

  • Layer
  • Sublist3r
  • subDomainsBrute
  • whatweb
  • dirbuster
  • dirsearch
  • 御剑
  • ffuf
  • wafw00f
  • google hack
  • Github信息泄露


  1. 启动软件

  2. 左侧输入域名和要扫描的端口

  3. 要使用自定义字典,将字典命名为dic.txt,放在程序的同目录下,程序自动加载字典

  4. 按下启动键后等待

  5. 收集的子域名可以查看解析ip,开发端口,web服务器,状态。点击标题栏可以进行排序显示

  6. 点击右键可以打开网站,复制域名,ip等,还可导出


下载链接 点我

  1. 使用python写的子域名发现工具,使用OSINT技术(公开来源情报),搜索源包括有百度、Yahoo、Google、Bing、Ask、Netcraft等等除此之外使用通过查找SSL证书、DNS、暴力枚举等这些手段去查找子域名。

  2. 工具代码原理 点我

  3. 查看帮助信息

    └─# python Sublist3r/sublist3r.py -h
    usage: sublist3r.py [-h] -d DOMAIN [-b [BRUTEFORCE]] [-p PORTS]
                        [-v [VERBOSE]] [-t THREADS] [-e ENGINES] [-o OUTPUT]
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -d DOMAIN, --domain DOMAIN
                            Domain name to enumerate it's subdomains
      -b [BRUTEFORCE], --bruteforce [BRUTEFORCE]
                            Enable the subbrute bruteforce module
      -p PORTS, --ports PORTS
                            Scan the found subdomains against specified tcp
      -v [VERBOSE], --verbose [VERBOSE]
                            Enable Verbosity and display results in realtime
      -t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                            Number of threads to use for subbrute bruteforce
      -e ENGINES, --engines ENGINES
                            Specify a comma-separated list of search engines
      -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                            Save the results to text file
      -n, --no-color        Output without color
    Example: python Sublist3r/sublist3r.py -d google.com
    -d -domain要枚举子域的域名
    -b -bruteforce启用subbrute bruteforce模块
    -p -ports根据特定的tcp端口扫描找到的子域
    -v --verbose启用详细模式并实时显示结果
    -t -threads用于subbrute bruteforce的线程数
    -e -engines 指定以逗号分隔的搜索引擎列表
    -o -output将结果保存到文本文件
    -n, --no-color无颜色输出
  4. 运行

    python Sublist3r/sublist3r.py -d qq.com -b -v -t 100

  5. virustotal 报错



下载链接 点我

  1. 用小字典递归地发现三级域名,四级域名、五级域名等域名。小字典就包括1万5千条,大字典多达6万3千条。默认使用Public DNS,114DNS、百度DNS、阿里DNS等

  2. 工具代码分析

  3. 帮助信息

    └─# python subDomainsBrute/subDomainsBrute.py --h             
    Usage: subDomainsBrute.py [options] target.com
      --version             show program's version number and exit
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -f FILE               File contains new line delimited subs, default is
      --full                Full scan, NAMES FILE subnames_full.txt will be used
                            to brute
      -i, --ignore-intranet
                            Ignore domains pointed to private IPs
      -w, --wildcard        Force scan after wildcard test fail
      -t THREADS, --threads=THREADS
                            Num of scan threads, 200 by default
      -p PROCESS, --process=PROCESS
                            Num of scan Process, 6 by default
      -o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT
                            Output file name. default is {target}.txt
      --version            			 显示版本号并退出
      -h, --help            			帮助
      -f FILE             			  指定暴力猜解字典,默认使用subnames.txt.
      --full                			全扫描,使用subnames_full.txt
      -i, --ignore-intranet 			 忽略不想采集的IP地址
      -t THREADS, --threads=THREADS	 	扫描线程数,默认200
      -p PROCESS, --process=PROCESS		扫描进程数,默认为6
      -o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT		 输出文件名称 {target}.txt
  4. 运行

