


第6章 移动语义和enable_if:6.4 使用enable_if<>

Posted on 2020-04-25 23:12  浅墨浓香  阅读(755)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

6.4 Using enable_if<>

6.4 使用enable_if<>


We can use enable_if<> to solve our problem with the constructor template introduced in Section 6.2 on page 95.



The problem we have to solve is to disable the declaration of the template constructor


template<typename STR>
Person(STR&& n);

if the passed argument STR has the right type (i.e., is a std::string or a type convertible to std::string).



For this, we use another standard type trait, std::is_convertible<FROM,TO>. With C++17, the corresponding declaration looks as follows:


template<typename STR,
         typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible_v<STR, std::string>>>
Person(STR&& n);  


 If type STR is convertible to type std::string, the whole declaration expands to


template<typename STR, typename = void>
Person(STR&& n);


If type STR is not convertible to type std::string, the whole function template is ignored.



Again, we can define our own name for the constraint by using an alias template:


template<typename T>
using EnableIfString = std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible_v<T, std::string>>;


template<typename STR, typename = EnableIfString<STR>>
Person(STR&& n);

 Thus, the whole class Person should look as follows:


#include <utility>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>

template<typename T>
using EnableIfString = std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible_v<T, std::string>>;

class Person
    std::string name;
    // generic constructor for passed initial name:
    template<typename STR, typename = EnableIfString<STR>>
    explicit Person(STR && n) : name(std::forward<STR>(n)) {
        std::cout << "TMPL-CONSTR for '" << name << "'\n";

    // copy and move constructor:
    Person(Person const& p) : name(p.name) {
        std::cout << "COPY-CONSTR Person '" << name << "'\n";

    Person(Person&& p) noexcept : name(std::move(p.name)) {
        std::cout << "MOVE-CONSTR Person '" << name << "'\n";

Now, all calls behave as expected:


#include "specialmemtmpl3.hpp"
int main()
    std::string s = "sname";
    Person p1(s); // init with string object => calls TMPL-CONSTR
    Person p2("tmp"); // init with string literal => calls TMPL-CONSTR

    Person p3(p1); // OK => calls COPY-CONSTR
    Person p4(std::move(p1)); // OK => calls MOVE-CONST

Note again that in C++14, we have to declare the alias template as follows, because the _v version is not defined for type traits that yield a value:


template<typename T>
using EnableIfString = std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible<T, std::string>::value>;

And in C++11, we have to declare the special member template as follows, because as written the _t version is not defined for type traits that yield a type:


template<typename T>
using EnableIfString = typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<T,std::string>::value>::type;


But that’s all hidden now in the definition of EnableIfString<>.



Note also that there is an alternative to using std::is_convertible<> because it requires that the types are implicitly convertible. By using std::is_constructible<>, we also allow explicit conversions to be used for the initialization. However, the order of the arguments is the opposite is this case:

还请注意,除了使用要求类型之间可以隐式转换的std::is_convertible<>之外,还可以使用std::is_constructible<>,因为它允许在初始化使用显式类型转换。但是在这种情况下,参数的顺序和std::is_ convertible <>是相反的:

template<typename T>
using EnableIfString = std::enable_if_t<std::is_constructible_v<std::string, T>>;

See Section D.3.2 on page 719 for details about std::is_constructible<> and Section D.3.3 on page 727 for details about std::is_convertible<>. See Section D.6 on page 734 for details and examples to apply enable_if<> on variadic templates.



Disabling Special Member Functions



Note that normally we can’t use enable_if<> to disable the predefined copy/move constructors and/or assignment operators. The reason is that member function templates never count as special member functions and are ignored when, for example, a copy constructor is needed. Thus, with this declaration:


class C {
    template<typename T>
    C (T const&) {
        std::cout << "tmpl copy constructor\n";

the predefined copy constructor is still used, when a copy of a C is requested:


C x;
C y{x}; // 仍然使用的是默认拷贝构造函数 (而不是成员模板)

(There is really no way to use the member template because there is no way to specify or deduce its template parameter T.)



Deleting the predefined copy constructor is no solution, because then the trial to copy a C results in an error.



There is a tricky solution, though: We can declare a copy constructor for const volatile arguments and mark it “deleted” (i.e., define it with = delete). Doing so prevents another copy constructor from being implicitly declared. With that in place, we can define a constructor template that will be preferred over the (deleted) copy constructor for nonvolatile types:

但是这里有一个技巧性的解决方案:我们可以声明一个接受const volatile参数的构造函数并将其标为deleted(也就是定义为=delete)。这样做就会阻止隐式生成默认构造函数。在此基础上,我们可以定义的一个构造函数模板,对于非volatile类型的参数,成员模板会被优先匹配(相较于己删除的copy构造函数):

class C
    // user-define the predefined copy constructor as deleted
    // (with conversion to volatile to enable better matches)
    C(C const volatile&) = delete;

    // implement copy constructor template with better match:
    template<typename T>
    C (T const&) {
        std::cout << "tmpl copy constructor\n";

Now the template constructors are used even for “normal” copying:


C x;
C y{x}; // 使用成员模板

In such a template constructor we can then apply additional constraints with enable_if<>. For example, to prevent being able to copy objects of a class template C<> if the template parameter is an integral type, we can implement the following:


class C

   // user-define the predefined copy constructor as deleted
   // (with conversion to volatile to enable better matches)
   C(C const volatile&) = delete;

   // if T is no integral type, provide copy constructor template with better match:
   template<typename U,
            typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_integral<U>::value>>
    C(C<U> const&) {



#include <iostream>

class Test
    Test() = default;
    Test(const Test&) = delete;

    template<typename T>
    Test(const T&) {
        std::cout << "impl Test(const T&)"<< std::endl;

class Demo
    Demo() = default;

    //技巧:由于定义了const volatile版本(并标为delete)的拷贝构造函数
    Demo(const volatile Demo&) = delete;

    template<typename T>
    Demo(const T&)
        std::cout << "impl Demo(const T&)" << std::endl;

int main()
    Test t;
    //Test t1(t); //由于拷贝函数被声明为delete,就说明该类不允许拷贝。
                  //但是Test(const Test&) = delete;这个普通的会被优先匹配。
    Demo d;
    Demo d1(d);  //OK。当尝试拷贝d时,由于找不到默认拷贝构造函数Demo(const Demo&)

    return 0;
impl Demo(const T&)