group_add'] = '3,5,6,7';
        $sqlk = $sqlv = '';
        foreach($category as $k=>$v) {
            $sqlk .= ','.$k; $sqlv .= ",'$v'";
        $sqlk = substr($sqlk, 1);
        $sqlv = substr($sqlv, 1);
        $this->db->query("INSERT INTO {$this->table} ($sqlk) VALUES ($sqlv)");
        $this->catid = $this->db->insert_id();
        if($category['parentid']) {
            $category['catid'] = $this->catid;
            $this->category[$this->catid] = $category;
            $arrparentid = $this->get_arrparentid($this->catid, $this->category);
        } else {
            $arrparentid = 0;
        $catdir = $category['catdir'] ? $category['catdir'] : $this->catid;
        $this->db->query("UPDATE {$this->table} SET listorder=$this->catid,catdir='$catdir',arrparentid='$arrparentid' WHERE catid=$this->catid");
        return $this->catid;

    function edit($category) {
        $category['letter'] = preg_match("/^[a-z]{1}+$/i", $category['letter']) ? strtolower($category['letter']) : '';
        if($category['parentid']) {
            $category['catid'] = $this->catid;
            $this->category[$this->catid] = $category;
            $category['arrparentid'] = $this->get_arrparentid($this->catid, $this->category);
        } else {
            $category['arrparentid'] = 0;
        foreach(array('group_list',  'group_show',  'group_add') as $v) {
            $category[$v] = isset($category[$v]) ? implode(',', $category[$v]) : '';
        $category['linkurl'] = '';
        $sql = '';
        foreach($category as $k=>$v) {
            $sql .= ",$k='$v'";
        $sql = substr($sql, 1);
        $this->db->query("UPDATE {$this->table} SET $sql WHERE catid=$this->catid");
        return true;

    function delete($catids) {
        if(is_array($catids)) {
            foreach($catids as $catid) {
                if(isset($this->category[$catid])) $this->delete($catid);
        } else {
            $catid = $catids;
            if(isset($this->category[$catid])) {
                $this->db->query("DELETE FROM {$this->table} WHERE catid=$catid");
                $arrchildid = $this->category[$catid]['arrchildid'] ? $this->category[$catid]['arrchildid'] : $catid;
                $this->db->query("DELETE FROM {$this->table} WHERE catid IN ($arrchildid)");
                if($this->moduleid > 4) $this->db->query("UPDATE ".get_table($this->moduleid)." SET status=0 WHERE catid IN (".$arrchildid.")");
        return true;

    function update($category) {
        if(!is_array($category)) return false;
        foreach($category as $k=>$v) {
            if(!$v['catname']) continue;
            $v['parentid'] = intval($v['parentid']);
            if($k == $v['parentid']) continue;
            if($v['parentid'] > 0 && !isset($this->category[$v['parentid']])) continue;
            $v['listorder'] = intval($v['listorder']);
            $v['level'] = intval($v['level']);
            $v['letter'] = preg_match("/^[a-z0-9]{1}+$/i", $v['letter']) ? strtolower($v['letter']) : '';
            $v['catdir'] = $this->get_catdir($v['catdir'], $k);
            if(!$v['catdir']) $v['catdir'] = $k;
            $this->db->query("UPDATE {$this->table} SET catname='$v[catname]',parentid='$v[parentid]',listorder='$v[listorder]',style='$v[style]',level='$v[level]',letter='$v[letter]',catdir='$v[catdir]' WHERE catid=$k ");
        return true;

    function repair() {
        $query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM {$this->table} WHERE moduleid='$this->moduleid' ORDER BY listorder,catid");
        $CATEGORY = array();
        while($r = $this->db->fetch_array($query)) {
            $CATEGORY[$r['catid']] = $r;
        $childs = array();
        foreach($CATEGORY as $catid => $category) {
            $CATEGORY[$catid]['arrparentid'] = $arrparentid = $this->get_arrparentid($catid, $CATEGORY);
            $CATEGORY[$catid]['catdir'] = $catdir = preg_match("/^[0-9a-z_\-\/]+$/i", $category['catdir']) ? $category['catdir'] : $catid;
            $sql = "catdir='$catdir',arrparentid='$arrparentid'";
            if(!$category['linkurl']) {
                $CATEGORY[$catid]['linkurl'] = listurl($category);
                $sql .= ",linkurl='$category[linkurl]'";
            $this->db->query("UPDATE {$this->table} SET $sql WHERE catid=$catid");
            if($arrparentid) {
                $arr = explode(',', $arrparentid);
                foreach($arr as $a) {
                    if($a == 0) continue;
                    isset($childs[$a]) or $childs[$a] = '';
                    $childs[$a] .= ','.$catid;
        foreach($CATEGORY as $catid => $category) {
            if(isset($childs[$catid])) {
                $CATEGORY[$catid]['arrchildid'] = $arrchildid = $catid.$childs[$catid];
                $CATEGORY[$catid]['child'] = 1;
                $this->db->query("UPDATE {$this->table} SET arrchildid='$arrchildid',child=1 WHERE catid='$catid'");
            } else {
                $CATEGORY[$catid]['arrchildid'] = $catid;
                $CATEGORY[$catid]['child'] = 0;
                $this->db->query("UPDATE {$this->table} SET arrchildid='$catid',child=0 WHERE catid='$catid'");
        return true;