    python subDomainsBrute.py -t 20 baidu.com -o baidu.txt



  1. WhatWeb 可识别 Web 技术,包括内容管理系统(CMS),博客平台,统计/分析包,Javascript 库,服务器和嵌入式设备

  2. 常规使用

    └─# whatweb baidu.com 
    http://baidu.com [200 OK] Apache, Country[CHINA][CN], HTTPServer[Apache], IP[], Meta-Refresh-Redirect[http://www.baidu.com/]
    http://www.baidu.com/ [200 OK] Cookies[BAIDUID,BDSVRTM,BD_HOME,BIDUPSID,H_PS_PSSID,PSTM], Country[CHINA][CN], Email[index@2.png,pop_tri@1x-f4a02fac82.png,qrcode-hover@2x-f9b106a848.png,qrcode@2x-daf987ad02.png,result@2.png], HTML5, HTTPServer[BWS/1.1], IP[], JQuery, Meta-Refresh-Redirect[http://www.baidu.com/baidu.html?from=noscript], OpenSearch[/content-search.xml], Script[application/json,text/javascript], Title[百度一下,你就知道], UncommonHeaders[bdpagetype,bdqid,traceid], X-Frame-Options[sameorigin], X-UA-Compatible[IE=Edge,chrome=1,IE=edge]
    http://www.baidu.com/baidu.html?from=noscript [200 OK] Apache, Cookies[BAIDUID], Country[CHINA][CN], HTML5, HTTPServer[Apache], IP[], Script, Title[百度一下,你就知道], X-UA-Compatible[IE=Edge]
  3. 批量扫描


    └─# whatweb -i 666 
    http://www.csdn.net [301 Moved Permanently] Country[HONG KONG][HK], HTTPServer[openresty], IP[], OpenResty, RedirectLocation[https://www.csdn.net/], Title[301 Moved Permanently]
    http://www.baidu.com [200 OK] Cookies[BAIDUID,BDSVRTM,BD_HOME,BIDUPSID,H_PS_PSSID,PSTM], Country[CHINA][CN], Email[index@2.png,pop_tri@1x-f4a02fac82.png,qrcode-hover@2x-f9b106a848.png,qrcode@2x-daf987ad02.png,result@2.png], HTML5, HTTPServer[BWS/1.1], IP[], JQuery, Meta-Refresh-Redirect[http://www.baidu.com/baidu.html?from=noscript], OpenSearch[/content-search.xml], Script[application/json,text/javascript], Title[百度一下,你就知道], UncommonHeaders[bdpagetype,bdqid,traceid], X-Frame-Options[sameorigin], X-UA-Compatible[IE=Edge,chrome=1,IE=edge]
    http://www.baidu.com/baidu.html?from=noscript [200 OK] Apache, Cookies[BAIDUID], Country[CHINA][CN], HTML5, HTTPServer[Apache], IP[], Script, Title[百度一下,你就知道], X-UA-Compatible[IE=Edge]
    https://www.csdn.net/ [200 OK] Cookies[csrfToken,dc_session_id,uuid_tt_dd], Country[HONG KONG][HK], Django, Email[u002F2941f33f1bd6418ca4b13d3bbce5dd29@sentry.csdn.net], HTML5, HTTPServer[openresty], IP[], JQuery[1.12.4], Script[text/javascript], Shopify, Strict-Transport-Security[max-age=31536000], Title[CSDN - 专业开发者社区], UncommonHeaders[x-response-time,x-content-type-options,x-download-options,x-readtime], X-XSS-Protection[1; mode=block]
  4. 详细回显扫描


