1)What's the difference between left join and inner join?
2) What's the difference between char, varchar, nvarchar? When
will nvarchar use? Why nvarchar can't replace use varchar?
3) How to handle simultaneous access and visit the database
for read, delete, insert event in the same time?
4) What's the DatetimeSatmp data type in the SQL server?
5) What's the keyword different with the out, ref?
6) What's the following key words mean in C#: Param, Lock?
7) What's the key word 'Using' could do in C#?
8) What's dtd in the XML?
9) Why don't use cursor often? How to relize the recordset
modification row by row without cursor in a stored proccedure?
10) What are the key word need to escape in XML?
11) What's your page dividing arithmetic in the database
stored procedure?