    function get_arrparentid($catid, $CATEGORY) {
        if($CATEGORY[$catid]['parentid'] && $CATEGORY[$catid]['parentid'] != $catid) {
            $parents = array();
            $cid = $catid;
            while($catid) {
                if($CATEGORY[$cid]['parentid']) {
                    $parents[] = $cid = $CATEGORY[$cid]['parentid'];
                } else {
            $parents[] = 0;
            return implode(',', array_reverse($parents));
        } else {
            return '0';

    function get_arrchildid($catid, $CATEGORY) {
        $arrchildid = '';
        foreach($CATEGORY as $category) {
            if(strpos(','.$category['arrparentid'].',', ','.$catid.',') !== false) $arrchildid .= ','.$category['catid'];
        return $arrchildid ? $catid.$arrchildid : $catid;

    function get_catdir($catdir, $catid = 0) {
        if(preg_match("/^[0-9a-z_\-\/]+$/i", $catdir)) {
            $condition = "catdir='$catdir' AND moduleid='$this->moduleid'";
            if($catid) $condition .= " AND catid!=$catid";
            $r = $this->db->get_one("SELECT catid FROM {$this->table} WHERE $condition");
            if($r) {
                return '';
            } else {
                return $catdir;
        } else {
            return '';

    function get_letter($catname, $letter = true) {
        return $letter ? strtolower(substr(gb2py($catname), 0, 1)) : str_replace(' ', '', gb2py($catname));

    function cache($data = array()) {
        cache_category($this->moduleid, $data);
function categoryAdd($category = array(),$table){
    require '';
    global $db;
    $CATEGORY = cache_read('category-5.php');
    $do = new category(5,0);
    if(!$category['catname']) msg('分类名不能为空');
    $category['catname'] = trim($category['catname']);
    $childs = '';
    $catids = array();
    if(strpos($category['catname'], "\n") === false) {
        $category['catdir'] = $do->get_catdir($category['catdir']);
        $childs .= ','.$do->catid;
        $catids[] = $do->catid;
    } else {
        $catnames = explode("\n", $category['catname']);
        foreach($catnames as $catname) {
            $catname = trim($catname);
            if(!$catname) continue;
            $category['catname'] = $catname;
            $category['catdir'] = '';
            $category['letter'] = '';
            $category['seo_title'] = '';
            $category['seo_keywords'] = '';
            $category['seo_description'] = '';
            $childs .= ','.$do->catid;
            $catids[] = $do->catid;
    if($category['parentid']) {
        $parents = array();
        $cid = $category['parentid'];
        $parents[] = $cid;
        while(1) {
            if($CATEGORY[$cid]['parentid']) {
                $parents[] = $cid = $CATEGORY[$cid]['parentid'];
            } else {
        foreach($parents as $catid) {
            $arrchildid = $CATEGORY[$catid]['child'] ? $CATEGORY[$catid]['arrchildid'].$childs : $catid.$childs;
            $db->query("UPDATE {$table} SET child=1,arrchildid='$arrchildid' WHERE catid=$catid");
    foreach($catids as $catid) {
        $CATEGORY[$catid] = $db->get_one("SELECT * FROM {$table} WHERE catid=$catid");
    return $do->catid;
function catList(){
    global $db;
    $condition ="moduleid=5";
    $result = $db->query("SELECT catid,catname,parentid FROM {$db->pre}category WHERE $condition ORDER BY listorder,catid ASC");
    $arr = array();
    $i = 0;
    while($c = $db->fetch_array($result)) {
        $arr[$i++] = $c;
    return $arr;


posted @ 2020-01-25 22:11  圆柱模板  阅读(525)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报