    └─# whatweb -v baidu.com
    WhatWeb report for http://baidu.com
    Status    : 200 OK
    Title     : <None>
    IP        :
    Country   : CHINA, CN
    Summary   : HTTPServer[Apache], Apache, Meta-Refresh-Redirect[http://www.baidu.com/]
    Detected Plugins:
    [ Apache ]
            The Apache HTTP Server Project is an effort to develop and 
            maintain an open-source HTTP server for modern operating 
            systems including UNIX and Windows NT. The goal of this 
            project is to provide a secure, efficient and extensible 
            server that provides HTTP services in sync with the current 
            HTTP standards. 
            Google Dorks: (3)
            Website     : http://httpd.apache.org/
    [ HTTPServer ]
            HTTP server header string. This plugin also attempts to 
            identify the operating system from the server header. 
            String       : Apache (from server string)
    [ Meta-Refresh-Redirect ]
            Meta refresh tag is a deprecated URL element that can be 
            used to optionally wait x seconds before reloading the 
            current page or loading a new page. More info: 
            String       : http://www.baidu.com/
    HTTP Headers:
            HTTP/1.1 200 OK
            Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2022 12:35:27 GMT
            Server: Apache
            Last-Modified: Tue, 12 Jan 2010 13:48:00 GMT
            ETag: "51-47cf7e6ee8400"
            Accept-Ranges: bytes
            Content-Length: 81
            Cache-Control: max-age=86400
            Expires: Sat, 19 Mar 2022 12:35:27 GMT
            Connection: Close
            Content-Type: text/html
    WhatWeb report for http://www.baidu.com/
    Status    : 200 OK
    Title     : 百度一下,你就知道
    IP        :
    Country   : CHINA, CN
    Summary   : UncommonHeaders[bdpagetype,bdqid,traceid], HTML5, X-Frame-Options[sameorigin], HTTPServer[BWS/1.1], OpenSearch[/content-search.xml], X-UA-Compatible[IE=Edge,chrome=1,IE=edge], Cookies[BAIDUID,BDSVRTM,BD_HOME,BIDUPSID,H_PS_PSSID,PSTM], Script[application/json,text/javascript], Meta-Refresh-Redirect[http://www.baidu.com/baidu.html?from=noscript], JQuery, Email[index@2.png,pop_tri@1x-f4a02fac82.png,qrcode-hover@2x-f9b106a848.png,qrcode@2x-daf987ad02.png,result@2.png]
    Detected Plugins:
    [ Cookies ]
            Display the names of cookies in the HTTP headers. The 
            values are not returned to save on space. 
            String       : BAIDUID
            String       : BIDUPSID
            String       : PSTM
            String       : BAIDUID
            String       : BDSVRTM
            String       : BD_HOME
            String       : H_PS_PSSID
    [ Email ]
            Extract email addresses. Find valid email address and 
            syntactically invalid email addresses from mailto: link 
            tags. We match syntactically invalid links containing 
            mailto: to catch anti-spam email addresses, eg. bob at 
            gmail.com. This uses the simplified email regular 
            expression from 
            http://www.regular-expressions.info/email.html for valid 
            email address matching. 
            String       : index@2.png,pop_tri@1x-f4a02fac82.png,qrcode-hover@2x-f9b106a848.png,qrcode@2x-daf987ad02.png,result@2.png                                                                                                     
    [ HTML5 ]
            HTML version 5, detected by the doctype declaration 
    [ HTTPServer ]
            HTTP server header string. This plugin also attempts to 
            identify the operating system from the server header. 
            String       : BWS/1.1 (from server string)
    [ JQuery ]
            A fast, concise, JavaScript that simplifies how to traverse 
            HTML documents, handle events, perform animations, and add 
            Website     : http://jquery.com/
    [ Meta-Refresh-Redirect ]
            Meta refresh tag is a deprecated URL element that can be 
            used to optionally wait x seconds before reloading the 
            current page or loading a new page. More info: 
            String       : http://www.baidu.com/baidu.html?from=noscript
    [ OpenSearch ]
            This plugin identifies open search and extracts the URL. 
            OpenSearch is a collection of simple formats for the 
            sharing of search results. 
            String       : /content-search.xml
    [ Script ]
            This plugin detects instances of script HTML elements and 
            returns the script language/type. 
            String       : application/json,text/javascript
    [ UncommonHeaders ]
