

-- commit 次数统计排名
select author_id,b.email,b.name,count(1) as sum_cnt ,
sum(case when to_char(a.created_at,'yyyy-mm')='2020-01' then 1 end) as "1mon",
sum(case when to_char(a.created_at,'yyyy-mm')='2020-02' then 1 end)  as "2mon",
sum(case when to_char(a.created_at,'yyyy-mm')='2020-03' then 1 end)  as "3mon",
sum(case when to_char(a.created_at,'yyyy-mm')='2020-04' then 1 end)  as "4mon",
sum(case when to_char(a.created_at,'yyyy-mm')='2020-05' then 1 end)  as "5mon",
sum(case when to_char(a.created_at,'yyyy-mm')='2020-06' then 1 end)  as "6mon",
sum(case when to_char(a.created_at,'yyyy-mm')='2020-07' then 1 end)  as "7mon",
sum(case when to_char(a.created_at,'yyyy-mm')='2020-08' then 1 end)  as "8mon",
sum(case when to_char(a.created_at,'yyyy-mm')='2020-09' then 1 end)  as "9mon",
sum(case when to_char(a.created_at,'yyyy-mm')='2020-10' then 1 end)  as "10mon",
sum(case when to_char(a.created_at,'yyyy-mm')='2020-11' then 1 end)  as "11mon",
sum(case when to_char(a.created_at,'yyyy-mm')='2020-12' then 1 end)  as "12mon"
from events a left join users b on a.author_id=b.id
where a.created_at>='2020-01-01' and b.state='active' and a.action=5
group by 1,2,3 order by 4 desc


-- 时间活跃区间 排名
select author_id,b.email,b.name,count(1) as sum_cnt,
coalesce(sum(case when extract(hour from a.created_at) = '01' then 1 end),0) as "1h",
coalesce(sum(case when extract(hour from a.created_at) = '02' then 1 end),0) as "2h",
coalesce(sum(case when extract(hour from a.created_at) = '03' then 1 end),0) as "3h",
coalesce(sum(case when extract(hour from a.created_at) = '04' then 1 end),0) as "4h",
coalesce(sum(case when extract(hour from a.created_at) = '05' then 1 end),0) as "5h",
coalesce(sum(case when extract(hour from a.created_at) = '06' then 1 end),0) as "6h",
coalesce(sum(case when extract(hour from a.created_at) = '07' then 1 end),0) as "7h",
coalesce(sum(case when extract(hour from a.created_at) = '08' then 1 end),0) as "8h",
coalesce(sum(case when extract(hour from a.created_at) = '09' then 1 end),0) as "9h",
coalesce(sum(case when extract(hour from a.created_at) = '10' then 1 end),0) as "10h",
coalesce(sum(case when extract(hour from a.created_at) = '11' then 1 end),0) as "11h",
coalesce(sum(case when extract(hour from a.created_at) = '12' then 1 end),0) as "12h",
coalesce(sum(case when extract(hour from a.created_at) = '13' then 1 end),0) as "13h",
coalesce(sum(case when extract(hour from a.created_at) = '14' then 1 end),0) as "14h",
coalesce(sum(case when extract(hour from a.created_at) = '15' then 1 end),0) as "15h",
coalesce(sum(case when extract(hour from a.created_at) = '16' then 1 end),0) as "16h",
coalesce(sum(case when extract(hour from a.created_at) = '17' then 1 end),0) as "17h",
coalesce(sum(case when extract(hour from a.created_at) = '18' then 1 end),0) as "18h",
coalesce(sum(case when extract(hour from a.created_at) = '19' then 1 end),0) as "19h",
coalesce(sum(case when extract(hour from a.created_at) = '20' then 1 end),0) as "20h",
coalesce(sum(case when extract(hour from a.created_at) = '21' then 1 end),0) as "21h",
coalesce(sum(case when extract(hour from a.created_at) = '22' then 1 end),0) as "22h",
coalesce(sum(case when extract(hour from a.created_at) = '23' then 1 end),0) as "23h",
coalesce(sum(case when extract(hour from a.created_at) = '24' then 1 end),0) as "24h"
from events a left join users b on a.author_id=b.id
where a.created_at>='2020-01-01' and b.state='active' and a.action=5
group by 1,2,3 order by 4 desc


-- 每个开发提交最多小时的是每天的几点
select ww.name,ww.email,ww.h_time,ww.cnt from (select wa.email,wa.name,wa.h_time,wa.cnt, ROW_NUMBER() OVER( partition by wa.email,wa.name  ORDER BY cnt desc )  as rnk from
 (select b.email,b.name,extract(hour from a.created_at) as h_time,count(1) as cnt from
events a left join users b on a.author_id=b.id
where a.created_at>='2020-01-01' and b.state='active' and a.action=5
group by 1,2,3)wa ) ww where ww.rnk=1
posted @ 2020-12-29 22:43  5sdba  阅读(179)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报