
The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.  It is the source of all true art and science. 

Albert Einstein, What I believe, 1930



About this book 

We believe that learning in computer science  and engineering should reflect the current state of the field,

as well as introduce the principles that are shaping computing.


We also feel that readers in every specialty of computing need to appreciate the organizational paradigms that determine the capabilities,

performance, engery, and ultimately, the success of computer systems. 

1. specialty /sp'eʃlti/ @ (N-count) Someone's specialty is a particular type of work they do most, or a subject they know a lot about.

@ (N-Count) A specialty of a particular place is a special food or product that is always very good there. 

#paradigm/p'ærədaim/ (paradigms) 1. [N-var] USU with supp

A paradigm is a model for something which explains it or show how it can be produced (FORMAL)

...a new paradigm of production

@ (N-Count) usu with supp   A paradigm is a clear and typical example of something (FORMAL)

He had became the paradigm of the successful man. #

#ultimately /'ʌltimətli/ adv. you use ultimately to indicate that what you are saying is the most important point in a discussion.#

我们也感觉到: 在每一个计算机专业领域的读者需要合适的组织架构示例: 定义能力;性能;能量,最后,一个成功的计算机系统。 

 Modern computer technology requires professionals of every computing specialty to understand both hardware and software. 

2. professional /prəf'eʃənə/ adj. professional means relating to a person's work, especially work that requires special training.

His professional career started at  Liverpool University. 


 The interaction between hardware and software at a variety of levels also offers a framework for understanding the fundamentals of computing.


Whether your primary intreset is hardware or software,

computer science or electrical engineering, the central ideas in computer organization and design are the same.

无论你的主要兴趣是硬件还是软件,计算机科学 还是电子工程,计算机组成与设计的中心思想是相同的。 

Thus, our emphasis in this book is to show the relationship between hardware and software and to focus on the concepts that are the basis for current computers.



The recent switch from uniprocessor to multicore microprocessors confirmed the soundness of this perspective, given since the first edition.

3. confirm /kənfə:'m/ (confirms, confirming, confirmed) [verb] no count If something confirms what you believe, suspect, or fear, that it is definitely true. 


While programmers could ignore the advice and rely on computer architects,

computer writers, and silicon engineers to make their programs run faster or be more energy-efficient without change, that era is over.

4. rely /ri'lai/ v. If you rely on someone or something, you need them and depend on them in order to live or work properly.

5. era/'iərə/ n. 年代,纪元;

6. silicon /s'ilikən/ n. silicon is an element that is found in sand and in minerals such as quartz and granite. Silicon is used to make parts of computers and other electronic equipment.

然而,程序员可能忽略了这些忠告, 而依靠计算机架构师,计算机作家,和硅工程师, 在没有改变程序的情况下,使它们的程序运行的更快或者更节能,那样的年代已经过时了。

For programs run faster, they must become parallel.


7. Parallel /p'ærəlel/  If something has a parallel, it is similar to something else, but exists or happens in a different place or at a different time.  If it has no parallel or is without parallel, it is not similar to anything else. 

While the goal of many researchers is to make it possible for programmers to be unaware of the underlying parallel nature of the hardware they are programming,

it will take many years to realize this vision.

8. vision /v'iʒən/ Your vision of a future situation or society is what you imagine or hope it would be like, if things were very different from the way they are now.

虽然,许多研究人员的目标,  是, 对于程序员还未意识到他们编程的底部硬件并行特性,它们将花费许多年才能意识到的这种前景。

Our view  is that for at least the next decade, most programmers are going to have to understand the hardware/software interface if they want programs to run efficiently on parallel computers.

我们的观点是那, 在最近的几十年里,如果程序员想要程序在并行计算机上效地运行,绝大多数程序员必须理解硬件/软件接口。

The audience for this book includes those with little experience in assembly language or logic design who need to understand basic computer organization as well as readers with background in assembly language and/or logic design who want to learn how to design a computer or understand how a system works and why it performs as it does. 

9. audience /'ɔ:diəns/ The audience at a play, concert, film, or public meeting is the group of people watching or listening to it. 

本书的观众包括, 那些毫无汇编语言和逻辑设的读者,需要理解基本的计算机的组成,还有,那些有汇编语言和逻辑设计背景的读者,想去怎样设计计算机或者计算机系统怎样运行,还有,为什么它以那样的方式执行。


posted @ 2015-07-29 17:33  ZQXTXK  阅读(333)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报