            Uncommon HTTP server headers. The blacklist includes all 
            the standard headers and many non standard but common ones. 
            Interesting but fairly common headers should have their own 
            plugins, eg. x-powered-by, server and x-aspnet-version. 
            Info about headers can be found at www.http-stats.com 
            String       : bdpagetype,bdqid,traceid (from headers)
    [ X-Frame-Options ]
            This plugin retrieves the X-Frame-Options value from the 
            HTTP header. - More Info: 
            String       : sameorigin
    [ X-UA-Compatible ]
            This plugin retrieves the X-UA-Compatible value from the 
            HTTP header and meta http-equiv tag. - More Info: 
            String       : IE=edge
            String       : IE=Edge,chrome=1
    HTTP Headers:
            HTTP/1.1 200 OK
            Bdpagetype: 1
            Bdqid: 0xeab2f9da0007f83d
            Cache-Control: private
            Content-Encoding: gzip
            Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
            Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2022 12:35:29 GMT
            Expires: Fri, 18 Mar 2022 12:35:29 GMT
            P3p: CP=" OTI DSP COR IVA OUR IND COM "
            P3p: CP=" OTI DSP COR IVA OUR IND COM "
            Server: BWS/1.1
            Set-Cookie: BAIDUID=843ACE191CAF5BDF641FA4856CEF748E:FG=1; expires=Thu, 31-Dec-37 23:55:55 GMT; max-age=2147483647; path=/; domain=.baidu.com
            Set-Cookie: BIDUPSID=843ACE191CAF5BDF641FA4856CEF748E; expires=Thu, 31-Dec-37 23:55:55 GMT; max-age=2147483647; path=/; domain=.baidu.com
            Set-Cookie: PSTM=1647606929; expires=Thu, 31-Dec-37 23:55:55 GMT; max-age=2147483647; path=/; domain=.baidu.com
            Set-Cookie: BAIDUID=843ACE191CAF5BDF760373BF08C47CC4:FG=1; max-age=31536000; expires=Sat, 18-Mar-23 12:35:29 GMT; domain=.baidu.com; path=/; version=1; comment=bd
            Set-Cookie: BDSVRTM=10; path=/
            Set-Cookie: BD_HOME=1; path=/
            Set-Cookie: H_PS_PSSID=36067_35106_31253_36021_34812_35911_34584_36120_36074_36109_35984_35320_26350_36101_36062; path=/; domain=.baidu.com
            Traceid: 1647606929262280909816911854265428342845
            X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
            X-Ua-Compatible: IE=Edge,chrome=1
            Connection: close
            Transfer-Encoding: chunked
    WhatWeb report for http://www.baidu.com/baidu.html?from=noscript
    Status    : 200 OK
    Title     : 百度一下,你就知道
    IP        :
    Country   : CHINA, CN
    Summary   : HTML5, HTTPServer[Apache], Apache, X-UA-Compatible[IE=Edge], Cookies[BAIDUID], Script
    Detected Plugins:
    [ Apache ]
            The Apache HTTP Server Project is an effort to develop and 
            maintain an open-source HTTP server for modern operating 
            systems including UNIX and Windows NT. The goal of this 
            project is to provide a secure, efficient and extensible 
            server that provides HTTP services in sync with the current 
            HTTP standards. 
            Google Dorks: (3)
            Website     : http://httpd.apache.org/
    [ Cookies ]
            Display the names of cookies in the HTTP headers. The 
            values are not returned to save on space. 
            String       : BAIDUID
    [ HTML5 ]
            HTML version 5, detected by the doctype declaration 
    [ HTTPServer ]
            HTTP server header string. This plugin also attempts to 
            identify the operating system from the server header. 
            String       : Apache (from server string)
    [ Script ]
            This plugin detects instances of script HTML elements and 
            returns the script language/type. 
    [ X-UA-Compatible ]
            This plugin retrieves the X-UA-Compatible value from the 
            HTTP header and meta http-equiv tag. - More Info: 
            String       : IE=Edge
    HTTP Headers:
            HTTP/1.1 200 OK
            Accept-Ranges: bytes
            Cache-Control: max-age=86400
            Content-Encoding: gzip
            Content-Length: 1131
            Content-Type: text/html
            Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2022 12:35:35 GMT
            Etag: "b83-59bafefa98680"
            Expires: Sat, 19 Mar 2022 12:35:35 GMT
            Last-Modified: Thu, 09 Jan 2020 07:27:06 GMT
            P3p: CP=" OTI DSP COR IVA OUR IND COM "
            Server: Apache
            Set-Cookie: BAIDUID=931BB16E756618D76A155B2EB8A4263B:FG=1; expires=Sat, 18-Mar-23 12:35:35 GMT; max-age=31536000; path=/; domain=.baidu.com; version=1
            Vary: Accept-Encoding,User-Agent
            Connection: close
  5. 强度扫描控制


    └─# whatweb -a 3 www.baidu.com
    http://www.baidu.com [200 OK] Cookies[BAIDUID,BDSVRTM,BD_HOME,BIDUPSID,H_PS_PSSID,PSTM], Country[CHINA][CN], Email[index@2.png,pop_tri@1x-f4a02fac82.png,qrcode-hover@2x-f9b106a848.png,qrcode@2x-daf987ad02.png,result@2.png], HTML5, HTTPServer[BWS/1.1], IP[], JQuery, Meta-Refresh-Redirect[http://www.baidu.com/baidu.html?from=noscript], OpenSearch[/content-search.xml], Script[application/json,text/javascript], Title[百度一下,你就知道], UncommonHeaders[bdpagetype,bdqid,traceid], X-Frame-Options[sameorigin], X-UA-Compatible[IE=Edge,chrome=1,IE=edge]
    http://www.baidu.com/baidu.html?from=noscript [200 OK] Apache, Cookies[BAIDUID], Country[CHINA][CN], HTML5, HTTPServer[Apache], IP[], Script, Title[百度一下,你就知道], X-UA-Compatible[IE=Edge]
  6. 快速扫描内网主机

    └─# whatweb --no-errors -t 255 [302 Found] Boa-WebServer[0.94.13], Country[RESERVED][ZZ], HTTPServer[Boa/0.94.13], IP[], RedirectLocation[/cgi-bin/index2.asp], Title[302 Moved Temporarily], X-Frame-Options[SAMEORIGIN] [200 OK] Country[RESERVED][ZZ], IP[], JQuery[1.8.3], MetaGenerator[Microsoft FrontPage 5.0], PasswordField[Password], Script[javascript,text/JavaScript], Title[Login], X-Frame-Options[SAMEORIGIN]
  7. 扫描结果导出


    └─# whatweb www.baidu.com --log-xml=baidu.xml
    --log-brief=FILE            简单的记录,每个网站只记录一条返回信息
    --log-verbose=FILE            详细输出
    --log-xml=FILE            返回xml格式的日志
    --log-json=FILE            以json格式记录日志
    --log-json-verbose=FILE            记录详细的json日志
    --log-magictree=FILE            xml的树形结构
    --log-object=FILE            ruby对象格式
    --log-mongo-database            mongo数据库格式


  1. 配置文件 /usr/share/dirbuster

  2. 标注

  3. 查看扫描出的文件


  1. 查看树状


  1. 扫描完成后可以导出报告



  1. 配置文件


  2. 常用参数

    • -u 指定网址
    • -e 指定网站语言
    • -w 指定字典
    • -t 线程
    • -r 递归目录(跑出目录后,继续跑目录下面的目录)
    • --random-agent 随机一个User-agent 对每一个请求
    • -i,包含状态,逗号分割 200,300
    • -x,排除状态 ,逗号分割 301,500-599
    • -h
  3. 实践


    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.132 Safari/537.36 OPR/50.0.2762.58
    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.132 Safari/537.36
    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.84 Safari/537.36


    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.88 Safari/537.36
    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.88 Safari/537.36
    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.88 Safari/537.36






  1. Go 编写的模糊测试器

• -u url地址/后面家FUZZ
• -w 设置字典,指定多个字典用 分隔
• -c 将响应状态码用颜色区分,windows下无法实现该效果。
• -t 线程率,默认40
• -p 请求延时: 0.1、0.2s
• -ac 自动校准fuzz结果
• -H Header头,格式为 “Name: Value”
• -X HTTP method to use
• -d POST data
• -r 跟随重定向
• -recursion num 递归扫描
• -x 设置代理 http 或 socks5://
• -s 不打印附加信息,简洁输出
• -e 设置脚本语言 -e .asp,.php,.html,.txt等
• -o 输出文本
• -of 输出格式文件,支持html、json、md、csv、或者all

  1. 简单的网站目录扫描

    ffuf -u http://site.com/FUZZ -w ./wordlist.txt 
  2. 需要递归的目录扫描

    ffuf -u http://site.com/FUZZ -w ./wordlist.txt -recursion -recursion-depth 1 
    -recursion 指定进行递归扫描。默认不递归
    -recursion-depth 指定递归的深度。默认是1 
  3. 扫描敏感文件

    ffuf -u http://site.com/FUZZ -w ./wordlist.txt -e .bak 
    -e 扫描指定后缀的文件
  4. 多个字典扫描

    ffuf -u http://FUZZDOMAIN/FUZZDIR -w ./domain.txt:FUZZDOMAIN,./wordlist.txt:FUZZDIR 
  5. 文件中获取

    ffuf -request /request.txt -w ./wordlist.txt 
  6. fuzz子域名

    ffuf -w hosts.txt -u https://example.org/ -H "Host: FUZZ" -mc 200 


  1. 帮助信息
Usage: wafw00f url1 [url2 [url3 ... ]]
example: wafw00f http://www.victim.org/

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         Enable verbosity, multiple -v options increase verbosity
  						# 启用详细程度,多个 -v 选项会增加详细程度
  -a, --findall         Find all WAFs which match the signatures, do not stop testing on the first one
  						# 查找与签名匹配的所有 WAF,不要停止测试第一个
  -r, --noredirect      Do not follow redirections given by 3xx responses
  						# 不要遵循 3xx 响应给出的重定向
  -t TEST, --test=TEST  Test for one specific WAF
  						# 测试一种特定的 WAF
  -o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT
                        Write output to csv, json or text file depending on file extension. For stdout, specify - as filename.
                        # 根据文件扩展名将输出写入 csv、json 或文本文件。 对于标准输出,指定 - 作为文件名。
  -i INPUT, --input-file=INPUT
                        Read targets from a file. Input format can be csv,json or text. For csv and json, a `url` column name or element is required.
                        # 从文件中读取目标。 输入格式可以是 csv、json 或文本。 对于 csv 和 json,需要一个 `url` 列名或元素
  -l, --list            List all WAFs that WAFW00F is able to detect
  						#列出 WAFW00F 能够检测到的所有 WAF
  -p PROXY, --proxy=PROXY
                        Use an HTTP proxy to perform requests, examples:
                        http://hostname:8080, socks5://hostname:1080,
                        # http代理
  -V, --version         Print out the current version of WafW00f and exit.
  						# 打印出当前版本的 WafW00f 并退出
  -H HEADERS, --headers=HEADERS
                        Pass custom headers via a text file to overwrite the
                        default header set.
                        # 通过文本文件传递自定义标题以覆盖默认标题集。
  1. 原理

    • 发送正常的http请求并分析响应;这样来确定WAF。

    • 如果失败了,它将发送多个(可能是恶意的)http请求,并使用简单的逻辑来推断出它是哪个WAF。

    • 如果还是不成功,它将分析先前返回的响应,并使用另一种简单算法来猜测WAF或安全方案是否正在主动响应我们的攻击

  2. 扫描单个

    └─# wafw00f http://www.qq.com
  3. 扫描多个

    └─# wafw00f http://www.qq.com http://www.baidu.com

google hack

  1. ​ 用法

    • Site:特定域名下进行搜索。
    • Domain:查询自身网站的外部链接。
    • Inurl:指令用于搜索查询词出现在url中的页面。
    • Intitle:进行搜索含关键字的标题。
    • Info:查找指定站点的一些基本信息。
    • Filetype:只搜索某些特定类型的文件格式。
    • Link:返回所有和xxxxxxx做了链接的URL
    • Index:返回的网页中在正文部分包含关键词。
    • Define:搜索某个词语的定义
    • And:利用and表示前后两个关键词是“与”的逻辑关系
    • cache:缓存里的内容


in:name test               #仓库标题搜索含有关键字test
in:description test         #仓库描述搜索含有关键字
in:readme test             #Readme文件搜素含有关键字
stars:>3000 test           #stars数量大于3000的搜索关键字
stars:1000..3000 test      #stars数量大于1000小于3000的搜索关键字
forks:>1000 test           #forks数量大于1000的搜索关键字
forks:1000..3000 test      #forks数量大于1000小于3000的搜索关键字
size:>=5000 test           #指定仓库大于5000k(5M)的搜索关键字
pushed:>2019-02-12 test    #发布时间大于2019-02-12的搜索关键字
created:>2019-02-12 test   #创建时间大于2019-02-12的搜索关键字
user:test                  #用户名搜素
license:apache-2.0 test    #明确仓库的 LICENSE 搜索关键字
language:java test         #在java语言的代码中搜索关键字
user:test in:name test     #组合搜索,用户名test的标题含有test的
  1. 使用github进行邮件配置信息收集

    site:Github.com smtp
    site:Github.com smtp @qq.com
    site:Github.com smtp @126.com
    site:Github.com smtp @163.com
    site:Github.com smtp @sina.com.cn
    site:Github.com smtp password 
    site:Github.com String password smtp
    我们也可以锁定域名搜索结合厂商域名 灵活运用例如搜百度的
    site:Github.com smtp @baidu.com
  2. github数据库收集

    site:Github.com sa password
    site:Github.com root password
    site:Github.com User ID=’sa’;Password
    site:Github.com inurl:sql
  3. svn信息收集

    site:Github.com svn
    site:Github.com svn username
    site:Github.com svn password
    site:Github.com svn username password 
  4. 综合信息收集

    site:Github.com password
    site:Github.com ftp ftppassword
    site:Github.com 密码
    site:Github.com 内部


  1. TCP 端口进行扫描,使用 SYN 扫描的方式,不建立一个完全的 TCP 连接,而是首先发送一个 SYN 数据包到目标端口,然后等待接收。如果接收到 SYN-ACK 包,则说明该端口是开放的,此时发送一个 RST 结束建立过程即可;否则,若目标返回 RST,则端口不开放

  2. 帮助

    1、单独的IPv4地址 2、类似""的范围地址 3、CIDR地址 类似于"",多个目标可以用都好隔开
    -p <ports,--ports <ports>> 指定端口进行扫描
    --banners 获取banner信息,支持少量的协议
    --rate <packets-per-second> 指定发包的速率
    -c <filename>, --conf <filename> 读取配置文件进行扫描
    --echo 将当前的配置重定向到一个配置文件中
    -e <ifname> , --adapter <ifname> 指定用来发包的网卡接口名称
    --adapter-ip <ip-address> 指定发包的IP地址
    --adapter-port <port> 指定发包的源端口
    --adapter-mac <mac-address> 指定发包的源MAC地址
    --router-mac <mac address> 指定网关的MAC地址
    --exclude <ip/range> IP地址范围黑名单,防止masscan扫描
    --excludefile <filename> 指定IP地址范围黑名单文件
    --includefile,-iL <filename> 读取一个范围列表进行扫描
    --ping 扫描应该包含ICMP回应请求
    --append-output 以附加的形式输出到文件
    --iflist 列出可用的网络接口,然后退出
    --retries 发送重试的次数,以1秒为间隔
    --nmap 打印与nmap兼容的相关信息
    --http-user-agent <user-agent> 设置user-agent字段的值
    --show [open,close] 告诉要显示的端口状态,默认是显示开放端口
    --noshow [open,close] 禁用端口状态显示
    --pcap <filename> 将接收到的数据包以libpcap格式存储
    --regress 运行回归测试,测试扫描器是否正常运行
    --ttl <num> 指定传出数据包的TTL值,默认为255
    --wait <seconds> 指定发送完包之后的等待时间,默认为10秒
    --offline 没有实际的发包,主要用来测试开销
    -sL 不执行扫描,主要是生成一个随机地址列表
    --readscan <binary-files> 读取从-oB生成的二进制文件,可以转化为XML或者JSON格式.
    --connection-timeout <secs> 抓取banners时指定保持TCP连接的最大秒数,默认是30秒。
  3. 简单使用

  • 单端口扫描

    masscan -p443
  • 多端口扫描

    masscan -p80,443
  • 扫描一系列端口

    masscan -p22-25
  • 快速扫描


    masscan --top-ports 100 -rate 100000
  • 排除目标

    masscan --top-ports 100 --excluedefile exclude.txt
  • 保存扫描结果

    masscan --top-ports 100 > result.txt
  • 支持的输出格式

    -oX filename : 将扫描结果保存到xml格式的文件中
    -oG filename : 将扫描结果保存到grepable格式的文件中
    -oJ filename : 将扫描结果保存到json格式的文件中
  • 扫描十大端口

    masscan -top-ten -rate 100000



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